General Discussion

General Discussion1v1 Strategy!

1v1 Strategy! in General Discussion

    Before Valve fixes it to the mirror matchup BO3 (which I hope they will), here is what you should do:

    Pick Viper, go Wraith Tango
    Last hit and harass
    Skill build is one point in each then whatever
    Get Aquila or Boots next, depending if enemy is hard to kill/easy to kill respectively
    Try and get kills

    I didn't rune control or bottle at all. It would probably be more effective but it's also a lot more tedious and tiring.

    I only lost a single game because I towerdived a lvl 6 Lion. He was going to die 1 second after I lost the game (which I lost with better LH GPM and XPM :[ )

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      So far the most annoying shit I encounter is OD, played vs viper once as PA and owned him, 2nd kill I almost died but I tower dived (thing is he had like 15% hp yet he almost got me)

      Russell Westbrook

        just pick sky hes autowin


          just pick shadow shaman wait for lvl 6 do ur combo kill them under their tower and take the tower EZ



            i fed first blood because i thought the match would end by last hits at 10 minutes

            otherwise viper is easy to kill


              try huskar, ggwp


                so far so good, 100% win, 3 with SF one with TA ez

                King of Low Prio

                  I am surprised people are not bored of this gimmick alrdy


                    SS (Shadow Shaman) doesn't work

                    I got the second kill when my tower was 100 hp, Valve should make it 2 kills of any, either 1 hero kill + 1 tower kill, or 2 hero/tower kills...
                    The 1 tower kill sucks..


                      bane is free win i assume


                        @Mapzor it is any 1 kills

                        i died fb then my oponent died from tower and then i killed him couple mins later and game ended


                          its either 2 kills or 1 tower

                          just played DK vs Bane, ez

                          TOC | Amanda Dermichknutscht


                            Ez mid ez game


                              best mid is tinker. soul ring + rearm + march + bottle crow until you get ur BoT. easy win


                                Earth Spirit. Easy. Min 5 Win.

                                beast player

                                  hoyl fuck ppl takin runes and bottle crowin in sf vs sf so lame

                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!