General Discussion

General DiscussionThe birstleback thread... again.

The birstleback thread... again. in General Discussion
Epic Munchkin

    Hi guys,

    Recently i was trashed in one Dota 2 forum for not using Blademail and Halberd on Bristle. My argument was that you don't really need BM since it returns less dmg than your passive and you dont need halberd,cause you want to be "beaten" by the back than avoiding/dodging attacks.

    It was a really sad flame war,but i still don't get it why the majority many good players are so stucked into the "meta" and the reccomend items from valve. Honestly, i think that those builds by Valve are really outdated.


      you're the stupid one

      Epic Munchkin

        cause i know how to use my main hero?


          cause you're stupid

          Epic Munchkin

            A bit rich from a guy with 50% win rate. Now contribute to the thread or begone.

            Этот комментарий был изменён

              bristle is a top pick again yes

              Epic Munchkin

                Yes i play him top. On very rare games i go bot if i have people who refuse to let me top.

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                DropDead Ugly

                  from some noob like me...

                  for bm, i get the idea of having one, but it would not be game breaking on him unless your enemy is full of burst damage. if they dont have any burst then bm is somehow pointless.

                  for halberd, why? i dont see any benefit from it.

                  Dire Wolf

                    Bristle's flexible. Halberd and blade mail are good items but not mandatory. Looks like you go treads, vanguard, ac every game. That's fine. I would probably throw in a blade mail if going up against an ursa, skywrath, huskar or someone who can't turn off their dmg instantly.

                    Halberd is a relatively cheap item that gives you a lot of dmg, hp and that dodge. You can't always turn around and tank so vs a ton of right clickers it's good. But bristle doesn't need to proc that much and dodge is maybe a tad worse on him than other heroes so I see your point. The disarm can be quite good though.

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                    Epic Munchkin

                      Someone was arguing about a combo with Mjolnir, but i still don't see the point in usin Halberd. Can someone reavel me the trick?


                        Neither blademail or Halberd are bad items on Bristle, however if it's most efficient in the particular games is another thing.

                        What the build of Blademail and/or halberd is that it allows you to continuesly spam quill spray, which is because you get very hard to kill.

                        Active blademail and you will do heavy work in team-fights if you get some reflect damage going with quil spray and possible rightclicks.

                        I like your build with Vanguard as it synergies very well with Bristleback in sense of getting close to unkillable in early game, allowing for very aggresive play in early-mid stages where the hero really excells.

                        However it seems like you don't go for utility at all, such as Pipe or Mek, which are also very good items on Bristle, even Shivas.
                        Going Vanguard, AC HoT is quite awkward and won't be very efficient usage of your money of what the hero usually will provide on higher level games.

                        Epic Munchkin

                          Yeah, you are right. I dont go Pipeq cause latelyim matched vs enemies, that lack AoE damage. But i look forward to remove the HoT and use Shivas in fiture.

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                          Dire Wolf

                            Well I see ac -> heart as a carry bristle build. If you are a 3 or 4 spot, which happens quite a bit actually, then those utility items are better. Depends on your team makeup.


                              not a fan of blade mail personally. It is purchased because the active is nice and the stats fit BB, especially a BB with a meka but without OD/CM

                              Halbred is anti carry.

                              Now by all means, stop posting about bristleback. He gets easy wins in smurf normal and lower end of high bracket because people don't know how to counter him there. Nothing special and frankly a smurf with your numbers is somewhat common and is generally not appreciated on the forum.

                              Этот комментарий был изменён
                              Dire Wolf

                                Well these threads are actually decent discussion about a hero build, I don't take issue. He didn't directly brag about his bb stats in this one so step in the right direction.

                                Epic Munchkin

                                  No, actually this is my first account and i know you won't believe it concede.

                                  Sugar Show

                                    build a dagon, get better mana pool and some mag damage.

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                                    Welt aus Eis

                                      if this is really your first account then you're just stupid to think with 20 scrub-tier games you can actually give good insight over a hero which you claim to be your 'main' (as if you could main a hero with 20 games)


                                        bb needs fs eul eb. idk why all the noobs plays it otherwise

                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!