General Discussion

General Discussioni feel like people look down on pudge too much

i feel like people look down on pudge too much in General Discussion

    the scary thing is his ability to snowball WITHOUT items

    especially against squishies in mid because you could have a 50 cs advantage over him but just one wrong mistake = hook = death. i cant count the number of times i've won the lane to have pudge snatch back the momentum with a smoke or lucky hook

    Ape Prime

      pudge sucks, worse hero ever

      Dire Wolf

        Pudge gets a really bad rap cus shitty people play him and he is overplayed. It's just like invoker, people hate him cus many people suck at him, but he is easily the strongest hero in the game in the hands of the right person.

        My comparison stops at saying people suck with him though cus pudge is not the strongest hero. He falls off late, basically your goal is shut down their mid and gank side lanes giving your carries tons of farm. Cus unless pudge goes like 12-0 and has a billion hit points what is he going to do late? He has no dmg once people can survive your hook, chomp, rot combo and pudge can't afford to build right clicky items since he needs blink, force staff, heart, maybe hood.

        So he can be good but he has a very limited role and window.


          Well here's the deal....

          Pudge loses mid to everyone, his saving grace is being able to get out of the mid lane much earlier than anyone else. He can either get lucky early on and snowball to living fuck or just becomes a dead weight on the team. Pudge is so immensely fun to play that I will even take him offlane just to have a knock around without the pressure of potentially wrecking mid.


            I think Pudge is the only hero i dont give a fuck if i lose or win with, it's so much fun to play anyways :)

            Dire Wolf

              Pudge is pretty good offlane actually if other team won't ward. So many spots to hide behind trees and hook. At very least it scares the crap out of the safelane and hurts their farm as they have to position to avoid hooks.


                I don't think it's that people are looking down on Pudge, it's that too many people suck with him, but can't help picking because he's fun to play.

                Flat is Justice!

                  many people love to play pudge
                  but i only respect those aggressive pudge players

                  A good pudge is a pudge who hooks so much, that the other side is always scared to venture out too far


                    whenever they pick pudge, instead of regular picks to counter him (puck, storm, viper etc) i pick NAIX everytime. who cares hard carry builds, BEST FREE FARMS of my life.

                    if he hooks you, press q, no matter if you are under his tower or not, he is dead. he will try to get some cs, harass him, your feast will damage him deadly, he will run. if you build a ferrari type build, you can even gank other lanes, naix ulti + e can bring kills.

                    check this:

                    some of em were good players even i build shit: but result is the same.

                    pick if you wanna enjoy.


                      i counter pudge with slark seems to work fine
                      most of puberinos will devour you as soon as they hook or they get in range to you, so all u gotta do is place your dark pact and tcharaan

                      Dire Wolf

                        Yes, naix really good against pudge for sure. Naix seems to suck lately vs everyone else though =(


                          I laned with support pudge before, i was drow vs slardar and CM dual lane.
                          Hook -> frost arrow.
                          Got first blood really easy, a lot of kills and we dominate lane early.


                          Miku Plays

                            Pudge carrying my stupid ass



                              Best pudges let the carries get the kills. These do not exist in pub play.

                              Bot (Passive)

                                pudge offlane is pretty bad seeing as the hero is only scary at level 7-8 and is really easy to harass out of lane with bad ms, low armor and no escape mechanism. i can see the logic of him needing a lot of levels and less gold but he often wont get anything just cause its so easy to harass him out of lane.

                                and he doesnt lose mid to everyone, he beats sniper ta and almost all ranged heroes if he buys a stout (qop, od, viper, razor are the only exceptions i can think of which is a lot but still) and does decent enough against melee heroes. i dont get why more people dont buy stout because it negates creep damage for the most part and against heroes with bad base damage you wont get harassed by right clicks so much.


                                  How to counter pudge:
                                  BUY WARDS, no more, with wards this hero is useless.


                                    there are guys over 70% WR on pudge at 6k MMR, surely wards counter him huehu

                                    Bot (Passive)

                                      buy smoke
                                      wards are useless

                                      and sadly you cant ward the entire map and you can also deward welp


                                        pudge win is really depend on user skill to hook...

                                        in my experience... my team pudge = ??? (idk how to explain it), enemy team pudge = dendi

                                        just met this kind of pudge


                                          Hook into dismember into dagon 5



                                            Ursa counter Pudge hardly
                                            Hook and overpowered to death

                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                              Pudge a snowball hero. Get 2-3 kills mid and he's almost unstoppable forcing your mid to basically leave or jungle. Sometimes when he goes on 3-4 kill streak it keeps going and going. Pretty soon it takes 4 man to just take out pudge, creating space for his carries and allies to farm. He's one of those heroes that could balloon up to 3-4k HP and like you realize your whole team is bearly 1k hp.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                When I said pudge is good offlane I didn't mean alone, in a 2-1-2 format with help he is good. Like the one guy suggested drow, that's a strong lane.


                                                  These people saying X hero counters Pudge because when he hooks you YZ happens...guys, a good Pudge chooses his targets.


                                                    pudge is a shit hero. fuck that hero. wish he has a new meta whre he jungling using rot and suicide


                                                      Pudge is pretty underrated in my opinion. Sure there are a lot of people who make him look bad, but if you let a person who's talented with Pudge do his thing the enemy is going to be very conservative for a while about going outside safe zones. Set up a ward? Doesn't much matter if the Pudge knows to use smoke. Basically, he's good for intimidation and if he snowballs he can be a decent tank.


                                                        pudge is only good against people who got no eyes

                                                        Miyamoto Musashi

                                                          Just pick huskar and gg over pudge.


                                                            Pudge needs to terrorise the opposition by roaming early, getting kills and forcing the enemy into turtling and losing map control. If you dont win the game early with a Pudge then you're usually just playing with a team of 4.

                                                            In low MMR games I would say pudge has a shocking bad win rate, because he's easily the most misplayed hero in the game.

                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!