General Discussion

General Discussionstreaming Tinker with commentary

streaming Tinker with commentary in General Discussion

    i will be streaming tinker game play with commentary at 2:00PM CST.(about 10 minutes from this post). come join if you are interested in this hero. i will join a pub so no telling how this will go

    Ples Mercy

      music way to loud, workst overlay ive ever seen, your soundsettings are fucking horrible.

      14 CS mid against kunkka, lel

      'w commentary' translated -> doesn't say a fucking word

      gets soul ring mid instead of bottle, lel

      Этот комментарий был изменён

        A lil' bit high sound prob? It's kinda impossible to hear a word of what you're saying.
        + Cute, kinda nd beautiful


          i dual laned against a pudge and kunkka

          i said i would go soul ring b/c i would not be getting runes, got bottle after travels

          commentary starts primarly after BoT as you just farm before that

          will fix the music, thanks for criticism
          overlay is bad i agree

          Ples Mercy

            btw whats ur mmr?

            i can't quite figure out if its high 2kish or low 3kish.


              When I look at these streams I'm just thinking about myself streaming und how much more entertaining that would be as the crazy guy I am (chrctr), these streams seems so boring.

              No talking, why would anyone watch one "random; soon famous cause of dota2tech" guy just playing.
              You bring no entertainment (from what I've seen, didn't watch very long) into the stream.

              I'm sad my internet can't handle streaming, fcuk livin' outside the city in norway boys


              No offense though, this is just my personal opinion. What I mean is this is so mainstream and I doubt there will come many viewers to a stream like this if that's your goal. :p

              Do your thing mate! WP with Dotatech.

              Этот комментарий был изменён

                Go play Morph mid, if you see this before next game.


                I'm watching.

                "I disracted Nature's that's why you survived" He'd survive wether you suicided like a shito or not. That was all on you and your fault, Kunkka'd be fine.

                Just saying. You probably don't realize yourself when you fuck up. :P

                "Blablabla we dont have the best lineup blabla"

                Jungling Tinker is pretty shit, hope you realize. Shouldn't take that all on Kunkka because you go offlane qblade and shit. jzayni

                "That just happened"

                Dies to neturals, which you'd done either way if the ranged one attacked you or not. The melee guys would get up to you and nerf you.

                What's your mmr bro?)

                Этот комментарий был изменён

                  i am just starting to stream so as I get used to things I will relax a bit more and be more entertaining. right now, im getting used to the additional delay, using transitions, adjusting sound volumes, and seeing how archiving works.

                  i am also very modest. i think i admit every death to be my fault when it is.

                  kunk last pick offlane was retarded. then we ran mirana mid instead kunk mid and mirana top. our laning was retarded and most of our team agreed.

                  in the jungle, my fault. i meant to not be close enough for creeps to attacks over forrest and then i would have been fine.

                  otherwise, i did shitty that game. a support tinker in an offlane b/c mirana "needs mid" and kunk wants to carry instead of filling our support role didnt help. jus sayin


                    ill morph mid in a bit


                      as for the commentary part, i need to think my plan out before i play as to what im going to say. i didnt say much. i was stressed the second game and was focusing on trying to make the best of it. the fact that im playing a random pub, there is no telling where the match is going and it can be unpredictable. i could always pull replays of when i do really well and talk over those but people want live action so i have to work with whatever match i get.

                      im also currently getting 12 FPS while streaming. getting used to that


                        Awesome, will be fun to watch. :-)

                        plz have your music a bit lower though

                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                          i will fix music promise


                            whn r u playin?


                              about 2.5 hours. 7:30PM CST


                                you gotta work on that tinker dude

                                Flat is Justice!

                                  why are all the noobs streaming these days

                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                    ^ and you're 7k mmr with those KDAs and winrate right

                                    Flat is Justice!

                                      I am sure u enjoy watching them miss last hit and kill, oh how superior you must feel
                                      but its just painful to watch for me, reminds me of my mistakes

                                      And after the 40th streamer asking for views with inferior skill level or entertainment value
                                      just cyka

                                      But hey, each to his own, juke has every right to stream
                                      as with I to post my views



                                        To any person who wants to call me out on my skill, I am happy to 1v1 any person. I feel confident enough in my abilities to throw that out there.

                                        In addition, I did not think I needed to explain myself and why I am streaming. I created a website to serve as a resource for the dota conmmunity. I need to promote this site and this is my first attempt at streaming. I am currently running at around 11-14 FPS streaming which is quite an adjustment. It will cause me to lose CS and kills but I accept that. I am playing to build a library of videos that can be used to reference and hopefully some people will get help from that. First day streaming, am still fixing some audio issues and getting things in place.

                                        @ Hearts get Together
                                        You didn't watch a minute of my stream and you are making assumptions bro

                                        oh and wtf is this?


                                        ICE SKULL


                                          ICE SKULL

                                            i think ur fucking garbage, i watched 5 seconds and saw you getting destroyed by pudge and kunkka

                                            sure i respect soul ring over bottle but you had like what 10 cs at 4minutes? i bet ur at 4k mmr or something


                                              Stream will be up in 5 minutes. Hoping to go middle with morph.


                                                wave, here's my what 4th attempt. you are WAY too much trash to even try to talk to me. i'd dominate you so hard. but everyone knows you just gotta troll the fourms so nice hearing from ya. you're always too much of a bitch to respond

                                                ICE SKULL

                                                  im being flamed by a us east player who got outlasthitted by kunkka+pudge contesting each others farm.

                                                  i know this is bait but i'll bite it, add keys/value and i'll 1v1 you.

                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                    oh god ur winrate is even 48%, i was too kind of myself when i called you a 4k mmr player

                                                    ur not even 3k ROFL




                                                        how's life going wave
                                                        still playing with the same account?

                                                        ICE SKULL

                                                          ICE SKULL

                                                            yeah sano i just disabled dotabuff because my winrate is down to 80% or something
                                                            i plan to max this accounts winrate some day when im not lazy
                                                            #soloranked XD

                                                            how u been havent seen u around much

                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                              i'm not playing much due to college and work
                                                              just casually playing some minor br tournaments and stuff like that

                                                              ICE SKULL

                                                                u hype for world cup? i hope i dont get robbed by favelas


                                                                  what server wave? and just take all my chest. im not putting money into this game.


                                                                    11 min travels + soul ring vs a dual lane mid. horrible

                                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                                      BUT I THOUGHT THE GREAT 48% 3K MMR PLAYER IS CONFIDENT IN HIS AMAZINGGGGGGGGG SKILLS

                                                                      VERI GJ PLAYER

                                                                      u all trash palyers are all the same, not in dota, in every fucking game i play in


                                                                        you dodging wave?


                                                                          1v1 me qwiksc0pez on sh1pm3nt faget

                                                                          ICE SKULL

                                                                            yes im the one dodging as i just literally suggested "chests"

                                                                            plz waste my time more so i can fall asleep


                                                                              why do you need to wager money? i offered to 1v1 people not bet people. you are suggesting i use a credit card and put money into this game which i have zero desire to do.

                                                                              ICE SKULL

                                                                                excuse me

                                                                                bet something of value mr "confident 3k mmr plejer"


                                                                                  wave what do you not understand? are you slow or something?

                                                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                                                    i'm definitely the slow one here

                                                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                                                      why do dogs know their place when their superiors talk but people like you dont?
                                                                                      what makes a dog smarter than some little trash can with over 2k matches struggling at 48% winrate?

                                                                                      find out on the next episode of dotabuff z


                                                                                        wave's a douche bag but i'm pretty sure he would crush you


                                                                                          im happy to play him when he is ready.


                                                                                            I just looked at ur kdas and I can roughly guess wave would kick ur ass easily


                                                                                              this is wave's definition of fun



                                                                                                don't insult wave with that wikipedia entry.




                                                                                                    are you sucking his dick or something? you are defending someone who stacks low priority, plays against feeder bots "conveniently", plays against leavers "conveniently", stacks with vrorsnak, plays slark and then stops playing on the account b/c his win rate looks nice. if that is his goal for this game go for it but for you to defend him like he is a god, gotta wonder why.

                                                                                                    kanye went to uni

                                                                                                      Leave it dude lol, Wave's a dick but ... you're not going to win vs him....

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