General Discussion

General Discussion"Safelane" carry at 5k-6k

"Safelane" carry at 5k-6k in General Discussion

    You saw it at the TI, "safelane" is a pretty big misnomer in this meta. And given that you're all a bunch of TI wannabes, this has spilled into pub games.

    People are just running annoying shit like tide/undying offlane (or good duo lanes) and if ur stuck playing something like PL or Spec you're going to get royally fucked. 3 cs/min early game at most unless they are retarded and let u touch the creeps, then ur forced to jungle in order to farm safely while every other lane loses because that's what happens in solo queue 70% of the time. With the equilibrium changes implemented a few patches, ago, 1 bad pull/bad early block means safelane is screwed at level 2 against offlane. People in pubs are finally starting to capitalize on this.

    Anyways it doesn't even have to be PL or Spec, something with modestly good laning like Shadow Fiend can be killed over and over in safelane without much repercussion even if a so-called "support" is backing him up.

    Plus the 4k trash on support won't help u no matter how urgent it is and will likely just feed the offlaner by running into them obliviously (had this happen several times today, suffice to say I was debating whether I should be amused or crestfallen by the low IQs).

    The simplest solution is: go mid/offlane/jungle from now on if u have higher rating than most of ur teammates, and I don't think it's a coincidence that most 5k and 6k players dislike laning with someone else in solo queue.

    Carries who don't get screwed over due to their abilities/attack range:

    -Drow Ranger
    -Troll Warlord

    I hesitate to pick some of these simply because of the opposite effect: the other team's safelane carry is something like Antimage, but ofc you'll never see your team ever put pressure on that lane. It only happens to your team. I might be biased but I haven't seen my team put a strong duo lane to shut down the other team's safelane even 50% as often compared to the other team doing the same to mine.

    In some cases you don't even need to run an actual carry, something like Pugna/Warlock rushing Aghs and then just take down their towers (though you need to tell your team the intention).

    Conclusion: Safelane should be run with strong laners that peak at mid-game, the pub trash are picking up on this trend so hard-carries are once again a no-go. This all might change soon though, enjoy what's left.

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    game is bad

      I always play safelane support. I create super space for the carry to farm.

      Can't say the same when I choose carry. Which is why I don't.


        "3 cs/min early game at most unless they are retarded and let u touch the creeps, then ur forced to jungle in order to farm safely while every other lane loses because that's what happens in solo queue 70% of the time."

        well think of it this way your enemies are solo queuing too, obviously you can't be suffering 70% of the time unless you are the one contributing to the problem

        here's a story - my last game was on page 1, and full of idiots - 5.6k bristleback picked and called offlane, but our 4.8k last randomed Timbersaw and refused to repick, so they ended up sharing the offlane together. Recipe for disaster right?

        Turns out enemy TBD necrophos insisted on having mid and forced 5.4k viper to play as safelane support, which ensured I had an easy lane mid as TA. Their safe-lane got wrecked by Bristleback+Timber and somehow they got roflstomped.

        See, shit happens to your team, but it happens to the other team all the time too.

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        SUMAIL <3 IRAQ


          Judging by the fact that you are 5k I assume you do a decent job at that. Props to you.

          Unfortunately, the feeling I get whenever I pick a safelane carry is that I "stole" the role from someone who wanted to play it badly (and would probably farm 3 cs/min), and then people start begruding me any type of actual support. No zoning out offlaner at level 1 even if it's perfectly doable/easy, single pulls that push the creep to the other guy's tower, etc.

          I've been growing increasingly frustrated playing role #1 in pubs, which is what I play like 75% of the time. I think I need to change my playing habits/style.

          tl;dr everything you said is accurate.

          @ Zenoth

          yea that evens out...maybe over 300 games. If you just take a sample of 30-40 games I'd definitely say 70% is accurate. I don't recall someone on my team picking a good offlaner and then playing it properly, except for some guy named FlyingZebra, but he was 5.4k so that's understandable. The last game I played on the offlane, I chose Phx (a good hero) and I was zoned out by rubick + support windrunner (both of them played aggressively during lane phase...WHY DO I NOT GET THESE TYPE OF SUPPORT PLAYERS WHEN I PICK CARRY) but I still ended up with most hero damage in the entire game despite dying 3 times early game because I desperately wanted to get level 6.

          Now if this was some 4k trash on my team picking offlane, he would likely pick something worthless like bh, sit and leech exp, and then contribute nothing to the game. The thought of which makes my blood boil.

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            the irony is that this smurf is calling out other players trash rofl


              u are expecting too much from solo pubs


                get stacked or lose mmr boy.

                SUMAIL <3 IRAQ


                  gratz on ur 80 iq score, care to share something less obtuse

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                  SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

                    anyways most of the heroes i listed above are also great in offlane, so i guess it doesn't really matter. beesa goes offlane with ember spirit and still ends with like 20-2 score.

                    it's just the idea that you can stick which ever garbage hero in the safelane based on today's pub meta and expect not to be countered is absurd


                      @ OP, beesa has skill, he can go any lane with any hero and still win, thats why you gotta do the same. (get skill)

                      SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

                        yea ty for that educational factoid

                        i mean it's not like i've ever played with him before


                          @OP, lol did i say play with him , or did i say get skill :D
                          dude do you see beesa crying on this forum about shit teammates and saying he loses 70% of the time cuz of trash-ass fucking nigger russians???
                          looking at your 44% winrate smurf i can say that you ruin about 66% of your games bro.

                          SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

                            i hope ur aware that i was implying that i've played with beesa before, and therefore am aware he is skilled

                            my "44% win rate" smurf has nothing to do with me playing at 5-5.3k for 51~ games post calibration, and i threw a shit ton of games in unranked cuz i couldn't be bothered lol

                            when some retard camps mid with mirana and shoots arrows in my direction for 10 minutes and my other lanes are feeding, i usually lose motivation to try and win. i suppose you could make a logical point that it's my fault for having a toxic attitude

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                              I click ur profile and it says ur ranked games have a lower winrate then ur unranked games? wad a joker lmao


                                @OP, i didnt mean to be as offensive as my attitude seemed to be in that comment.
                                BUT, what i did mean is that you have 44% winrate, which is bad at any rank and you have 38% winrate in ranked which means you are going down fast even if you ever was 5k. I undersood you claiming to have played with beesa, and i said in my comment that you gotta acquire skill, not brag about how you played with dandei and xbox. 3k players can get matched with 6k players nowadays, soooo...
                                My point is get so good at this game, that you won't feel the need to cry about bads. Everyone can cry about bads, my supports never pull, my mid camps mid until he has 3 items and is lvl 16, my offlane always feeds like 6 kills in the first 3 minutes and my carry can't last hit FOR SHIT. You see? So here we go > My point = get better, and stop QQ.
                                Wall of text but i hope you read it.

                                SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

                                  agreed, what a joker

                                  have a nice day lol

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                                  SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

                                    i'll be completely honest

                                    part of the reason i enjoyed playing on this account was cuz i could finally flame the 4k players who didn't do well in my games, and if we lost i could point the finger

                                    but after doing it a few times i didn't really feel any good tbh.

                                    1) it didn't make my game more enjoyable
                                    2) even though i knew i was better than them, i was still stuck playing with them (cuz after all, no matter how high you are, you will still play with people of that caliber)

                                    so really there wasn't much point in all of this. i might as well have left it at 5300 after calibration and done something else

                                    maybe it was some schadenfreude-type relief but winning and overcoming the odds is much more satisfying. dota mm tests your ability to deal with uncooperative and erratic people (in addition to your actual dota pub skills, of course), and i failed spectacularly in that regard

                                    i don't think any of the people i flamed cared tbh lol.

                                    i had the wrong motives, wrong approach, and wrong attitude, which made the whole endeavor meaningless.

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                                    Quick maffs

                                      You expect too much

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        So what you are saying is playing a safelane void, spectre, medusa, something that needs farm and protection, is quite difficult because you never get proper support. This is a revelation to you? It has always been that way, to win games you should go mid or a powerful offlane carry like weaver/mirana. It's that simple, don't count on support to zone out for you, never happens, but at the same time your offlane is not going to get zoned either. Try bristle.

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          smurf ✔

                                          Zeus ✔

                                          massive ego ✔

                                          QQ thread ✔


                                            Zeus ✔

                                            Low win rate on Zeus ✔

                                            Over calibrated account ✔

                                            Thinks he is 5K and deserving ✔

                                            Also this line is particularly rich! "even though i knew i was better than them, i was still stuck playing with them"

                                            SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

                                              I actually went under 5k for 1 game, that was awful and disgusting

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                                              SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

                                                There's actually 1 hero who's not mentioned on my list but can be a potent semicarry (Venomancer). Siege towers with your wards, rush aghs (and whatever other items u think are useful) and go 5 man. Sadly his physical damage is lacking so someone will have to pick up the tab on that department.

                                                The only downside is you're usually going to be running/blinking into 5 people so you'll most likely die lol.

                                                Anyways I have found that suggesting allies to pick good mid game heroes at load screen politely helps a lot so you can avoid the prima donna syndrome where everyone wants to farm for 30 min and u end up losing all outer towers by 20. I think some of my games yesterday were unenjoyable cuz I was part of that (picking bad heroes and then blaming allies for bad play when picks were the biggest issue), instead of being on the "give good advice/pick good heroes" side.

                                                edit: also legion, though people mess up a lot with duels so it's more risky

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                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  Games are carried from the offlane actually. Offlane no feed = win game. That's how simple it is really.


                                                    srs business

                                                    SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

                                                      ^^ indeed


                                                        Now if this was some 4k trash on my team picking offlane, he would likely pick something worthless like bh, sit and leech exp, and then contribute nothing to the game. The thought of which makes my blood boil.

                                                        that says it all.

                                                        but since ur a trash smurf who tried to exploit mmr to get 5+ u shoudnt dare open ur mouth ever again.

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                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!