General Discussion

General DiscussionCan we get back to discussing dota the game?

Can we get back to discussing dota the game? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Every single page one thread is a bitch fest about teammates/feeders etc or a commentary on how TI/chinese teams sucked this year. There's zero discussion about builds, meta, items, team lineups and so forth. What gives?

    I'll kick one off- what's a good brew build, since he seemed to kick so much ass during TI. Scepter or no scepter? Mid or safelane or off? He's so flexible!


      Scepter, every game. And you better have a level advantage over the enemy team. It's too damned good and you just don't really have anything outside of your ult without multiple items.

      Mid or don't really have a preference, it depends more on the enemy lineup. Namely, what are you going to face? Zeus will make your life a nightmare in mid, but bloodseeker, dragon knight, etc you won't need to fear them at all.


        mid, always get sceptr, hes stronk because of cc and early damage.

        Dire Wolf

          Stout shield and tangos or save for bottle? Depends on opponent?



            If you know Brew kicked so much ass during TI, didn't you check what he built?

            TI, Chinese etc was obviously discussed a lot lately cause TI has just ended. Quite obvious, huh.


              Scepter if you are good at micro and can take advantage of the benefits, if not better build something else.


                ^even if you don't have micro skills it's still insanely good. Blink clap, ult, clap, stun someone. You don't even need to switch to another panda.


                  I've been practising Brew a lot in lobby games, and I find it easier to micro when you have scepter, for some odd reason.


                    every fucking game :laugh:


                      For video watch ferrari's games in TI4
                      i was amazed :surprise:



                          Any suggestions for early game items to deal with his abysmal int? At level 7, unless you have a stick with quite a few charges your base mana pool isn't large enough to clap & split.

                          Personally I'm not sure if mana boots are worth the investment because after level 11 or so and with a bottle this isn't much of a problem and phase boots will make it easier to finish someone off post-split.

                          I sometimes go drum for this but not sure if there is something more efficient / useful I could pick up.

                          King of Low Prio

                            mana boots makes sure u always have mana rdy for ulti (well not always but it helps alot) Outside of his ulti Panda is a pretty shitty hero therefore you should prioritize everything into improving your ulti (agh + auras)

                            Dire Wolf

                              I don't see a huge issue going mana boots over phase. The illusions don't benefit from either, their stats are static depending on the level of the spell. If you have blink that should be enough mobility without phase.


                                I don't play panda much, but do his brewlings carry auras from items held on the hero? Or maybe the earth panda carries them? Just curious if items like Drums persist through ulti.


                                  yes earth panda carries them,
                                  "if the Earth warrior dies, the auras will move to Storm, then Fire."

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                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Yes that's why drums, vlads and ac are all great items on him. Shivas and radiance are nice if you have the luxury of affording them. But his summons aren't like other illusions, deriving their dmg from his stats. Their dmg is static based on the spell level.