General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestions on Dota 2 couriers that require 100 views for full effects

Questions on Dota 2 couriers that require 100 views for full effects in General Discussion

    So I'm starting to collect couriers, and I want these couriers that have special effects when their spectator gems hit 100 views for max effect cap.

    Wynchell the Wyrmeleon
    El Gato
    Inky the Hexapus
    Star Ladder Grillhound
    Etc etc.

    1) While trying to look for the couriers on trading websites, I saw people advertising that they're selling 666 view couriers when the max effect is capped at 100 views. Is there any difference between 666 views and 100 views for these couriers?

    2) Some people replaced the original spectator gems with random spectator gems (eg. The International 2014 spectator gems). Will we still get the full max effect with the wrong spectator gems at 100 views or have no effects at all?

    3) When you have 2 of the same couriers eg. 2 beaver knights (that require singsing games views), will both your beaver knights' spectator view count go up or only one goes up for watching new singsing games?

    4) When you buy couriers from Steam Community Market, is there a way to filter for style unlocks/spectator view counts on couriers you're searching for? (eg. Smeevil 8/8 styles unlocked)

    Edit for 5th and 6th question:
    5) When you watch replays on twitch tv, with your steam account connected. Do you get spectator view counts for watching pro games replays? (I know you're supposed to have a chance to get items for witnessing multi-kills etc during live games)

    6) What's the max effect spectator view count for Star Ladder Grillhound?
    Can't find the spectator views needed for max effect on dota wiki.


    Can't think of any more doubts I want to clarify for the time being, will edit and add on when I think of them.

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      multiple gems get counts for same things done thats for sure

      4. first u search item and then theres another search if ur looking for example ta item u can put in "refraction" and it will also list u all items that has inscribed refraction gems

      idk about replaced games and if it says it caps at 100 views then its 100 views cap


        some people just see high view counts and value it higher for that reason even if the courier is capped already
        that said, 666 is a nice number


          2) I do not think so.

          3) Yes both with count as long as they are in your inventory when you view a game.

          5) Twitch only counts for possible item drops, no gem views are counted (I believe).