General Discussion

General DiscussionScam Attempt

Scam Attempt in General Discussion
[DFG] Whale King

    Well, someone tried to scam me today,
    It was pretty obvious but I just thought I'd show everyone what a simple scam looked like so they wouldn't fall for such things. Basically keep in mind that if a promised item is NOT in the trade box, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE IT. In this case they were particularly generous by making a few errors. Feel free to also report this person for attempted scam, and here is a link to the scam attempt as well as his dotabuff. As soon as I called him out on it, he blocked me.
    Happy Gaming,


    Dotabuff Profile:

    and lastly, his steam profile, knock yourselves out and please through out a report, although I doubt it'll do much, worth a shot. Don't want this person to keep trying to scam unsuspecting gamers without repercussions

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    Hatsune Miku

      sad.sad.sad.sad.sad its a pinoy :< fml


        Lol'd so hard at his name.. Nami is actually the name of a thief character in One Piece. Dunno how u could miss that :crazy: