General Discussion

General DiscussionI wanted to bring this all to your attention @ NEVERMORT // STIMPACK

I wanted to bring this all to your attention @ NEVERMORT // STIMPACK in General Discussion
Jay Ashborne



    Jay Ashborne
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        good job

        Jay Ashborne

          You are so spiteful satie. This is comedy gold.


            this is why it is best to chose ones words wisely


              dno whats fun about this though


                Those abandons though


                  holy shit
                  get a life


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                      Dayum, I just noticed there is a "follow" button for Plus users.


                        ROFL i didn't even realise xD i remember that comment too hahahaha


                          when will people realize 50% is actually bad

                          King of Low Prio

                            I am amused


                              >Well played!

                              Ples Mercy

                                lets pretend someone gives a shit.


                                  When will you realize winrate is trash unless you were spawned on a steam account and have a spoiled Dota 2 experience.


                                    Well I am flattered that someone cares so much to get this kind of attention. But HOLY SHIT you got me man! Nice desktop by the way, now you have to minus those abandons.

                                    Jay Ashborne

                                      Shut up trashcan. This is a 51%+ winrate thread only. Only players with 51%+ can post here.


                                        ^ Ok but don't get too excited to my profile while its on your screen.

                                        Jay Ashborne

                                          You lost more games. I'll go update it.

                                          Hex Sigma

                                            don't mind me im just a scrub posting in this elitist thread. I never got tho why the dota community is so diehard elitist

                                            Sexy Vicious

                                              woo I can post here because i play in normal bracket =D

                                              Jay Ashborne

                                                I'm joking Rasp, you can post here. I just think it's silly he said that and now it bites him. I honestly don't give a shit about mmr/winrate/kda. There are good and bad players in all brackets.

                                                bum farto

                                                  It's dropping even further now!


                                                    Yay elitist! I'm allowed to post here!


                                                      but he still isnt below 49% right?

                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        This needs more Kappas


                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            .......and my thread gets insta locked :(


                                                              ^ I did say this place was basically Twitch without streams.

                                                              Polkadot Piranha

                                                                I don't get it. He said "below 49 %...The 49-49.99% people are fine"

                                                                Where's the "gotcha" moment?

                                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                                  The fact his winrate hasn't changed in about 7 Months.


                                                                    fuck this im bad as fuck and i can maintain over 51% wr


                                                                      Owell... Not to be mean or anything, but seriously Melody:

                                                                      Do you think anybody cares about his wr not changing? I've dropped 0.30% winrate the last 3 months, do you think anyone cares?


                                                                        I do


                                                                          Naaaaa, Satelizer!! Sooo cutee :D

                                                                          edit: I misswrote your nick on purpose to make you mad

                                                                          edit: I'll work hard to get that .3% back

                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                          Jay Ashborne

                                                                            The kid talked shit like he was better than other players, when he's just like them. I care. You can't sit there and call people that are willing to improve trashcans, while this kid hasn't done shit to improve himself.

                                                                            DD, if you let a would sit and fester it only gets worse. You have to clean the infection before it heals.


                                                                              You mean before it spreads or grows.. if it heals you're normally ok ;)


                                                                                Apparently Melody cares so much he loses sleep over it. Kappa

                                                                                King of Low Prio


                                                                                  bum farto

                                                                                    Well come now, while this thread is toxic he does have a point. Too many people are quick to throw out insults and tagging others as garbage and then as time rolls on it becomes apparent that they themselves aren't too good.

                                                                                    Be polite more in the future, hell I have had shit days and yelled at friends and flamed but you have to try and keep those to a constant low as opposed to the norm. You have your 50% back now so just try and work on the rating a bit.


                                                                                      +1 ddp to Havoc. True words though, and should be common sense. There's a reason why I don't confront people about skill. -> Everybody has bad days.


                                                                                        been saying it for ages guys, more politeness on the thread gets you a long way, calling everyone sub 50% trash wont get you far, at least not in the community.

                                                                                        Jay Ashborne

                                                                                          ^ What yoshi said to a T.

                                                                                          The kid pretty much called out half the forum saying they were bad. And I called 7 months back that his winrate would fall sub 50%. Which it clearly did.

                                                                                          The point of this thread was to call him out on calling others bad when exactly what I said would happen did. Maybe anyone that had their feelings hurt that day by that thread also saw this and got some self esteem back. Shit like that hurts the community. It really does. people leave communities because of mockery and flaming. Stuff like this, and the virus that Wave and other dolt fucks spread around the forum does nothing more than hinder community growth. It limits the amount of productive activity that can be built because it draws attention away from more fluid topics that are productive.

                                                                                          This topic was created to return the favor and point out the fact that he was falling near the bracket inwhich he claimed to be trash cans, hopefully humbling him a tad because he has that "better than thou" arrogant attitude where he thinks he's a godlike 50% player. However through the valiant efforts of the phenomenal DD-Narrowmindedfuck-Sama you've pretty much taken his side on this and hence why he's still trying to make some witty comeback about how this was the focus of my life or some shit for 7 months. You've basically negated the fact that I tried to humble this other player who was limited the growth of the community and did nothing productive on forums.

                                                                                          It's not about his winrate, or skill. It was a lesson beyond what your feeble mind could comprehend, I suggest you think before you post. My class started two minutes ago and I haven't been paying attention so that I could elaborate to you fucks what this was about. Thankfully it's just my music theory class.

                                                                                          Also, if you didn't notice, I didn't have my coffee this morning.



                                                                                            just be friends
                                                                                            no reason to be harsh to someone because they were stupid once a time a while ago
                                                                                            time goes on
                                                                                            you can't be 100% stable, you do have bad games
                                                                                            you do have bad attitude
                                                                                            just like me
                                                                                            when im tired
                                                                                            as fuck
                                                                                            now I want a


                                                                                            puck lol u got that joke? lol haha

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                                                                                            Jay Ashborne

