General Discussion

General DiscussionTinker Tips?

Tinker Tips? in General Discussion

    1. I would love anyone who would give me at least one tips about playing tinker mid...

    2. What is the ideal time for BoT?

    3. What build is best for situations? (like provide examples ie.- Nuking Tinker is usefull for mid heroes ......,......)

    4. Any tips for jungling? Ancients stacking (do u do them or your supports do them?), do you decide to split push or defend towers when the enemy are 5 manning?

    5.Hero counter? Who should I avoid picking against the hero? (Batrider? is he a counter?)

    6. I go laser lvl 1, max out march the first while leveling up rocket untill it is maxed out.... and i go laser max while getting my ulties at lvl 8,9 or 10. I dont remember :P Is this a ok build?


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      2. about 8 minutes depending on what are u laning
      3. in pubs 99% of the the time dagon eb is the best very rarely u can do hex but its not as efficient becouse isntagibing someone > disabling him for couple seconds
      4.why not both ? u usualy march the lane at 40~ second to push it out and then stack ancients right after that
      tinker is best defender against push so ofc u defend while u tell ur team to splitpush meantime
      6. it depends on what u lane there is alot of tinkers who goes 4 lvl lasers 4 lvl march at lvl 8 and then skill rockets only after they get blink bots


        Ill give u a tip you trench boy, repick

        Why pick tinker when invoker is in game

        Tinker cant solo kill heroes and only steal farms with march from position 1
        While invoker can, and he can find farm for himself without stealing carry farm

        So everytime i see people pick tinker i will report and abandon the game, does not.matter if is ranked because.he will only steal farm and ks kills with no game impact


          nie 40% winrate brah


            Yes, but Invoker is useless in early game and in late game he is just as good as support, while Tinker is much stronger in late.


              of course mr. normal skill bracket has no idea how tinker is played

              seriously what kind of dumb idiot reports and abandons because a teammate picks tinker

              fucking toxic trash


                Well, he's not just toxic or trash, he's also retarded. What kind of human being has a thought like that?

                It's okay to have no understanding of the game, but he's just flat out retarded.


                  @ MID OR I FUCKING FEED IN ...
                  I actually play invoker alot... its just called my free will to learn what heroes suit me the best and playing a game of dota 2. Y u haff to be so mad :(


                    @ MID OR I FUCKING FEED IN ...
                    That's why you belong in 1k mmr where you are (or whatever that 40% winrate is getting you).

                    SOHAI KIA OF TANJUNG MALIM

                      Then u should conttinue ur free will to master invoker because he is most based hero

                      Unlike tinker which is picked just to steal farm and show off immortal

                      kanye went to uni

                        "Tinker can't solo kill heroes" um what

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                        Quick maffs

                          Tinker or Slark mid is a free win man

                          kanye went to uni

                            Anyway, pretty sure Invoker instapickers are more annoying than Tinker players. Like realistically 50% of "mid plz" Invoker pickers I meet end up being raging game throwers.


                              invoker is such a trench hero compared to tinker

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                              SOHAI KIA OF TANJUNG MALIM

                                Says the guy with more invoker games played than tinker , so ironic lolololol


                                  nevermind cannot be botherd *EDIT*

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                                    you should be fuckin ashamed asking tips in public for this hero.
                                    so much impact for such lowskill requirement.

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                                      Anything before 10min is good BoT.

                                      You can stack ancients with march as Radiant without leaving the lane.

                                      Use remaining bottle charges on teammates before you TP to base.


                                        The first thing you need to do after picking tinker is repick, pick anything else and go play.


                                          Why post a thread when I am in your friends list @_@


                                            I am a horrible tinker i don't play him much and wouldn't even give advice, but no one else seems to be saying much useful.
                                            Always use your soul ring before rearm since the mana will never be wasted that way. max march first its grate for farming, team fights, pushing and counter pushing. if you are laneing him mid on radiant there is a point where u can cast march at the 49 second mark to stack + farm the ancients with out leaving XP range from the lane, u could also just use it to push out the wave and then stack the ancients the normal way and possibly check top rune while u are at it.
                                            Don't take your second point in rearm until you have a lot of max mana.
                                            when you are farming a wave on the enemy's side of the map you should always Shift click blink dagger into the trees as you are BoTing in, then cast march from the safety of the trees(I keep forgetting to do this and feeding).
                                            In team fights don't feel the need to use every item/spell every time you rearm sometimes going in to laser some one will get you stun locked and dead. Also let some one else initiate when ever when ever possible.

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                                              One thing that I like to do against heroes like storm and puck is to skill up laser first and don't add any points in March , when a kill opportunity appears just skill missile and get the first blood and then do the normal march build

                                              If there's no chances then just add march


                                                Shoot rocket hit rocket


                                                  That guy MID OR I FUCKING FEED IN ... has a point
                                                  You know that every tinker or even earth spirit in normal or even high bracket is the cause of low tinker winrate in dotabuff


                                                    1. I would love anyone who would give me at least one tips about playing tinker mid...

                                                    2. this depends on what kind of items you go for starting, if youre rushing BoT then 8 min is generally where you want to be.

                                                    3. Radiant - March build, always 1 in laser first, max march and get 1 in rocket. Dire - Nuke build just laser rocket unless you can get someone to stack medium and hard camp. However everything is situational, if youre going up against a very squishy team like 5 cm's you should gank with the nuke build. If you feel you are going to be behind and losing your lane get march so you can catch up.

                                                    4. Okay on radiant you can march 3 camps at once, the 3 closest to your bottom towers, you can also march both the camps closest to your mid at the same time. Use your march to stack.

                                                    5. Dont be scared of heroes counter picking, as a tinker you can generally out play them. The worst heroes however that you can face are Nightstalker god forbid he get aghs, pudge, huskar, pugna.

                                                    6. Reference 3.


                                                      @MID OR I FUCKING FEED

                                                      Nice trolling... Tinker needs BoT+Blink and he can solo kill pretty much any int hero in the game.

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                                                        @ Wink
                                                        My bad... :( Just wanted to see general views about this hero and how everyone plays it and take the juice out of it .... guess noone read my questions except some people who helped me :( I just feel like asking you through chat would cause too much inconvenience for you and half of it is I am too stupid to trust some of Dotabuff users to give their honest/helpful opinions :P

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          I cant even play tinker well and I still win with this broken hero


                                                            1. I would love anyone who would give me at least one tips about playing tinker mid...
                                                            dont instapick it, 4k+ mmr will counterpick u. also, drop null talisman on bottle / soul ring usage. starting items null + tango (or let someone pool u 2 of them)

                                                            2. What is the ideal time for BoT?
                                                            it doesnt really matter, too many factors (did they block your ancient? do u have a jungler so u cant stack the hard camp when your ancient is blocked? etc. ). what's more important is effective usage of your bot as soon as u got them (u can farm 2-3 jungle camps at once and if u time it so that u can get the 2nd march on :50 u can do 2 more marches and kill the new creeps spawning at :00)

                                                            3. What build is best for situations? (like provide examples ie.- Nuking Tinker is usefull for mid heroes ......,......)
                                                            generally common is q w q e e e e r-> 2 1 4 1 at 8
                                                            another common build noawadays is q w q w e e -> 2 2 2 at 6
                                                            depends on how aggressive u go and stuff

                                                            4. Any tips for jungling? Ancients stacking (do u do them or your supports do them?), do you decide to split push or defend towers when the enemy are 5 manning?
                                                            do u mean from the get go? generally u can kill the mid wave that comes at :15 with a march and then proceed to stack your ancients, or on dire side the hard camp next to your tier 2 mid.

                                                            5.Hero counter? Who should I avoid picking against the hero? (Batrider? is he a counter?)
                                                            if u are cautious enough u can always play tinker. if u arent that good yet u should avoid heroes with flying vision (storm, bat, ns, clock, mirana)

                                                            6. I go laser lvl 1, max out march the first while leveling up rocket untill it is maxed out.... and i go laser max while getting my ulties at lvl 8,9 or 10. I dont remember :P Is this a ok build?

                                                            आप गे क्यों

                                                              hide in the trees. always


                                                                i instapick invoker and feed everitiem