General Discussion

General DiscussionYour favorite..............

Your favorite.............. in General Discussion
Ples Mercy


    I'm bored, gogo. Let us know ur favorite doto 2 shiats.


      F T S
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      C I  I
      K S T


        Hero: Tinker
        Item: Eblade+Dagon 5
        Carry: Tinker
        Support: -
        Jungler: Tinker (ancients)
        Ganker: Tinker
        Initiator: Tinker
        Active: Rearm
        Passive: -
        Cosmetic: Mecha Boots of Travel Mk III


          hero: Mirana

          item: Blink

          Carry: Felt in love with Terrorblade lately, however probably Mirana

          Support: Vengeful Raper

          Jungler: Terrorblade/Enigma

          Ganker: Bloodseeker

          initiator: Centaur

          Active: Either Arrow (Miranas W) or Double Edge (Centaurs W)

          Passive: Silencers int steal (I guess that qualify?)

          Cosmetic: Legion Arcana

          However: Seems like someone is proud of their High bracket Tinker c:8

          Этот комментарий был изменён

            Sand King
            Stone Gaze/Burrow Strike
            Fiery Soul
            Does Itsy counts?

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              Carry: BKB, Sven and Anti

              Support: Mek, Whichever one I have the misfortune of randoming

              Jungler: Vlads, Lycan

              Ganker: Blink, Meepo
              initiator: Blink, Meepo

              Active: Poof, EarthBind

              Passive: Divided we stand, Great Cleave

              Cosmetic: Meepo Sets


                hero: ta
                item: ethereal blade
                carry: tb
                support: lich/treant
                jungler: cliff prophet
                ganker: bat?
                initiator: bat
                active: conjure image
                passive: psi blade
                cosmetic : whispering dead mantle... removes the mask from ta

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Hero: Furion
                  Item: Blink Dagger
                  Carry: Lycan
                  Support: Rubick
                  Jungler: Enigma
                  Ganker: Rubick
                  Initiator: Enigma
                  Active: Black Hole
                  Passive: Static Field
                  Cosmetic: Schyte of Vyse


                    hero: Vengeful Spirit
                    item: Blink Dagger / Necro3
                    Carry: Tiny
                    Support: Vengeful Spirit
                    Jungler: Enigma
                    Ganker: Tusk / Slardar
                    initiator: Tide / Slardar
                    Active: Necrophos Ult
                    Passive: Necrophos Aura / Tiny Ult
                    Cosmetic: Immortal Dragon Form


                      hero: Doom
                      item: Refresher Orb
                      Carry: Doom
                      Support: Doom
                      Jungler: Doom
                      Ganker: Doom
                      initiator: Doom with Blink/SB
                      Active: Doom
                      Passive: Wolf Aura
                      Cosmetic: My genuine omoz with 3 kinetic gem in it

                      Polish Hussar

                        hero: Ember
                        item: Heaven Halberd
                        Carry: Templar Assassin
                        Support: Rubick
                        Jungler: Enigma
                        Ganker: Mirana
                        initiator: Nyx Nyx Nyx
                        Active: Supernova (Phoenix ult)
                        Passive: Greevil's Greed (alch)
                        Cosmetic: My Embers hat(bets ty ty)

                        the realm's delight

                          hero: invoker
                          item: midas
                          carry: drow ranger
                          support: none
                          jungler: enigma
                          ganker: potm
                          initiator: invoker
                          active: march of the machines
                          passive: necromastery
                          cosmetic: tinker imortal boots

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                          Hex Sigma

                            hero: windrunner/zeus
                            item: aghs
                            carry: zeus
                            support: lich
                            jungler: enigma
                            ganker: zeus
                            initiator: dark seer
                            active: thundergod's wrath(zeus ult)
                            passive: feral impulse(lycan passive)
                            cosmetic: windranger immortal cape

                            Sugar Show

                              hero:Nature's Prophet
                              Carry:Troll warlord
                              Support:Lich gonna have yo momma
                              Jungler:Nature's Prophet
                              Ganker:Shadow Shaman
                              initiator:Shadow Shaman
                              Passive:Fury swipes

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                              Armada Fantasma

                                hero: queen of pain
                                item: blink
                                Carry: luna
                                Support: abbadon
                                Jungler: chen
                                Ganker: chen
                                initiator: magnus
                                Active: blink
                                Passive: feral impulse
                                Cosmetic: stumpy curier


                                  Hero: Windranger/Nature's Prophet
                                  Item: Blink Dagger
                                  Carry: Weaver
                                  Support: Rubick
                                  Jungler: Nature's Prophet
                                  Ganker: Clockwerk/Tinker
                                  Initiator: Enigma
                                  Active: Surge
                                  Passive: Quas

                                  i left her

                                    hero: rubick
                                    item: blink
                                    Carry: luna
                                    Support: rubick
                                    Jungler: furion/enigma
                                    Ganker: any support that has a disable i guess
                                    initiator: centaur
                                    Active: glimpse
                                    Passive: psiblades
                                    Cosmetic: my kky staff with 5 gems i guess


                                      hero: luna
                                      item: drums of endurance
                                      Carry: luna
                                      Support: luna
                                      Jungler: luna
                                      Ganker: luna
                                      initiator: luna
                                      Active: eclipse
                                      Passive: lunar blessing
                                      Cosmetic: midnight locks


                                        hero: slark
                                        item: blink
                                        carry: slark
                                        support: skywrath
                                        jungler: furion
                                        ganker: wat
                                        initiator: tide
                                        active: slark's ulti
                                        passive: slark's ulti
                                        cosmetic: slark set

                                        Pom Pom 🍕

                                          hero: No one specific.
                                          item: Blink dagger/Abyssal Blade
                                          Carry: Tiny
                                          Support: Vengeful Spirit/Crystal Maiden
                                          Jungler: I only jungle with Doom, so I guess him.
                                          Ganker: Slardar/Pudge
                                          initiator: I'm so bad at this role I can't think of a favourite.
                                          Active: Toss/Meat Hook
                                          Passive: Coup de Grace/Arcane Aura
                                          Cosmetic: Beaver Knight courier


                                            hero: baby roshan
                                            item: tree
                                            carry: IO
                                            support: PA
                                            jungler: Ancient Apparition
                                            ganker: Anti Mage
                                            initiator: PL
                                            active: Armor Bonus (Buckler)
                                            passive: Headdress
                                            cosmetic: The second disciples satchel ( so epic!)


                                              Hero: Morphling
                                              Item: Refresher
                                              Carry: Morphling
                                              Support: Rubick
                                              Jungler: Enigma
                                              Ganker: QoP
                                              Initiator: Storm
                                              Active: Pretty much every Invoker spell
                                              Passive: Coup de Grace
                                              Cosmetic: Coco the Courageous


                                                Hero: Anti-Mage
                                                Item: Eul's Scepter of Divinity
                                                Carry: Lifestealer (after Magina of course :D)
                                                Support: Windranger
                                                Jungler: Lycan
                                                Ganker: Lion
                                                Initiator: Sand King
                                                Active: Mana Void (feels so good to see 1k+ damage to whole enemy team)
                                                Passive: Drunken Brawler
                                                Cosmetic: Chaos Knight's Entropic set

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Hero: So many favorites! But if we're picking just one to play, Wraith King right now
                                                  Item: Assault Curiass
                                                  Carry: Oh a chance to pick someone other than wk... I'll go with Sniper
                                                  Support: Lich
                                                  Jungler: Doom
                                                  Ganker: Slark
                                                  Initiator: Tide
                                                  Active: Doom!
                                                  Passive: Feast
                                                  Cosmetic: Idk that new dragon's ascension set is cool


                                                    hero: mirana
                                                    item: sny, phase boots
                                                    Carry: luna, sniper, pa
                                                    Support: disruptor, mirana
                                                    Jungler: enigma
                                                    Ganker: sand king, earthshaker
                                                    initiator: enigma, sand king
                                                    Active: burrowstrike, glimpse, moonlight shadow, ice path
                                                    Passive: degen aura, arcane aura
                                                    Cosmetic: beanie for earthshaker, pointy hat for sniper

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                                                      hero: Wispa
                                                      item: Tp
                                                      Carry: Void
                                                      Support: Lion
                                                      Jungler: Ursor
                                                      Ganker: Zeus
                                                      initiator: Nigma
                                                      Active: Chrono
                                                      Passive: Thirst
                                                      Cosmetic: void bf

                                                      kanye went to uni

                                                        hero: Phantom Assassin
                                                        item: Drum of Endurance
                                                        Carry: Phantom Assassin
                                                        Support: Skywrath Mage
                                                        Jungler: Lycan
                                                        Ganker: wat
                                                        initiator: uhh ... sometimes I blink at enemies as Anti-Mage to force the rest of my team into fighting, so I guess AM?
                                                        Active: Troll ult (whatever that's called)
                                                        Passive: Coup de Grace
                                                        Cosmetic: your mum's perfume (idgaf about items)


                                                          hero: Crystal Maiden
                                                          item: Ethereal Blade
                                                          Carry: Luna/Phantom Assassin
                                                          Support: Crystal Maiden/Ancient Apparition
                                                          Jungler: Enigma
                                                          Ganker: Puck/Pudge
                                                          initiator: Enigma/Tidehunter
                                                          Active: Laguna Blade/Midnight Pulse/Viper Strike (w/ Aghs)/Black Hole
                                                          Passive: Coup de Grace/Fury Swipes
                                                          Cosmetic: Tidehunter's Blink Dagger/Crystal Maiden's Sceptre of Icewrack

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                                                            hero: Clockwerk
                                                            item: Daedalus
                                                            Carry: Anti-Mage
                                                            Support: Disruptor
                                                            Jungler: Enigma (but I'm pretty shit at him)
                                                            Ganker: Queen of Pain
                                                            initiator: Tidehunter
                                                            Active: Shadowstrike
                                                            Passive: Psi Blades
                                                            Cosmetic: Arc of Manta


                                                              hero: anti mage
                                                              item: boots of travel
                                                              carry: chaos knight
                                                              support: lina
                                                              jungler: lifestealer /s
                                                              ganker: clinkz?
                                                              initiator: DOOOOM
                                                              active: mana void
                                                              passive: mana break
                                                              cosmetic: shard of retribution/vengeance for anti mage or the pointy wizard hat for lina

                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!