General Discussion

General Discussionitem choice on viper ?

item choice on viper ? in General Discussion

    obviously scepter and sometime mek if either your team have pushing potential or your team mates can't rush a pre 12-14 mins mek.
    but on you guys's opinion, what's next ?

    i sometimes choose BKB/Manta/Shiva depends on the game, and what boot do you think is better on viper, PT or Phase?


      ac/pipe/heart. pt.


        It really depends on picks and what your team needs the most. If you need to stay in front lines, I think heart is pretty good, if your team needs armor or enemy has something that rightclicks really hard ac/shivas/heavens halberd is pretty good, even hex is nice if you lack disables/stuns, if you lack damage you get mkb, daedalus.... It's very situational what you get after that. And about boots I prefer PTs.


          get annoying items... i dont rly play viper but a force staff would do him good


            i really doubt AC on viper - it's not for a agi carry because you don't need that much of as/armor at the same time, maybe better with str carries
            AC/Shiva/halbert, i think shiva is the best, the slow aura is really huge
            i really like HoT/pipe idea, maybe i will give it a shot when the right time comes

            @benao please explain, i think it's bad since FS is a support item or for some specific heroes that their skills have a good synergy with FS, like WR ? and viper is a guys who should stay firm in the front line if i'm not wrong


              thats cause you're bad same reason you think ac is bad so instead of asking and not giving a fuck go fuck yourself and die alone in a hole far away motherfucker


                ac is nice because you are tanky and dont pussy out/die in a fight so the aura works well.
                also the aura works against towers. AS is nice because standard build of treads mek aghs gives like 45/51 AS which rly isnt alot.
                shivas somewhat suboptimal i think.

                blademail is situationally good cos u like to run into random aoes for corrosive proc so might as well. not sure though.

                Этот комментарий был изменён

                  Best Item for Viper himself is a Butterfly, however that ain't going to happen till mid-late game. Lot of folks go with Mek first item. I hate it, but if you plan on pushing early for map control and deathballing then it's great, typically viper gets it because he can CS early game really well and get it online very quickly.


                    I usually go starting items, build into RoA then phase boots, then mek

                    After that it's based on my farm and whether I need to spam my ult, pierce bfly, hp boost from heart, etc.

                    My start mid is almost always roa, pb, mek though.

                    Dire Wolf

                      Phase vs treads is a toss up, kind of depends on the opposing team and whether you need escape/chase down ability or you're just going to tank them.

                      Your other items depend on your team. If you are a 1 or 2 spot skip aghs, go mek straight to butterfly or ac. If you're a 2 or 3 go mek, maybe a drums, aghs, butterfly or heart.


                        i have just look at the TI games which involved viper, but can only see 7 lastest games.


                        LGD.Lin on Viper
                        skill build 1-1-3
                        item choice mek, scepter
                        i didnot remember is that a safelane/offlane/mid viper, anyone please remind me if u remember

                        maybe this game he build scepter to lock down void or YYF's BB? any thought from u guys?


                        Newbee.Mu on Viper
                        go mid versus ember and he go 1-2-2, 3rd skill at level 4-5, maybe because he think ember go 1-3 so corrorsive skin is bad on early levels, if he go near to hit the ember with corrosive, Super will chains and chop so he go 1-2 in 3 first levels to harass and last hit?
                        item choice mek, orge axe ( so maybe bkb/scepter )


                        LGD.Lin on Viper again
                        skill choice 1-2-2 with 2 nethertoxin and 1 poison attack at 3 first level, seems to be a farming viper
                        item choice mek, orge axe ( bkb/scepter again )


                        VG.Super on Viper
                        skill choice 1-2-2, 1 poison attack and 2 nethertoxin at 3 first levels again, agaist an enemy brew.
                        item choice mek, orge axe

                        well now at least not another Chinese Viper
                        rtz skill choice 3-2-0, against an enemy DK maybe corrosive skin is not needed because rtz wants to emphasize on farming and harrassing potential since it's a viper vs melee match-up and DK's regen is sick so the corrosive's DoT doesn't work well against him
                        item choice drum,manta, bkb and wait AN ASSAULT CUIRASS

                        what do u guys think on rtz's item choice ? he skipped mek because enigma is a good mek rusher then he skip scepter because VG's damage dealer is NP ( a ranged hero ) and DK ( ranged form in combat ) or why? anyone have any idea
                        and what about the AC? to max out the DPS and give bonus armor to ppd's Alche or any other idea ? from his skill build ( not a single level on corrosive till 9 ) and item build ( drum, AC, manta, BKB ) i think he is more a DPS than a tank

                        can anyone suggest more please?


                          and what i can see from those stat is pros prefer PT over Phase (mb because of the tanky and DPS purpose ) and they tend to go mek/scepter/bkb for majority of time, especially against melee carry scepter is a pain in the ***
                          and corrosive skill is not really loved till 4, dunno why, maybe only need is early when facing tinker/TA/razor


                            and okay, shiva is shit on viper, fuck shiva builders


                              You shouldn't base your decision on what pro's do. That's a big problem in pubs now a days, everyone thinks they are pro. Pro's have strategy, they know what they are all going to build and do as they are drafting. They know their roles. RTZ build is Viper, thats viper.. Mek viper is deathball early game push. Problem with Mek is it falls off and the hero carrying it will fall off too if it gets to that point.

                              Edit to rephrase.. A carry , carrying a mek can fall off late game. Like Razor, Viper... Super strong early game with a mek, but if the game prolongs it gets to a point where the mek aint going to cut it and they are now, not build as a carry. Deadweight.

                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                Base your survivability items on the game you are in. Sometimes that means pipe, or linkens, or AC, or Shivas.


                                  Viper falls off late game no matter what, though. The mek is to push the advantage early so you don't have to go to late game. It should fall on a true hard carry to pull through late game, in my opinion at least.


                                    Ac is very good for 5 man strat after mek and aghanim, as well as manta or mkb.

                                    Quick maffs

                                      "thats cause you're bad same reason you think ac is bad so instead of asking and not giving a fuck go fuck yourself and die alone in a hole far away motherfucker"

                                      YOU HAVE ISSUES MATE, YOU SERIOUSLY DO


                                      Dont play viper, no one likes viper


                                        Dagon 5 rush is the only way to play him IMO.


                                          i usually end up building a halberd