General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen do you think 1v1 mid will be implemented?

When do you think 1v1 mid will be implemented? in General Discussion

    After international?

    Thus far I've been using dotacinema arena for 1v1s, but the skill level there is below measurable, also people doesn't follow the rules.
    They're just jerks who says "I'm not leaving until throne falls" after getting rekt.

    If they won't implement this until international, I'd like to find someone to 1v1 who's within my range or better (4600+) to practise with.

    I'm not actually a mid player, but I really want to improve at this role thus why I created this thread,
    what are you assuming?

    Эта тема была изменена

      knowing volvo, in 2015


        "rule" in 1v1,
        Beside the "you will not go in top lane or bottom lane" (which makes sense, cause otherwise you could dodge your opponent all game long, and it would not be a "1v1") all other "rules" are just for whiny looser that cann't handle a 1v1

        Autism is great

          never or in few years

          ICE SKULL

            u can practice with me if u want

            my friend wrote a cool guide about midlane too check it out


              Thanks wave, I'll take time to read this and I can practise with you eventaully


                i hope soon im running out of games to play while waiting for it to be released

                GG | dudutsai

                  Wave will you help me improve 1v1? I would like to work on my mid game without having to queue up every time



                    Actualy there is a rule, if you destroy t2, you will win.


                      nope, you never saw the epic come back then. From raxed to win


                        Its bascially 1 line of code so wont take long

                        Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                          Sir, you forgot about 4 zeros




                              matrice confirmed rule dodger.

                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!