General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Accounts?

New Accounts? in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    link the dotabuff of main and smurf

    kanye went to uni

      Sampson, I'm not going to bother arguing this past this comment because no one else wants to read this. What you need to do is give more credit to other people on this forum. You think you're the only one with brains because of some university degree (people usually grow out of that after first year...), and for some reason you think you can extend that into a right to talk down to everyone else. Well, one of the important parts of a university education is that you understand how little you are in terms of intellect, and how intelligent other people can be. And yet, you talk so arrogantly on this forum it's ridiculous! Apparently you missed the whole meet-lots-of-other-people-that-blow-your-mind thing, or you don't think that lesson applies on internet forums (which is wrong). There's a reason why you have so many haters you know.

      I know what a strawman argument is, it's not a very difficult concept, and it applies here. Him saying 'we fucking lost' was not the same as him specifically saying he couldn't hit 7k so he made a smurf, yet you suggested that it was the same idea.

      Oh and for everyone else: Sampson has never flamed me for some shitty qq thread I made or criticised me in terms of gameplay that made me mad or something. I am not some bitter kid. I just don't like the way he acts on these forums.

      King of Low Prio

        Who the fuck cares if I went to university or not? you are the only person making the leap from me thinking what you said was stupid to me thinking that I am of some higher intellect for going to university.

        RTZ specifically said 'I am never going to play on shitty US servers again too'. You cant pick specific words only when it suits your argument.

        OK lets pretend like he was being serious (for once in his stream) the fact remains that his smurf was almost 1k MM LOWER than his main

        King of Low Prio

          and yes when I make a statement like 'smurfing ruins the game for everyone in the ladder' I expect to get alot of haters.

          Vanity  ツ

            Ok, Sampson. You want a bunch of 5k players making tryhard mmr smurfs and that's what I'll give you.

            This guy:
            made this account to play high level mmr:
            His main account was in the mid 5ks, but he lost a lot of points and made a smurf which he played on.

            MoonMeander had 6k on his main account, but he ended up losing points, and therefore he made a smurf.

            main account: he got his 6k back eventually
            smurf account for mmr grinding purpose:

            Altaoda smurf account(s) for mmr grinding, and not for selling:
            I can not find his main account, because his twitch is closed down or something.

            I could go on this forever, but I hope 3 examples is more than enough for you to understand. And don't come up with stuff like accounts with an x ammount of games played on, are not smurf accounts.

            Not atleast, there are plenty of high rated players who play on alt-accounts to tryhard ranked mm, while they leave their main account for fun games; Barny etc.

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            Vanity  ツ

              I am not sure why I am doing this research to prove something to a random man on the internet, but w/e...

              King of Low Prio

                making a alt account to mess around on /= making a smurf account to obtain a higher MM

                moon did it to prove that his main account was not luck

                the other 2 I dont know their stories but it is quite clear that you mistake making a alt account with 'making a smurf account to obtain a higher MM'

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                Vanity  ツ

                  I could probably mention more players, and even some who posts on this forum occasionally, but I am not a very big fan of using other people to prove something which I know is right, without asking them first.

                  King of Low Prio

                    for example moon did not make his smurf thinking he would get 7k MM. He made the smurf knowing that he would get placed exactly where his main account is

                    Vanity  ツ

                      Well, if he achieved to get a 7k mm, he would probably be the only one, and therefore it would be impossible unless he is at 7k mmr. Also, it is funny how you don't notice 300 win accounts in top mmr on european severs. These are obviously players with only 300 wins, and not someone playing on a new account.
                      Here's an example of another smurf account with high mmr:
                      Main account:

                      It is very likely that he made that account just for checking how high mmr he could possibly achive. If he was planning to sell it, he obviously would not call it the same nickname as his main account.

                      Vanity  ツ

                        I also like how this discussion is completely irrelevant to what op intended it to be.

                        King of Low Prio

                          you are linking accounts without linking MM

                          Vanity  ツ

                            Go find all the alt-accounts, smurfs low ammount of games accounts you can, do some work yourself. I've already found altaodas alt-account and ole 444. But it is quite obvious that you're not going to find very many other alts in that list, considering that you need atleast 300 public games.

                            I desperately need some sleep now, so I wont bother replying to any of your arguments and rhetoric before tomorrow.

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                              And I just wanted to know if people had any opinions about starting fresh on a new account. Sorry I asked, jesus.

                              ICE SKULL

                                lmao you're fucking shitting me? sanke is legit but olee444 is just feeding himself in cd/cm, that kid is not even close to 4k mmr. altaoda picked phoenix before it got nerfed and now hes gone from the leaderboards.

                                i think the highest altaoda got was 5700 or something and his smurf is probably around 4700 where his true skill is at.
                                atm im preparing for world cup and just watched e3 so i haven't had time to play much dota but pls do your fucking research first, thanks


                                ask yourself, do you think these players are close to 4k? they're not even close to 3k hence why they avoid playing ranked. and when they do play ranked, its on europe west LOL
                                5 stacking in russia has been proven to be effective with high success, all you need is to find low mmr players and counterpick.

                                fuck these russians, i got those two players when i played with my friend yesterday and they were fucking terrible, idk why they queued europe west but they played like shit. they had no fucking idea what to do and kept raging in mic like your typical 3k mmr game (how i know they were playing and behaving like 3k mmr players is due to the fact i've boosted 3k mmr players).

                                my BRAIN LITERALLY FROZE IN THAT GAME

                                ICE SKULL

                                  after reading this thread a bit, i have to point out that smurfing does not ruin dota 2 matchmaking (both unranked and ranked).
                                  smurf detection in dota 2 is accurate after a few matches played.

                                  you're all fucking stupid

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