General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR Secret component

MMR Secret component in General Discussion

    Hey guys! First of all, I'm currently around 3.5 - 4k MMR (which is actually quite average though), sometimes i get higher, sometimes lower. It doesnt really matter. What matter is that sometimes I come up with the IDEA that MMR should have "secret component". Let me explain this one:

    1. Every player which is playing ranked (oh god) games will eventually notice that there are 3 BIG PERIODS:

    - 10-15 games in a row that u SUPPOSE to WIN. Actually no matter what hero u pick (unless it's total shit and u feed intentionally), u are going to win anyway.

    - 10-15 games in a row when u have equal chance to win or lose. There u have to choose your hero carefully, because one simple mistake can ruin the whole game.

    - 10-15 games in a row that u SUPPOSE to LOSE. And once again, no matter what hero u pick u will pretty much lose the game.

    2. Actually I never blame anyone in my loses, but i just simply dont understand how MMR system can give u shit players 10 times in a row. AND THEN, 10 times in a row I can win EASILY pretty much any hero (Considering that all these players have the same MMR)

    3. Apparentlly there is only one way TO CLIMB : U must win games u suppose to win, and try to win (ALONE) at least some of the games u suppose to lose.

    What u guys think???

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      Fk mmr and play the game for fun but then again who does?


        U guess it's working that way , dude: Every player truly believes (DEEPLY inside) that TODAY is the lucky day, I will try hard, win couple of games. But eventually nothing really changes. Why I should play for fun if TODAY is my lucky day)


          No fucking idea what you're talking about.

          Valve is full of lazy idiots. I highly doubt they came up with something so advanced to keep the masses to whatever MMR they had for no bloody reason whatsoever.

          MMR is just a simple point system, get over it lol.


            So true. So true...




                i think you are wrong and every game is a 50% winnable and small mistakes can cost you a game.


                  I know what you mean...
                  one night you play and all games you get decent people with you, where everyone tries hard and is friendly, can loose only if you sucked badly or got outdrafted
                  and other night completely opposite - team full of russians, no chance of winning:s
                  Valve please reveal secret component;D

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                  Hex Sigma

                    @op, tell me besides raising a number, which somewhat represents skill(broadly speaking) what do you actually look for when you're climbing mmr? better/cooperative mates, or even having fun? sure you'll get it once in every 10 matches or so. You can get those games at NO MATTER WHAT RATING, if you find an organized team/stack to play with.

                    1k mmr-uncooperative teammates
                    2k mmr-uncooperative teammates
                    3k mmr-uncooperative teammates
                    5k mmr not enough players=matched with 4k's/6k's
                    6k ditto as 5k.

                    Whatch dendi's streams, when he plays solo, even in 6k players screw around, because that's how soloq is. And if you somehow plan on getting competitive, pubs ain't shit. I've heard of players that have a low solo mmr and play very good with their team. So you may aswell do 2 things

                    Either A. continue grinding mmr and get to that rating that you aim for(but then what?) or B. play for fun(what is fun in dota?) in a stack or in an inhouse. But inhouses are kinda dead. Do whatever you want, but i've talked with a lot of players(way higher than me) and they told me that it doesn't get better, because that's how dota is.

                    However one big thing that matters in soloq is epeen. For example look i am a 2.6k mmr player. Without even demonstrating my play i will be viewed by the community as a trashcan. Even tho(it's not my case here) i can perform good with a team. You are considered a trashcan until hmm maybe 4.5k-5k.

                    Now you probably won't even listen to me seeing that i have shit like 48% winrate, 2k mmr. But this isn't regarding the gameplay itself(at which i am not good), but the community/playerbase/mentality.


                    My 2 cents.

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                    ♛ peSte ♛

                      it's not true, I always win


                        it's all about SWING = when you win more you get better players. = win 10 times = your MMR+ SWING = extra MMR.


                          did i hear SWAG?

                          Miku Plays


                            Is that melody melody??


                              "I post a lot on the Dotabuff forums, and wrote the "Welcome to Dotabuff thread" listed there"


                                not every game is winnable due to account buyers/smurfs
                                when juice made his experiment the opposite team had no chance to win, a 3k team can't outplay a 6k guy no matter how hard they try

                                so even if every single player of the opposite team had a perfect match for a 3k skilled guy, they would have ended up losing

                                but in normal circumstances (where the mmr gap isn't huge, no one is smurfing etc) then yea pretty much every game is winnable, but it won't happen so it doesnt matter