General Discussion

General Discussionmedusa shitty for a carry?

medusa shitty for a carry? in General Discussion

    I am being flamed by picking medusa. 1mister know it guy teaching me and telling me how to play dota. What a flamer. Medusa sometimes morph. He called it shitty heroes. As usual game wont be drag coz idk everytime they die they always call gg. And blame carry.

    So is morph, medusa really shitty in games?

    And PS. MoM naix build I got 19-3. Still being flamed at chat mic coz of MoM build on naix.. We can win but I lost concentration coz I also use mic to strike back..


      Use mute.


        Medusa is awesome. There's my thread few pages ago, where I also ask about her unpopularity.

        Long story short: people don't see her in professional matches => people sure she's weak.

        Hero is OP, just requires proper execution and little bit of a teamplay.

        Miku Plays

          Bring back vanguard veno

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            Epsik: "Hero is OP"

            Goes 60% winrate in 3k bracket with an OP hero. Oki mate

            Yes, Medusa is awful because of her lack of mobility, her skillset and her farmspeed. She needs at least 19mill networth to be useful, and games usually over by then.

            Naix MoM is horrible and it only works cause you play with idiots. Also, they flame you cause its trash, not because it works vs. idiots like you play VS.

            Morph's a pretty solid hero. I loved to play him some time back, however when I tried him agian I dislike his attack animation for some reason, ethereal blades item changed his attack animiation? At least I dislike it.idno


              problem with dusa is her mid game, she has to farm so hard to get online, but thankfully she can fast. but in the current midgame push meta, she cant contribute much.


                Well medusa herself is good pusher.
                When i play her i like to finish the game 30 mins in and it works for me so far.
                But when i was still in high skill though.


                  medusa is really nice with drum + MoM + Phase, I think people going linkens manta is the problem.

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                  Hex Sigma

                    well i just had an enemy medusa. I was like:''eh he is not gonna do much". But then Gaben came and blessed her to get fed. G freaking G

                    whenever i have a dusa or a mirana in my team they either feed or are useless or mirana misses all arrows. However when they're in the enemy team hohohoh prepare to lose cause of reasons.


                      But my teammates!

                      Hero is OP, not me. I don't mean OP as "pub stomper". She just has no direct counter pick and able to compete other heroes in conditions she is not supposed to. It's like "one does not fight Jugg one on one", well, Medusa does.


                        medusa is pretty shitty in pubs cuz usually the outcome of the game is decided very early, and she needs tons of farm and space.
                        morph is a good hero, abuse him.


                          Medusa has no counterpick?

                          Mana drain rapes Medusa cause she's squishy as fuck without mana shield, thus:
                          Doesn't AM counter Medusa?

                          The game itself counters Medusa too. Her laningphase isn't terrible, but she needs tons of items to get online.


                            What do you mean it works coz is VS? What is VS im confused


                              @ mary, venegeful spirit.


                                Game itself - yes. Mana drainers? Lol, nope.
                                She is a team fight carry. Her work is to walk in, ulti, Snake, right click everything left. This simple algorithm pretty much fucks up all attempts to mana drain/burn her.
                                Nyx is decent in offlaning against her, but due to the Carapace, not manaburn.
                                AM is one of the worst picks against her. She murders him late, she wins a lane against him easily. He only have a brief moment of an advantage somewhere in the end of midgame. Fuck this up and you are doomed.


                                  MoM is one of my core items on Naix...

                                  it gives him the race car benefits of SnY (522 with Phase active), it lets him chase and burst supports down in the duration of Rage/carries down in the duration of the initiating disable (e.g. Bat Lasso), while synergizing with Feast for a low cost. I've been experimenting with Phase>Armlet>MoM lately and as long as their team don't have hard hitters early (e.g. TA, Void) it does go very well with the inevitable Basher pick up.

                                  I haven't been flamed by pubs for getting it though (then again I never see any other Naix players in solo queue), which I guess is surprising in itself.

                                  sorry dd-sama plz dont get angry

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                                    Do you think my MoM naix is still trash in this? I even tried to base race with them. Im doing all the work. They even blame me from mid to end game no stopping. Using mics and talk shit

                                    I also use mic to strike back and lost concentrations and decision. I would like to troll them but I have a friend with me. So I still want to give win for my friend but.. 3 stacks flame you is a focken lost

                                    Why dont other people shut up and play the game. I want to mute them but the preview games I keep calm but there I exploded so I strike back..

                                    Miku Plays

                                      Medusa with free farm will almost be unkillable but early stages of the game shes pretty much trash.
                                      Heroes that hurt a farmed Medusa in late game (imo) are doom and AM.

                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                        @epsik :DDD, Phantom lancer with diffusal when she has no ulti, soo ez. antimage with manta when she has no ulti, sooo ez.


                                          ^^^ your items were shite while MoM is a great pick up situationally crit and shadowblade are VERY questionable...


                                            Well shadow build for mutiple purpose and solo raping 1 hero crit just to proc for more dmg. I can finish my abyssal but just like I said my last 2 deaths is base race. Die and buyback and lost. So why not just play? You think I would go 19k without the right decision making.


                                              PPD said he played shadow blade lifestealer and tried to get it mainstream, lol.


                                                19 kills doesn't show that you had right decision making, at your rating I could build dagon Naix and get 40 kills in a game, doesn't make that build great.

                                                Shadowblade can be decent sometimes but when you had a fucking riki on your team and no lack of iniaitors to infest I'm quite sure there are much better pick ups... then again at your rating people skip Blink on Sand King and Panda so I have nothing to say. ..

                                                Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  You had 0 defensive items. Get at least one defensive item to compensate for the extra damage you take from MoM.


                                                    u gotta get mom + armlet, and win games.


                                                      Build dagon and ks? What does it offers through game? Can you base race with that? Just like I did? Your comparison 40k and my 19k is too deep to understand. And also we have panda to start initiaton.

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                                                            ^ yeah sure ill give it a try. Do you build armlet first or drums?

                                                            Miku Plays

                                                              Armlet first ^


                                                                drums for faggets, get s&y.

                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                  Uh-oh guys we have a thick one here.

                                                                  "You think I would go 19k without the right decision making."

                                                                  you imply that kills are the results of right decision making, then contradict yourself in your 'counter-argument'.

                                                                  meanwhile you obviously failed your base race and on Naix I would seldom put myself in a situatuon where I need to base race in the first place

                                                                  your panda didn't even build a fucking blink, and yes exactly because you have initiators, you didn't need a shadow blade thanks to infest

                                                                  oh wait sb is guaranteed invulnerability at some ratings

                                                                  I used to build exactly like you, try MoM some time though it's really fucking good when you can get away with it

                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                    @ zenoth, don't be so mean, i've seen riki carry ez games at 6k mmr.


                                                                      Saying you can build dagon and get 40k? Thats the right decision? Not because I said i get 19-3 I made the right decision. You can also imply I get the right decision in pick offs of their carry. Your analogy is meh

                                                                      We have a thick one here? Sounds like a we have a gangster


                                                                        Yes because riki's invis advantage is in bypassing observer wards, he should be iniaitating all the fights and crippling supports early, I would know since riki is my highest win rate hero in ranked...


                                                                        your butchered usage of the english language has exceeded my comprehension abilities to the extent I am unable to discern your point from the sentences you have written

                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                          @Zenoth, you can also use shadow blade to bypass common wards and gank efficiently, i do this with slark all the time.
                                                                          u guys seem to argue over nothing, but i can tell u 1 thing, i'm a fuken gangsta and my dick is thick, case closed.

                                                                          EDIT: typo, i can tell u 2 thingz, not 1. i can count.

                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                            #1 I said sb was a situationally okay pick up, but not when you have a fucking riki on your team and 2 decent initiators

                                                                            #2 naix is played very differently from slark or riki


                                                                              #1 You know how pubs are, when panda doesn't get dagger and mirana uses ulti only to for her when she tries to escape.

                                                                              #2 I can understand that, i am just trying to troll you and make you forget about your argument.

                                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                you win I am best troll bait


                                                                                  Morph needs a lot of skills to be played properly.

                                                                                  Dusa is awesome hero, in games that goes 45+ minutes, where she is 6 sloted.

                                                                                  Naix with mom. Ultra race car build? ⊙_⊙


                                                                                    @Zenoth :DDD

                                                                                    @Shiba, phase, drums, s&y, mom - now dis is ultra race car build.

                                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                      And here was I hoping for Medusa talk.
                                                                                      Only goddamn Riki and Naix which was autocorrected to "Nail" twice. What is my life?

                                                                                      On my Dusa there were only two items I had for a sixth slot. RoA and Aegis.

                                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                        @ sunrise, add euls :-D


                                                                                          @ shiba, :D nascar.

                                                                                          @ epsik, nail, i fell from my chair xD

                                                                                          SUMAIL <3 IRAQ

                                                                                            zenoth did my MoM PA build convince you :P

                                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                                              medusa is awful

                                                                                              If you want to win just pick necro

                                                                                              The hero is the most OP bullshit in pubs


                                                                                                Nah, she's sexy.


                                                                                                  Any suggestion how to play necro?
                                                                                                  I just don't know how the hell people play this hero.

                                                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                                    ^ No. I don't have any.

                                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                                      Go mid kill bitches

                                                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                                                        Pro tip: Kite them while you kill them

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!