General Discussion

General DiscussionHavoc + Guiri race to 5k

Havoc + Guiri race to 5k in General Discussion

    ^I approve this aswell.

    But the thing is when I was at this mmr I was just as delisional as my team-mates. Flaming just demoralize the guy you flame also it makes him/her feel pressured.

    Even I flame if I'm tired, sad, lost a lot of games, playing bad, but hey.
    We're just human beings. It's normal.
    You get a reaction for things you dislike etc, but I know I'm doing it. I know I'm playing bad from time to time.
    I know I could have gotten more from the offlane I play
    I know I could have lasthitted better

    But I don't complain about shit like this on dotabuff, which I dont think anyone else should do either.

    If you're better, you will increase. That's about it


      ddsama i added you on steam, accept me mofo


        (bogi is there) Rofl


          @E a s y L o s e

          Not at all. I am realistic about my expectations of myself and my strength of stretch. I will not go pass these without a comfort zone in order to make the games as enjoyable and effective for my team as I can. I am very used to teamwork and that should 100% be what the game is about. Not the circle jerking of people being nice but simply playing their roles and helping the team win as a team.

          People put far to much weight on what they want as opposed to what the team are needing. Going a 15 minute midas, or building that 30 minute linkens just because its a recommended item. People at this range are horrible at playing from the back foot and if it's not a stomp they call GG or will "afk farm".

          Invoker in the previous two games was called out by his team for being shit talking garbage, this included both players from dire and radiant. In the game I played with him I attempted to be nice and then he died doing something stupid and kicked up a fuss. I don't care how fucking good you think you are if you fuck up you done fucked up don't be a child about it.

          ....he also was 100% the reason that the game dragged on for like 50 minutes the time before.

          Morph both games was arguing with his team not because he wanted to but because he picked the teams reliant carry and failed both times. Look at the player the guy has 33% winrate on morph and continues to take him into game where people will be looking to their carry to carry them late.

          I wouln't start trying out morph in solo ranked games cause I will fail for about 40 games till I get the hang of it. This is why people who know me well know that I will only support or offlane, with the occasional carry or jungle. This is because I know the limits of my own skill and expectations and I hate that people can't do the same.

          @Vaeldiithia Bad is putting it nicely.

 short supporting is very hard at this level and if people can take advantage of the help I give them 7/10 times it's a won game.


            dd whats ur mmr? no offense, just interested


              4800-5000 I should think.

              I think I have to adjust to solo queuing, given time I am unsure 5k or even higher tier 4k is even that hard to get to. I also might add that I think the games have been bad for everyone, this could be with the influx of fresh compenduim smurfs and also the decent regulars dedicating more time to watching the TI4 then playing.

              Этот комментарий был изменён

                im glad i was muted the first time... i wouldve made invoker ragequit from all the garbage i wouldve thrown at him from like min 10...


                  and i told havoc that guy was awful :D from the start before the game started


                    learn earth spirit support :D


                      to break out from that bracket easy with support, play tree. tons of it.


                        tree is shit for pubs


                          Damn u guys are about hitting 50% getting rough?


                            rares on Guiri


                              I'm giving up on recording the W/L's as I'm currently playing at different times to Havoc and Benao and I don't want to trapse through all the games every time I wake up. =]


                                ok then play carries and never get out if it.


                                  Lol, who to trust... xan @ 5.3k (and therefore has made the climb) or Bogi stuck at 4.4k (and therefore has not)?

                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                    Seems like bogi has been stuck at 4300-4500 for months now only playing carry. Probably time to play something else than carry


                                    Szotyi, from that small picture I think you look fucking cute.

                                    ♛ peSte ♛

                                      I present you the ultimate specimen of mankind


                                        i Knew a guy with 1.3 and he was very very bad, i can't believe how 780 can be


                                          Dat "Guiri playing against Bots" sh1t.

                                          JK, I do it too sometimes :P


                                            haha xD practice Brew! first time :(

                                            Quick maffs

                                              man the allison guy is legit on invoker


                                                Yeah, but also he's a reasonable good player anyway, and the people we played with brought the opponents down.

                                                My brew is one of my worst heroes, that's why I picked, practice.


                                                  well its my most played hero. i guess everyone has a good performance with a hero they constantly play. its a 200 games difference between invoker and the next most played hero


                                                    I added a guy from dotabuff who was asking from help, he was 500 MMR i guess. It was painful, no one had a clue about the game, items and stuff. they are rly rly bad, but the guy is concerned about improving


                                                      Valve said before ranked was released that like 2250 or something was the average but they expected with the introduction of ranked it will rise slightly (~2500-2600 maybe) so, with all that in mind, I find it really amazing to genuinely understand how someone can be ~750 or less on a serious account, as in, someone who seriously wants to spend time on the game and play. Maybe on some little kid who's just hit level 13 thanks to point boosting but has only played like 50 games or whatever.... but still...


                                                        Even the extra-shit-even-compared-to-me players on my list are either have yet to pay ranked or above 2k. Cant believe how can someone be 700.
                                                        In WoW I had to see lots of 10-12 yo kids playing the game, but even they were better compared to avg level ... wtf.


                                                          @ Guiri

                                                          Are you going to post the total w/l at the top like you did before? Would be nice to see total w/l it took also.

                                                          Only interesting thread on here lately and am interested to see the time/progression of this and check on it every now and again.

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            Go guiri my rares are on you


                                                              ^^Its hard couse 2 of them likes to stack a lot =/



                                                                Jugger 12 4
                                                                Zeus 0 1
                                                                PA 0 1
                                                                Furion 0 1
                                                                Void 2 2
                                                                Tiny 2 1
                                                                AA 0 1
                                                                SB 0 1
                                                                Viper 4 0
                                                                Lina 0 1
                                                                Ogre 1 1
                                                                Slardar 1 0
                                                                Lesh 0 1
                                                                Clock 0 1
                                                                Phx 1 0

                                                                23-16 Its more or less accurate, 7 win lead can add up to +163, prob these were the solo ranked games.


                                                                Furion 0 1
                                                                WR 0 1
                                                                Lich 1 0
                                                                Lion 0 1
                                                                Axe 0 1
                                                                Ogre 8 6
                                                                Doom 1 0
                                                                BH 1 0
                                                                Phx 2 3
                                                                Elder 1 0
                                                                Silencer 0 1
                                                                Void 1 0
                                                                Mirana 1 1
                                                                Zeus 1 0
                                                                Viper 1 0
                                                                LC 1 0
                                                                WK 1 0
                                                                Nyx 1 3
                                                                Shaker 0 1
                                                                SD 1 0

                                                                22-19 Definetly not +31, cant find the party games, he stacks a lot I think, probably with an anonymous too.


                                                                Silencer 1 2
                                                                SF 0 2
                                                                Mirana 4 1
                                                                Void 1 1
                                                                Furion 2 2
                                                                Qop 0 1
                                                                Drow 8 3
                                                                Pudge 0 1
                                                                BS 1 0
                                                                DS 1 0
                                                                Sniper 1 0
                                                                DK 0 1
                                                                Pugna 0 2
                                                                SK 1 1
                                                                Necro 0 1
                                                                Nyx 1 0
                                                                Zeus 0 1

                                                                21-19 This one is accurate, hes nice enough not to stack at all. :D
                                                                (and fuck that ability draft game, was trying to find why is 21-20 adds up to +45 mmr for 10 mins -.-')

                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                  ^ how do you figure out match points without viewing the game at the end?


                                                                    ^ Its solo queue, must be around 25 per game avg, and Guiri has the change listed in the first post. But I failed with Guiri, forgot to count one day so trying again. :D

                                                                    Edited, now it should be ok, I just cant find Havoc's solo games.

                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                      put me down for guiri, seeing as he's the only one who goes mid infrequently. havoc/benao rarely (does havoc even go mid lol)

                                                                      if u don't go mid/offlane ur usually at the mercy of ur teammates

                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                        anyways by the looks of ur dotabuffs this is going to be a marathon not a race, wish u guys did this a long time ago when i was in the same rating range :(

                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                          nah dude its not gonna take long
                                                                          one of these days im gonna have a 2 time 10 win streak separated by a loss or smth similar and then gg


                                                                            going mid is so much easier, trust me. if ur truly 5k and their 4.5k player goes mid it's like a free win. almost every 4.5k i've laned against can't last hit properly for some reason


                                                                              i get a freewin (lanewise AND early game) followed by a free throw :)

                                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                yeah sorry! It got really hard with (mainly Havoc!) games because when I woke up I had to work out how many of his ~10 games were solo or not, and the same with Benao, just the raw MMR number was easy enough, but you can always divide the number by the days it took just to see how many gained per day and account for an average of something like 8 solo games played per day by each of us.


                                                                                  Here's where I started.

                                                                                  Friday: Started 4216 Ended 4485
                                                                                  Saturday: Started 4485 Ended 4586
                                                                                  Sunday: Started 4586 Ended 4616
                                                                                  Monday: Started 4616 Ended 4692 (I think, it might be lower)

                                                                                  I do party cause people add me after games sometimes and we will play a couple together till we lose one really bad then we will make excuses why we need to go, and start the solo grind again.

                                                                                  I think one of the funniest things is that if you queue at certain times you will get the same rotation of 10 people for like 3-4 games in a row and this can be a problem if there was bad blood in previous games, my suggestion is to wait out the queues.

                                                                                  EDIT: @Fractal I am a balling mid so I let others go mid to keep it a balanced game otherwise its unfair on the opposition

                                                                                  EDIT2: Ok that's a lie, I never go mid cause I am not a practiced mid player.

                                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                    ^ You just made those numbers up, this thread started on Friday and you were 4.5 then lol...


                                                                                      I don't pay much attention to my solo rank so i wouldn't know. In the past if people asked me I would say 4.2-4.4 cause I just don't remember/care.

                                                                                      S A D B O Y S


                                                                                        Saddest thing is, Ember was 5k, so was our Mirana.

                                                                                        ALSO if you look at her account in Dotabuff, she's probably one of waves customers.

                                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                          Nah 5K smurfs are ezpz to get.


                                                                                            Ya but the point is, the entire shitness of that game can be accredited to the fact that there's a legit 5k player against a 3k scrub who made a smurf.


                                                                                              ACTUALLY just checked, only the Chen wasn't a smurf, so my team had 3. The other team were ALL Legit players. Fuck Valve for that one.


                                                                                                fucking servers


                                                                                                  no one will ever reach 5k hihih

                                                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!