General Discussion

General Discussion1v1 Mid matchmaking. Pudge vs. Shadowfiend

1v1 Mid matchmaking. Pudge vs. Shadowfiend in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I'm not flaming the op, I'm explaining why he is getting flamed because literally no one cares about 1v1 mode so it is pointless to post a guide about it.

    Dark Masky

      SF losing mid to Pudge yeah right Pudge pickers. U can win mid against pudge with any ranged hero if u are not stupid enough to get hooked.

      Quick maffs

        I love this argument of " stupid enough to get hooked " i guess its the same way that a lot of people get hited by mirana arrow.

        Its not really about how good you are dodging, its about how good the pudge player is, in the international 3 dendi played pudge and he hooked a good amount of heroes, are you telling me that the pro players in the enemy team were all retards ?

        Dark Masky

          I'm saying that it's quite easy *not to get hooked* in mid 1x1 during first 6-12 mins.

          Этот комментарий был изменён
          I'm 14k mmr let me mid



              Dendi hit his hooks at TI after stuns, or thru fog after laningphase where heroes DID NOT see him.
              Thru fog, or smoked.

              That's difference from getting hooked during your lane 1v1 without any setup.


                he also did a lot of hooks without setup


                  A smart pudge will ward your high ground and smoke at you. There is no way you can dodge that if hes good at hooking. Also, most good pudges win mid with rot walk, not hooks.

                  Quick maffs

                    A good pudge can kill you in the moment you pass over the river a bit

                    irrefutable evidence

                      Hey guys I've been working hard to continue improving and dominating with Pudge. I've had a lot of success recently in ranked games. Check out my Dotabuff, here. More videos to soon follow!


                      waku waku

                        what is rot walking?


                          Pudge = shit

                          a non retard can win mid against this crap suicidal creep with a fucking wisp


                            idk how someone can lose mid with sf against pudge rofl

                            Low Expectations

                              Nice video OP.
                              i will use this thread to ask other auestions. Isnt pudge one of the worst mid heros in the game?
                              Also I had this conversation with Wink bht I would hear other ppls opinions: in an evenly matched skill level should Pudge beat QE invoker?

                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                no. if he hooks you, cold snap and set your forge spirits on him. pudge already has poor starting armour and forge spirits amplifies that weakness. high health doesn't mean squat when you do like 200 dps because of his -5 armour

                                invoker has 0s cast animation so you should get cold snap off before he dismembers every time barring lag. if you have forge spirits up then dismember won't ever get the full duration off.

                                all rot does is end a fight faster, doesn't change the outcome. it damages pudge as much as it damages you since he won't get flesh heap until 9, so if you can out dps the pudge with right clicks you'll win the fight, just like you would with rot turned off.


                                  thx very good video can you make more pls?

                                  waku waku

                                    dont forget pudge can rot 5 heroes in a black hole

                                    Dark Masky

                                      Yeah Pudge can kill u with a rot walk if u are bad enough to let him that close..


                                        when are you leaving this forum?


                                          to op


                                            dunno why ppl consider pudge an sf counter. all u have to do is keep him below 50% hp by razing him. i guess it's annoying if he's constantly missing, but that's a counter to anyone.


                                              sf > pudge actually lol

                                              the realm's delight

                                                hi i wanna learn pudge man can u tell me what items to buy pls


                                                  You should make a guide on how to pick pudge before the other 9 people because that's what it's like in the trench.

                                                  irrefutable evidence

                                                    Hey Wink you never showed up for the 1v1. After talking all that crap, are you scared? I'm calling you out, just like you got called out on my youtube page


                                                    Ples Mercy



                                                        if you want to 1v1, sure. show me how amazing you are at pudge with your brilliant block and item build. ill mirror or pudge vs sf with you

                                                        and fyi, just because something "works" in 3.7k mmr, it doesnt mean its good. i could go dagon on pudge and still win games at 3.7k

                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                          Not really a tutorial, you start the video by showcasing all your items neatly arranged and i can see from your groups and comments you're a trader. You get horribly outplayed and manage to get a lucky deny which while SF died was rightly a kill and well played by him.

                                                          You then proceed to talk as this was all according to plan....skip ahead anyways and you get a lucky invisible rune and get a kill (obviously) and thus ends the game.

                                                          This isn't a much of a tutorial sad to say.


                                                            Wink, why did you dodge the guy who challenged you to 1v1 in the YouTube comments?


                                                              i didnt dodge anything, i havent gotten a notification from that in ages. Plus, I just said on this forum ill happily 1v1 with op and he has yet to respond.

                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                But he said you pretended that you were someone else when you added him?

                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                  i never added op


                                                                    Not OP, the one in the YouTube comments who called you out.


                                                                      nope, i have nothing from him, just checked

                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                        You seem to have spent a lot of money on doto


                                                                          I have like 5 pudge games and I can play better than this retard.

                                                                          HOLY SHIT LOL. YOU HAD 25CS vs. 20 AND HE DC'D AND GOT FB'D HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                            Wink, what do you mean nothing from him? Weren't you supposed to add him?

                                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!