General Discussion

General Discussiondeathball strat

deathball strat in General Discussion

    can somebody please explain me what is the meaning of this deathball strat and the difference of 5 man push strat and deathball

    I'm confused @@


      a deathball is where you get a good team fight and push strat ex:Tide, shadow shaman, razor, death prophet, inset support/core here.

      You group up when you all have your skills online and push down towers until you cna't push anymore, leave, all skills online, push down more...

      this is a deathball.

      Этот комментарий был изменён

        My understanding of this strategy is that you gotta go 5 man mid 6 minutes in and die, so you got yourself a deathball. Pretty clever strat, huh.


          Get strong teamfight and push, get some core items like mek dagger drums etc, go 5man and take all outer towers one after the other, take rosh, get racks, win game.


            The official name is called blitzkrieg doto. Deathball meta was previous meta. Now blitzkrieg meta.

            Low Expectations

              ^loled hard


                I see thats why razor is insta pick in ti4

                Ples Mercy

                  Only duable @ CM. In allpick you see some asshole pick phoenix + tinker, deathball no more.


                    This is the real deathball


                      Razor has thiis ability to win mid vs basically any hero, build a quick mek, and fall back on Agh's Refresher for ridiculous physical damage if the game goes long. Those abilities are why he...had a 45% winrate overall at TI.

                      Fucking trashcan hero. No disable, easily kited, easily ganked, no solo kill potential, terrible damage output, mediocre tank potential, and is completely dependent on teamfights dragging out so that his ultimate and link can actually do something.

                      King of Low Prio

                        'Razor has thiis ability to win mid vs basically any hero'



                          my NP winrate reflect the winrate of deathball strat in pub


                            yes u start with boots level 1 and suck off damage from any hero u lane and u win ur lane ez

                            Ples Mercy



                                Yeah suck em off man.

                                ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                  Deathball is a type of 5-man-push strat, but the last one doesn't always mean deathball (sometimes you're forced to play 5-man even if your lineup is not the best for it).
                                  1. Pick 5 heroes with great teamfight and pushing potential that are relevant in most stages of the game.
                                  2. Get core items that enhance these strenghts.
                                  3. Abuse your early to mid game strenght and transition into taking towers, forcing your enemy between letting you take the tower for free or engaging into a fight that they WILL lose.
                                  Enemy team can't stop your push, hence the name Deathball.

                                    Этот комментарий был удален

                                      So deathball is like press R to win teamfight and take tower... rinse and repeat ?


                                        tusk + 4 retards = deathball



                                          Always Meepo
