General Discussion

General Discussionhow to improve when you are in plateau

how to improve when you are in plateau in General Discussion

    title says it all
    i try to improve my last hitting and thats pretty much all i accomplished in the past months

    i watch my replays, i know what i did wrong and i try never to do it again, but it's not decisive enough to make me win most of my games
    i watch streams, i watch pro doto, i watch live games in general. my game knowledge is higher than the guys i generally see in my bracket, but mechanically wise im probably as shitty as them, slightly better (probably thats why i have 52% winrate)

    anything? could someone coach or smth?

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      It's not like watch pro doto and u get good.

      It took me 10minutes to watch arteezy play morph mid for me to improve at least 150% on my mid morph.
      Look at Pro/Wavesama/Sam/Dorly pub games with a specific hero, go player perspective and see how they do things.

      I can probably semi-coach you, but whats your mmr?


        yea i always watch in player perspective, sometimes i can reproduce but i end up lacking impact most of the time
        i watch pretty much every game of zenoth and try to learn from there but sometimes i just forget it during a match or i dont have space to do etc

        i am around 3k, my solo is 2.8~9, but in party i play with 3.3~3.5k guys

        Proud Boi

          Yo, it's all about game sense and decision making; know when to push, know when to back, carry TP for the purpose of getting to teamfights (not to escape necessarily), NEVER go into AFK mode just because you're mad at team-mates. It's also wise to pick heroes that has an impact throughout the game; jugg, slark, phoenix etc. Don't pick shit like PA or AM or any carries that requires tons of farm to be useful. You shouldn't worry too much about how well you do mechanically. I suck at last hitting, almost always buy quelling blade, suck at micro more than one unit, get my healing ward killed all the time. It didn't prevent me from getting my current rating of 5,3k. It's just not a big deal.

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            Alright, if you're at this mmr I think I can help you to get better than total trash, however wouldn't it be hard to be coached if you fail to get anything out of replays and such?

            Just what I thinking, you can add me and I can watch some of your games tonight and talk about the games eventually


              Play more and less watch? You are probably watching too much and not practicing enough. Just try to play at your own pace and not just copy some player Eg. arteezy. 3k players do things diff from 4k , 5k , 6k players. In order to win in your own bracket, you dont need to outsmart them, just think of where you would go if you were the enemy and keep getting pick offs and you will snowball a victory easily.


                its not i dont get anything out of it, but even reproducing the things that i watch i feel like i lack of impact in the game, unless when im in the carry role which is generally when i carry most of the games. but mid i pick usually farm oriented stompers such as OD and TA, i win my lane, then the guy starts rotating and feed from bad positioning teammates, and start snowballing from there and usually i cant do much

                but i cant really complain about getting dumb teammates because usually i get also dumb opponents and its my failure on capitalizing in their mistakes that make me stay where i am, so i might be failing in so much points that i cant see

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                  watch me play drow/mirana/sf and try to understand why :)

                  Lorne Malvo

                    Something I do.

                    Make a check sheet for each game with different aspects of your play. After each game give yourself a score (1 to 10) on how well you did for each category. Then watch the replay and see if you scored as well as you think you did.

                    Example of categories would be for example:

                    Last hitting, Denying, lane presence, rotation, cooperation, purchasing, positioning, map awareness, micro skills, strategy, depending on the role you are playing etc..

                    You can never be truly objective but this can help you somewhat to see which aspects of play to prioritise.


                      thanks for advices

                      dd i'll add you then but i can only play by monday due to girlfriend and college stuff

                      maybe i'll stick to bloodseeker, people seem not to care about TPs in this bracket


                        sounds good


                          if dd is coach u will be fine:)


                            I can't tell you how much autism and pretentiousness this thread has right now. Watching Morphling Arteezy LOl.

                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!