General Discussion

General DiscussionI think I just got done playing a whole bunch of stupid.

I think I just got done playing a whole bunch of stupid. in General Discussion

    "I'm gonna pick AM/void offlane support."

    The match isn't showing up but he picked AM into bloodseeker and went vanguard then mek. Then he had tiny go dagon cause he convinced him it was a "good idea" then flames whole team for being noobs and such.

    I think my IQ dropped about 7 points today.

    Ples Mercy

      - am 'support' 52cs
      - you 58 cs

      also he had more exp and better stats. How the fuck can you complain if u are as bad or even worse?


        It was more like "Hey I'm mid and there's a tinker here who keeps sending me back home."

        Also blood was out for me more than AM, seeing how AM just has a mek and a vanguard and I actually had damage to deal, So I was taken out of the team fight right off the back.

        And "Better stats" doesn't equal "better player" He would ult tinker and get a double kill from it. It was hard for me to land a good combo for they all had blink daggers and such, making me only hit one person with a boat and not get much from a teamfight.

        So yeah, first one out of the team fight every fight, and AM still only had 52 to my 58.

        Try again blunt.


          Dude, you are bad. As bad as almost anyone you'll ever try to blame for ruining your games. Admit it and move on. Until you get something like 6k MMR and game starts to purposely balance you with your teammates, you are as bad as anyone of them, despite you liking it or not.

          Этот комментарий был изменён

            By that logic it's my fault that AM went Mek, and my fault that Tiny went dagon.....

            I'm sorry that doesn't seem to float very well here.


              Yes those two players are awful.

              Buuuuut, there is pretty much no excuse for 58 last hits in a 30min game. So while you are right to be annoyed with support AM, you also should take a look at what you can improve upon.


                By that logic it's my fault that AM went Mek, and my fault that Tiny went dagon

                no, it's your fault that that you expect anything from your teammates despite them being retarded

                if you think you're better than your teammates, they must be worse. and if that is the case, why are you relying on them to help you.

                why do you think most people on the leaderboards play mid? because they pick a role that isn't reliant on teammates who are going to be worse than them.

                Ples Mercy

                  "Hey I'm mid and there's a tinker here who keeps sending me back home."

                  bottle crow, kinda amazing thing to do.

                  "Also blood was out for me more than AM, seeing how AM just has a mek and a vanguard and I actually had damage to deal, So I was taken out of the team fight right off the back."

                  Tp very rare item and costs a lot.

                  And "Better stats" doesn't equal "better player" He would ult tinker and get a double kill from it. It was hard for me to land a good combo for they all had blink daggers and such, making me only hit one person with a boat and not get much from a teamfight.

                  Blink dagger costs 100g, i forgot, also all == 2 players, gotcha.

                  I smell hael. Anyone else?


                    Torrent first makes it hard for them to blink imo

                    Ples Mercy

                      don't question his greatness, how dare u.


                        I know that, I strive to better my self 24/7.

                        But people shouldn't be like "Well you are just as bad as them." When clearly that shit doesn't fly.

                        Like seriously.

                        If this shit happened the higher bracket, then people like Wink, Havoc, and even me will be all over that shit. But for this retardation to happen in the lower bracket shouldn't be just glanced over. It's like saying "Hey, everyone in 3k goes AM and builds a mek all the time. Also, RUSH DAGON HUEHUEHUEHUE."

                        There are some genuine good players in the lower bracket. Saying that I'm one of the is egotistical of me. But, I have made really great plays in my time.

                        Like going 26/0/17 as phoenix. Call it a stomp or "Low bracket huehue." as much as you want, to me that's a fucking achievement.

                        I'm just saying that our bracket has a difference between good and bad too. Mek AM? That's bad. Me getting 58 CS? That's bad. Everyone thrashing on our lower bracket so that we are discourage to not play the game anymore? Really REALLY bad.

                        It's like saying this. "You will never be good unless your number in your profile is good enough." It's true for the higher people, but why the actual flying hell is it an exception for the lower tier people to have that number dignify their game worth. If somone like Artzeey had a solo MMR of 1k, no one would call him out and call him a noob on it? Why? CAUSE IT'S A FUCKING NUMBER.

                        And yeah I can farm better, but I don't like doing the whole "Farming game." I rather be a hard core team killing ganker than a sit and wait farmer for 45 mins. (Probably explains my AM winrate).

                        To me, I say let the GPM speak more than the CS. That is unfair on how a person plays is determined on their CS.

                        This game for example:
                        Did I do bad cause I got 38 CS? By your books it seems to be the case. Must focus farming at all given god damn time in order to get good.

                        Bloody hell, It's like you guys can (or will find) anything wrong with anyone and rip them apart. I'm not a farming person, I rather be helping by killing off heroes with ganking heroes.

                        @Blunt, Yes TP is so great when Blood seeker and crew can kill you before TP is done.

                        I didn't think I needed to bottle crow I got almost every rune early on in the game. Just was warded so ganking was nearly impossible

                        @artemis kinda hard when ever they push the tower they wait for the tiny to come out or search for me when they even get close.

                        @Blunt again, I don't think I'm great, by fucking hell this ain't a dick measuring contest.

                        @Androgynous I really REALLY don't like the idea of being "fuck you, got mine" cause I think a person who calls balls deep then blames teammates for not doing anything while he dives two towers is a perfect example of "Not relying on teammates." Teammates are good and all, but jesus christ when they all wanna carry they wall wanna fucking carry.

                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                          Uhh, you're misunderstanding our comments about "farming."

                          Firstly, Nyx is not played the same way as kunkka, nor does nyx have a passive that lets him deal massive cleave damage to creeps without using any mana.

                          Secondly, being better at last hitting is not in any way afk farming, or being a "sit and wait farmer for 45 mins." When in lane, you should be pulling aggro to get the creeps in a favorable position, use animation canceling to get last hits if you need, time your hitting better. If you hit a creep, then it dies to another creep's autoattack, you messed up. EVERYONE misses last hits, but securing more last hits per minute is a huge portion of the game. Period.

                          Yes you can win with low last hits. If you are playing Nyx for example, and you roam, gank, and get high kill participation, great.

                          Third, your skill is not determined by your number. Your number is determined by your skill. So of course Arteezy would never have 1k.

                          If you're mad that people on dotabuff trash normal skill bracket, there is nothing you can do or say to change that opinion. Just ignore the trolls, look for sound advice, and if you feel like following it go ahead.

                          Lastly, your combative, argumentative attitude is only going to limit you. Your comment
                          "This game for example:
                          Did I do bad cause I got 38 CS? By your books it seems to be the case. Must focus farming at all given god damn time in order to get good. "

                          serves no purpose other than to make an illogical leap and use fallacious "reasoning" to argue with us. Why not look into how you can get better at basic mechanics in order to improve?

                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                            wow you're super bad

                            how can you even complain being so shitty


                              if rtz has 1k mmr he wouldn't be playing at a competitive level. even if he were to feed in all 10 of his placement matches, the amount of games he's played in unranked means that his mmr uncertaintly is going to be very low and he'd still calibrate highly.

                              there are no genuinely good players in the lower bracket. that's WHY they're in the lower bracket in the first place. maybe it looks like they're doing well but that's because you're comparing them to the 9 other players in the game who are braindead.

                              as for your nyx game, congrats, you can catch out retards who are always out of position. try doing a dagon only build in the higher bracket and see how far you get. you score is high but that doesn't mean you play well.

                              like look at this ember game i played ages ago :

                              follows the same criteria as your nyx game
                              • good stats
                              • low last hits
                              • playing against bad players (i partied with the cm who is 2k mmr)

                              did i play well as ember? fuck no
                              does it look like i did? yes because my stats are high due to playing against awful players

                              same goes with that nyx game. if you were against better players they would've taken advantage of your dumb inefficient item build and you would've lost. fyi d1 + eb is better than d5 even without any other sources of magic damage. when you then take into account mana burn is amped to 7x int cos of ghost form, dagon gets btfo'd by e-b for damage.

                              > Bloody hell, It's like you guys can (or will find) anything wrong with anyone and rip them apart

                              that's because people who make these fucking annoying rant threads think they can do no wrong and it's always their teammates fault. it isn't.
                              if you play *perfectly* and still lose then it is the case, but you don't play perfectly. that's why people are finding mistakes to show that you could've played better which could/would have changed the outcome of the game.

                              > I didn't think I needed to bottle crow I got almost every rune early on in the game. Just was warded so ganking was nearly impossible

                              watch pro games of people playing mid. even if they see the rune and they could get it, sometimes they won't because it can slow down their farm, and there's also the possibility of being ganked when getting the rune. bottle crowing is much safer and still rewards you with a refilled bottle.

                              and even if you were to get a good rune, as you said, "ganking was nearly impossible" that means there's no benefit to getting a rune and risk losing gold over bottle crowing if you're going to just sit in lane and farm.

                              i dont have to watch the replay to assume that you took runes at the wrong time or when the wave was pushed to your tower and you missed last hits / xp because of it.


                                +1^ x99999


                                  > I really REALLY don't like the idea of being "fuck you, got mine"

                                  well that's how you have to play if you *are* better than your teammates. if you are better than the person next to you, whyt he fuck are you letting him get farm?

                                  what happens when the game goes late and the retard on your team has tons of farm and doesn't know what to do with it, while you know what to do with farm, but you don't have any? you're going to lose.

                                  also watch "john cleese explaining stupidity"


                                    x99999999999999 again ^


                                      Androgynous is love, Androgynous is life.


                                        I kinda like these kinds of post. They are very entertaining to read.


                                          There is 0 excuse for having 58 CS on a mid (except for maybe Pudge) or carry (or even an offlaner really)in a 30 minute game. If you have less than 2 CS/min on a core hero you fucked up real bad.


                                            Quick maffs

                                              The am is retarded like fuck, bitchs stop trying to make it like is OP fault that those guys are retarded.

                                              Now, OP, ask yourself why are you in the same match that those guys ? AM might be retarded but somehow he is on the same mmr than you, maybe he doesnt know what items do but somehow he wins as much as you do. He might not know the roles of heroes or item builds, but he might have more "skill" than you.

                                              In other words, he is doing something wrong and you are doing something wrong, is just that in his case is easier to know what is the problem.

                                              btw, dont FUCKING BOTTLE CROW in this kind of games, ignore blunt and etc, if you bottlecrow with this kind of retards in your team you will lose your bottle.

                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                there are retardeds trolling even at 5k so having retards in your bracket doesnt mean much since this game is a retarded one


                                                  I do understand you feeling. I have felt the same before... best way to deal with it is to go on and listen to the beautiful sound of rain for at least 5 min. Trust me, works like a charm!


                                                    admit it blunt, you miss hael.

                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                      no but i miss lightknight

                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        We all miss lightknight


                                                          i get carried by lightknight's amazing omni in MM every so often

                                                          are u jelly


                                                            People not picking the right heroes for the roles they want to play.


                                                              i also miss lightknight666 :(

                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!