General Discussion

General DiscussionCLOUD NINE

CLOUD NINE in General Discussion
kanye went to uni

    Yes, I'm a stupid Singsing and Envy fanboy. But what the hell?!? I'm finding it hard to cling to the idea that they're just practicing strats for TI and don't care about these games; that was a big tournament with a pretty big prizepool....


      They probably have a lot of confidence in themselves that they can do well on TI, and obviously TI means more to them than anything else.


        Last year, when Na'vi won 2nd place at TI3, they did horrid in every tournament beside TI3 and all dota2 player consider XBOCT is worst carry EU? fact is he's one of the best in TI3.

        Noone knows whats these guys thinking. Let's confirm it later.

        kanye went to uni

          I guess. It's certainly not confidence-inspiring though :/


            actually i think teams that are underperforming atm will be the ones that will pwn the shit out of ti4

            Quick maffs

              I am a pretty big fanboy of those guys too


                As TI gets closer I think they will want to keep their favorite strats to themselves... As replays from recent tournaments will be the games opponents will be watching first


                  Tbh i really like them, for their unpredictable nature, they think outside of box, and not are bounded by today meta heroes.

                  But on the other hand, i hate EE music choice -_-


                    singu gaming best gaming


                      Easy, Chinese teams are better than C9.. Chinese teams are better than any team right now..!
                      Besides C9 are good but they aren't great.

                      ICE SKULL

                        Chinese teams are better than C9

                        Chinese teams are better than any team right now..!
                        maybe CIS but not really

                        Juicy O3O

                          The fact of the matter is that the prize pool for Ti is significant enough to ignore every other tournament.

                          Think about it...


                          163k first place. Second - Last place is pretty insignificant.


                          Even 5-6th place at Ti means 4% of the prize pool. That means as of right now (7 million), 5th-6th will recieve 280k

                          It will be pretty unlikely for C9 to beat DK and newbee at WPC in their current form. But if they save strats, nail down the essence of 6.81 and bootcamp, they can definitely place top 6


                            ti4 = 3+ million for first place

                            i wouldn't even give a fuck about other tournaments, actually i'd probably draft random shit just to confuse people

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                                The Nerfnow comic summarizes my feelings for C9 pretty accurately.


                                  i dont know what happen but the dumb fuck img format doesnt work


                                    I think it's not [img][/img] tag who is dumb.

                                    On second thought, nope it's dumb.

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                                        retards who say that team don't care about other tournaments is fucking retards

                                        there is no strats u can save up for ti this game is out for 10 years everyone know everything u can pull out some pocket strat in very situational way but it will happen 1 in 50 games


                                          Obviously they care about every other tournament, they fucked up, they were nervous and now hopefully might train abit more effectively.
                                          no person is dumb enough to throw games, and not care about any tournie. You'd lose all sense of sponsership, and its just rediculous.

                                          teams save pocket strats for TI, because pocket strats are highly risky, and that high stakes tournament you have to take those risks to stay ahead of the metagame.
                                          normal tournaments, players would try and be the most practiced teams.

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                                              EE-Sama for prez


                                                EG TI4 pocket strat:

                                                WR instapick mid for arteezy at TI4/ESL

                                                You heard it here first

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