General Discussion

General DiscussionAre you boring?Are you willing to help me?Can you analyze few games o...

Are you boring?Are you willing to help me?Can you analyze few games of mine? ^_^ THX in General Discussion

    Cheers dota community,

    I love dota and Im trying to climb to solo 5000 rating,thats my goal but seems it will be a long way to go.I need to be on different lvl than Im on now to be able to reach that goal. My wish is to be able to play with those wellknown players and challenge them.

    Im trying to get better as much as I can but I need opinions of another players too so I can see my mistakes from different angles.

    In solo matchmaking I usually ask for mid, but usually Im ignored, mostly.
    So Im picking what is needed.I think I can play decent support or carry role.

    In everygame im trying my best. But you know, sometimes you have bad day and then everything is f****d
    When you have your days, then everything is going smoothly and you are suddenly winning.

    So what Im asking?
    We are all humans, every human has some habits in reallife.
    But in game you can have some habits too, like diving to enemies tower :D
    But because is one of the habit, you are use to it and you dont see those mistakes.
    So Im wonder if I have some bad habits when Im playing dota.
    Like you are farming too long, you are diving too much, you have no map awareness....etc.

    or there is something else that im not aware?

    Tell me, what do I lack to be able to win the game?


      Inb4 4k mmr scrubs trying to lecture OP how to climb to 5k.


        I'm not boring thus I'm not answering your post.


          wow, a nice post. never seen this b4
          sry bro highest i've been is 4,6k i sucK~~~


            start off by playing the 27 heroes you havnt touched, then go on to play all heroes perhaps 10 times. then focus on One role.


              I dont believe in luck in matchmaking to have decent teammates to be able to win the game and reach 5k+ rating
              I believe if you are really ,,good" you can win the game by yourself.

              Look at those guys who have solo 5000+ rating.
              They had the same start like we all.
              They sure had some newbies/russians/pinoys/very very bad users in team.
              They sure had played with 4carry in their team.

              But somehow they still keep winning and keep their rating higher.
              Thats the different between us and them. Between those 4k and 5k rating.

              They have ,,something" that I lack it. That 4k rating users dont have it.

              Im wonder what it could be.
              Maybe real ,,skill" ?

              beyond imaginable

                They had big KDA and hero damage during the calibration matches.


                  Thats true.

                  KDA should be what I dont have.
                  My KDA is really low in compare with 5k rating users.

                  Seems I should stop dying as much as I can.