General Discussion

General DiscussionBalance is stronk in this gema..!!

Balance is stronk in this gema..!! in General Discussion
Jesus Perez Ramirez

    System: OH look smurf player making decent stats !! Outrageous !!
    Player: No doto No plz dont dont mark me.
    System: Ban hammaaar, tratatata, trash team trash team... U cant have more then 50% winrate !!! Its called balance - everyone should have equal chances. Even if it only works on paper 50/50...
    Player: Doto plz dont... I cant have 50% chance to win with 2 leavers or 0/99 feeders ... !!
    System: Stfu noob, i see you are a good player so ill give u 4 idiots to run with, if u are good enough u can win this solo.
    Player: Doto WHY, isint this game a team play game ?
    System: Haha delusional fool, you have 50% chance to win, only if we let you win.
    Player: WHAT ? So i should win and lose every game in total stomp ?
    System: Buahahah, cant tell you our strategy so secret noone can prove we almost force every non stack game.

    Conclusion ?
    No matter how hard you try, it is still team game and if team is terrible game is terrible ;d

    More :


    If team was equally skilled - this was possible:

    First game ever doto asks if i would like to play more with players like TINKER !! That didnt suck and actually was very good. !

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      Gratz on getting rekt.


        ^What he said.


          0-3, you tried really hard.

          You got overcalibrated and you sucked. I expected a real complaint like this;


            If Radiant has 5 players and you are one of them and we assume you aren't a trash player, then there are 4 potential spots for a trash player to be on Radiant. Meanwhile, Dire also has 5 players but you are not one of them, so there are 5 potential spots for there to be a trash player. Therefore, you should win the majority of your games simply because the odds dictate that the enemy team will be worse than yours in most games (assuming you aren't bad).

            System doesn't know if someone is going to leave or if they are going to have a worse game than normal. In a small scale run, the system will always seem broken, but if you look at all your games and performance on a large scale, you will see what is really happening.

            If you cant win a large portion of your games on a smurf, you are bad and that is nobody's fault but your own. Be happy with your 60% winrate, it won't last for long, it never does with smurfs.

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              Until they make the next account.


                Why do people care about winrate anyways? Just try to improve in the game and you'll be somewhat rewarded by being able to meet better opponents (if it even can be considered a reward lol).

                Fyi, those who have insanely high mmr and who solo queue only sits around 50% winrate; Akroma, Dendi etc.

                Jesus Perez Ramirez

                  "somewhat rewarded by being able to meet better opponents"

                  Not happening... Main had 3800 MMR, i knew i could do better after being best in almost every game ive played. Almost every game was lst bcoz of bad decisions from teammates. SO no this thinking has a huge gap -> Volvo wants everyone to be on equal foot, even if they suck monkeys ****. There should be players win 30% winrate and players with 70% winrate, sooner or later better players would end up in higher tier. So they are assured they cant get ppl from lower tier.

                  Currently i can wait long enough to get someone with 2k mmr while im 3.5. Thats just sad.

                  Update. Next game. Slark fed whole game, made bad decisions to items, and flamed whole team. Got stomped pretty HARD.


                  "If Radiant has 5 players and you are one of them and we assume you aren't a trash player, then there are 4 potential spots for a trash player to be on Radiant" that logic is flewd - should be "There are 5 players that are equally skilled in rage of elo 3.5k +-100. Stacks 2-3-4-5 ppl destroy this by doing: "5k with 2k is same as two people with 3.5k".

                  Current system is bad and ill keep posting blog about, how average player is not able to advance. How games are almost all time one sided in range of 3k - 4k.


                    75% of games in all ranges are one sided. Not because one team is strictly better but because of all the variables of picks and plays. One team MUST have the team that counters the other better and therefore the advantage. Additionally, Dota is a snowball game, if you start well it will continue. If a team has a good start they will stomp 75% of the time.

                    Stop complaining about the system, it's not about to change. Embrace it and learn how to win with it.

                    Jesus Perez Ramirez

                      " Embrace it and learn how to win with it." - This sentence only shows you know nothing :) ... Someone said that if you want to get better, you have to "learn to carry russians". All these games were played on Ru server. Russians are not willing to let you carry them. They would rather pick 4 supports and push mid min 4:00.

                      Dota is a snowball hero thats why i pick mostly big impact heros. Doesnt change fact it is a team play game. Thats why system should take this to account. That most players are BAD and should for example suggest them heros. If team has 3 carries dont let him pick 4 and 5th. Most important solo queue has to come back.

                      This is jurnal of average player. It will clearly show that system is alomst forcing some games. Its not about pick, but about team balance. Good players know how to pick versible team. Bad players pick riki and go mid.

                      Are you bad player ?


                        Sometimes, I think I should actually spam ponies. It will make such threads much better.


                          ^For once, I actually wouldn't mind seeing ponies. OP is either trolling or retarded. I'll start with anime :D

                          DID I JUST SAY ANIME? *INSERT ANIME HERE*


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