General Discussion

General DiscussionSmurfing to recalibrate?

Smurfing to recalibrate? in General Discussion
Juicy O3O

    Has anyone tried this yet? Was there a noticeable difference between the mmr on your primary account and the mmr of the smurf?
    I can understand how one's skill might improve over time and the system might recognize the more recent games to calibrate one's mmr.


      I tried then got lazy (this account) someone tried on Reddit and got like 4 off their old mmr

      Juicy O3O

        Oh. You look pretty close to level 13 with the amount of games you played. You should finish and share your results :D


          Why don't you do it? It isn't that hard, you know?


            That's what most smurfs do, and some sell their accounts to other people to give them that 5k MMR.

            Simple really.

            Juicy O3O

              Playing ~150 games generally take 120+ hours. I think that's pretty difficult....


                Not unless you curb stomp everyone and make cash in the process.

                You'll be surprised how many people pay for a 5K MMR account.


                  I don't see why people smurf, it's a waste of time and unless you're like 2k off what you really deserve, the time spent smurfing could be spent improving MMR...

                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                    I dont' think smurfing new account matter unless you abuse it with higher winrate, say 53% or higher. Also helps if you abuse heroes like slark, drow, ember, troll, huskar & tusk etc...

                    My Friend's main is 4.7k and his smurf is 5.2k, another friend has 4.2k on main and 5.7k on smurf so I guess it helps if you don't play with lower skilled players with ur smurf etc... Keep in mind these are guys who have like 60-80% winrate on slark/troll on smurf accounts.

                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                      i smurfed and got 5k

                      im at 4k in this

                      5k games are easier than 4k


                        What do you guys suggest for a recalibration? Which heroes should i use?

                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                          stomping heroes such as TA, riki, slark, OD, etc


                            A couple of 4000 mmr players who tried this and ended up at 4000 again:


                              i think the only way to get a much higher mmr on smurf is stomping the first 30 games where dota is still trying to mensure your skill, and after that (when you'll be put against players at a similar rating as you) start 5 man stacking with very good players that can carry you no matter what

                              pretty much it

                              bad decisions

                                i've smurfed before to test the mmr rating. On this acc I got 4.5k solo rating. On the smurf 4.7k rating
                                Although I believe i did improve slightly during this timeframe. Note: I did not pick the heroes I was best at, I did not try and stomp the games as hard as possible I merely played heroes I felt comfortable with and randomed on the occasion.


                                  I smurfed and got 4.2k with this account.
                                  400 higher from my main.

                                  Flat is Justice!

                                    smurfing with selective picks will definitely RAISE your mmr - because you play heroes you are familiar as compared to most main accts where you had experimented with other heroes

                                    Now if you did the same selective pick with your main, it will also raise your mmr. Picking from your strong set of heroes > random/trying out new heroes

                                    Moral of the story - on the long run, your mmr will equal out - because you are still you. The only constant factor.


                                      my friends are smurfing since a half year:

                                      first guy:
                                      Real Acc below 50% (abandoned) - no MMR - ACC:
                                      Real Acc below 50% (abandoned) - @3,8K solo -
                                      first smurf (abandoned) - @4K solo - ACC:
                                      second smurf @4,3K solo - ACC:

                                      second guy:
                                      Real Acc below 50% - @3,4K solo - not trackable
                                      first smurf (abandoned) - @3,6K solo - ACC:
                                      second smurf - @4K solo when startet now back on 3,8 - ACC:

                                      third guy:
                                      Real Acc above 50% - @5,1K solo -
                                      first smurf - @4,7k solo - ACC:

                                      smurfing can increase MMR but all people I met with a small heropool, low understanding of game n shit were faaaacking bad even after their account said their 4,7 or smth. So improve yourself and dont fuck with 3 K win guys if u got 200 pussy-games which can be proven on your double-digit pussy-KDA's

                                      GG STOP SMURF


                                        i got 5.5 on my smurf and was on leaderboard after only 17 games played (unranked).. still in 4k bracket on main but im not really trying to climp that much i think 4k is perfect for playing nonmain heroes


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                                        ICE SKULL

                                          "i got 5.5 on my smurf"
                                          no you didn't

                                          "was on leaderboard after only 17 games played (unranked)"
                                          i bet you were on it

                                          "still in 4k bracket on main"
                                          you somehow magically have 4k on your "main" and 5.5k on your smurf?

                                          if i ask around, i could find out how much and from who you bought the 5.5k smurf from

                                          ICE SKULL

                                            also lulz, "i think 4k bracket is awesome for not playing nonmain heroes"

                                            u only play invoker and ur stuck with it in 4k bracket,

                                            L O L i love this forum its hilarious


                                              oh wow i think i struck a nerv here with this waveperson..

                                              i ment that i was meeting people on the Leaderboard after 17 games :)

                                              and no i did not buy account haha and yes i like invoker and yes i have played with most pros and yes most of my mates are 6k+ and blabla who cares why do you care? who are you?

                                              OH and to mention the 4k thing obviously im not equally good in all heroes so what? how does that hurt your butt? how`!? :D

                                              haha i phrased myself incorectly i ment i was on leaderboard "mmr" wize not literally

                                              Этот комментарий был изменён
                                              ICE SKULL

                                                the story has suddenly changed from "i was on leaderboard" to "i met players from the leaderboard"

                                                why do ppl even lie?

                                                ICE SKULL

                                                  im not butthurt its just funny when ppl lie and you point it out calm down faggot


                                                    i did not lie ^^ we even had a topic on dotabuff where the guy PEC or whatever his name was even commented on the 17th game ^^

                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                      swag yolo


                                                        logic wins again :D

                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!