General Discussion

General DiscussionOk. I m done I need motivation

Ok. I m done I need motivation in General Discussion

    Bogi has been anywhere from 4.2k till over 4.6k in last few weeks (if i remember correctly he was 1 win under 4.7k at highest). I dont know about his mmr months ago, but its possible he has been close to 5k.

    My motivation for you: Play like you play when you're stomping and stop sucking ass dropping back to 4.2k. Also start counterpicking oponents like a baws and you'll sure win more games then you do now. Picks alone can win a game.


      probably its because u suck

      Mikkei Combine

        Woah, let me clarify something here mr.flyingpigs. A) i didnt buy my account and B) I don't complain about mmr and ELO existing, I only counter act this small group claim about outplaying everyone to increase mmr. That is only a half truth and its completely dependent on different games. If a 5k player can get a 2k account to 5k, thats a fucking 5k player, Not everyone is a 5k player. I hear claims all the time from 1k difference drops and boosts from 4k-5k. It is way easier to go to 4k-5k then it is 3k-4k. The attitude and focus of a team is far more important. I can even ruin an arteezy game by myself. I think that just proves it right there.

        Girl with beautiful face

          " i didn't buy my account and " < BULSHIT

          And everybody knows that

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          Vanity  ツ

            " It is way easier to go to 4k-5k then it is 3k-4k" My friend went from 2.8k to 4k easily by playing support heroes mostly. The fact that you are claiming that it is easier to go from 4k to 5k then from 3k-4k shows how delusional and deceptive you are, when it comes to your own skill level. Even arteezy couldn't carry your ass, and the excuse you use is that you threw the game intentionally.

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     <--- me 4 months ago. Had 4937 solo for those guys who don`t believe it and think that my 4.6k mmr was max.

              Girl with beautiful face


                " My friend went from 2.8k to 4k easily by playing support heroes mostly , uhm yes, and i am king Mufasa "

                On my main acc, i played only supports ( and before you ask, i am above that mmr ) and there is no way , to get that mmr, w/o playing in 5 stack.

                I am sorry for hate, but there is no way, that is true. If other way around, accept my apologize.

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                  no way to get to what mmr w/o playing in 5 stack?

                  i fail to understand that statement in any conceivable context i can come up with

                  Girl with beautiful face

                    It is rather impossible to play ONLY support heroes and get 1.2k mmr, no matter what you do in game.

                    Vanity  ツ

                      You've got the statement wrong, I clearly said mostly and not only. And yes, you can be impactful enough to win most of your games by playing support and keeping wards up, dewarding, winning the early game for your team etc.

                      Obviously you can't go full ixmike and finish a 40 minutes game with magic wand, brown boots and a bunch of wards, but it is very possible to win games by playing support if you're good enough at it.

                      Girl with beautiful face

                        Have you ever played support?

                        ( sometimes, by your profile look )

                        Don't crap me , please. Do you know how it feels when you do massive job for your team, then see, that your " teammates " are nothing, but jackasses? Obviusly, you don't.

                        P.S. Also, you said early game, but wait , early game , last all game? Huh, ye

                        Also " minutes game with magic wand, brown boots and a bunch of wards ", mostly you will do like that ( add urn, moc, vlads , etc ) but you will do shit in late game, no matter how did your support in the game

                        You just don't.

                        Have a lovely evening.


                          people have run the support version of Swiftending's experiment with similar levels of success.

                          Think about it logically - on average your teammates are as good as your opponents, unless you're 5.5k and above. Supporting well is likely to put your team into a better position to win the game, no?

                          "but when i support my carry/mid are all dumb fucks, gg" - biased statement which is sometimes your fault, even in 5.6k i see enemy supports ganking mid 3 times by 10 minutes while i have a jungler and a support trying to farm a midas, 10 minutes in support cries about "noob fuck mid never win lane". I mean for fuck's sake even at 5.6k and being a mostly carry player I value good supports more than good core players.

                          It only becomes a problem when you have a rating like wagamama or arteezy where you are so fucking good the system literally has to give you teammates much worse than your opponents, in which case supporting your cores well might still fail to put you in a position to win the game.

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                          Mikkei Combine

                            Everyone talks about these retarded experiments and we all know an experiment is more accurate when the sample pool is smaller.

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                            Mikkei Combine

                              " i didn't buy my account and " < BULSHIT

                              And everybody thinks that


                                apparently you have no idea about what "accuracy" means in an experimental context.

                                Girl with beautiful face

                                  Could be Swiftending's, although i am not capable of saying much about it.

                                  I do respect your opinion Zenoth, but at the end, carry wins game , not support ( i am talking about +30 min games )

                                  You do most for your team ( wards , dust, bla, bla , bla ) , and at the end, in large team fight , would you like to see your carry dies, or your support dies?

                                  But anyway, not going to bother anyone of you, i had my share and fare .

                                  Also Hael, if you gonna quote my sentence, use " ". :*

                                  Mikkei Combine

                                    But I didn't quote it, I fixed it.
                                    If you want to use the correct term Mr.Chink it would be "Precise". Your pretentiousness never ceases to amaze me.

                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                      The old saying goes "Supports win games, carries lose them".

                                      The pace of the early game is determined by three things - Core matchup, Mechanical skill, and Support rotations.

                                      Of the three, support rotation has the biggest impact early-mid. Deficient mechanical skill (in the sense that your mid is not as good as the opponent's mid) can be circumvented by good support rotations. On average your own core players won't be so horrible that they throw away an advantage you give them early (which can be frustrating, I know). Sure, it happens sometimes, but on the other hand you also get core players who stomp so hard that you become irrelevant to the game. It happens.

                                      if you know the meaning of precision you should also recognize that it obviously bears no relevance, every experiment is obviously a fucking mini-version of the real thing... apparently pointing out obvious things is being pretentious, who would've known?

                                      Этот комментарий был изменён


                                        This cant be from 4 months ago, compendium was released 2-3 weeks ago


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                                        Mikkei Combine

                                          So you refuse to tally in the attitude and vibe of the team, the motivation of the team wanting to win, the intentional feeding of griefing of the game, language barrier, the other team having better teammates all together in a factual belief of dota knowledge, the other team playing heroes they are severely familiar with, your teammates playing heroes they aren't very familiar with, people not in a good mood, people hungry or preoccupied during the game, a person playing on a new keyboard mouse for the first time, a person playing sleepy, network issues or playing with lag, someone playing with music and not listening, someone muted, someone insubordinate, teammates that gawk rather than help people that are getting outplayed, someone smurfing, someone who just got out of TBD rating, Someone still in TBD rating, someone playing a lane they aren't comfortable with, someone not knowing how to counter pick, all teammates randoming, someone not excepting the other team to play agressively in a pub (lvl 1 smoke ganks [not mid]), someone ignorant about counter item builds (going midas travel boots medusa and being - help when all towers are down and they are playing agressive),Zenoth stating academic type responses in a real life setting that isn't relevant, not playing the lineup correctly, worried too much about rating, too aggresive scared about losing rating, worried about winrate, someone having tunnel vision, the matchmaking having 5 4ks against 1 5k 3 4ks and 1 3k, parties versus solo, people typing while playing,.

                                          I could keep going, but the point is. Its a practice public match and its never set in stone like a tourny cm game that usually has been practiced before hand with people you know. so why does it matter so much? It completely depends. There is knowing, there is think you know, there is half knowing, there is knowing all, there is thinking you know all, there is knowing nothing, and there is thinking you know nothing. too much weight on different people for different reasons. Its a seesaw at a certain range and it can become manipulated through playing but at the cost of something. So shut the fuck up and stop worrying about it.

                                          In other words, there are so many variables that your feeble ideolgies on how to get out of it is slightly misleading. It isnt a 1v1 matchmaking.

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                                          Vanity  ツ

                                            He didn't screenshot the picture 4 months ago, he just scrolled back in his match history and then took the screenshot...


                                              Maybe other people just got better?


                                                Traxex ? O.o What you talking about? I just screenshoted that 2 hours ago. Its 23 january when I had 4937 mmr.

                                                Girl with beautiful face

                                                  ^ Whaooo cowboy, where did you find those silly words?

                                                  @traxex, bro, i really, really, really hope you trolling.

                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                    is hael a confirmed autist or is he a questionable autist


                                                      he used the word "tally" so i dont know but im leaning towards confirmed

                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                        Since when 4937 is 5k?



                                                          dota causes autism


                                                            Since when it isn't? :D It's not exactly 5k or over it, but it's close enough for what Bogi was saying.


                                                              dota attracts autists

                                                              Mikkei Combine

                                                                Autism is a by-product of the Internet.

                                                                Oh and testosterone levels in the womb.

                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                Mikkei Combine

                                                                  I just get tired of chinky academia responses which have no hold of water here. He then states hes "Up for debate on it", but that is just a loose term for, "I'll let you talk a few times". He doesn't listen to respond, he listens so he knows its his turn to talk.


                                                                    if it makes you feel better I lost so many games I give bleeding red a new meaning.

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      I feel bad for Hael's parents who actually have to live with the idea that they created him.....

                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                        Why does people use autism as a insult ?

                                                                        Poor Autistics

                                                                        Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                          Many people in this thread theorycrafting, so here come the facts:
                                                                          1. Playing in a party is easier - There is no party malus. The game assumes that 1 guy with 3000 MMR and one guy with 5000 MMR play as good as 2 guys with 4000 MMR. So the huge advantage of way better communication in a party is neglected completely.
                                                                          2. MMR doesn't really mean shit. I frequently drop up to 700 points and regain them a week later. I'm constantly moving between 4300 and 5100. And I only play the same hero every game, so it's clearly not that sometimes I don't pick my best heroes or similar stuff. In fact, matchmaking seems to be very luck dependent and random. I see many people have more than 5k MMR and they play even worse than horrible - I am talking about people who intentional feed when they can not pick the hero they wanted to play and so on.
                                                                          Furthermore, most players behave like children.


                                                                            This 4300 mmr bracket is so fucking hilarous I just won 1v9 game : All so bad.


                                                                              By the look of it, Bogi. You didn't win it alone.

                                                                              Drow 17k Hero Damage, Storm 16k, Assissts, tower damage, etc.

                                                                              Also, 1v9 is a retard term, please don't use it. Atleast say 1v5 if you really think you did EVERYTHINg by yourself.
                                                                              I smell: I think I'm so much better than my team-mates.


                                                                                16 k dmg so what? He died 11 times and played like a total retard.

                                                                                S O E A S Y Ok. tide was a bit ok. so lets say 2v8. Storm was retard in total he can not lasthit creeps and he throwned so fucking much, Orchid he had in 26 min. with like almost all towers.
                                                                                Leshrak 1-13 started with 0-6 offlane need to discuss about that?
                                                                                Prophet died 10 times also and played like retard

                                                                                Check replay, and you ll see. We was losing by 12 k expirience difference only reason why we won this game was cus I played very good. I made just 2 big mistakes at start eated 2 arrows,Otherwise I played almost perfect.

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                                                                                My dawg

                                                                                  KEEP CALM AND GRIND

                                                                                  My dawg

                                                                                    I MEAN U CAN RAGE AT UR SHIT TIER TEAM MATES BUT THATS NOT GONNA MAKE EM PLAY BETTER LMAO JUST DO U MAI NIGAZ AND ULL WIN GAMES IBELIEVE.


                                                                                      Bogi, the arrow catcher :D

                                                                                      Mikkei Combine

                                                                                        Just shows that insults were never created from dirty on someone. They were always spawned from political incorrectness or insensitive action. Gay, autistic, retard, jew etc.



                                                                                          Only 0-6 offlane?

                                                                                          My batrider 0-7 offlane, storm jungle.

                                                                                          Still ez game if u can doing works.


                                                                                            Bogi confirmed stroke self ego. Goes to watch own replay to check how much he was owning. Then come to dotabuff and post on his own shitty thread about his shitty games about how good he is. well played


                                                                                              i had 2 5300 mmr players complain about me not rotating to other lanes to "gank" as a magnus even though it's 10x more efficient once you acquire a blink dagger (mind you i was soloing a QE invoker and still outfarmed him)

                                                                                              then the next game a 5300 mmr antimage who went vanguard + mjllonir and failed to outfarm a solo potm in a trilane

                                                                                              basically if ur mmr isn't high ur not good but just because u have high mmr doesn't mean ur good. plenty of trash 5k players out there

                                                                                              something along those lines

                                                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                              Mikkei Combine

                                                                                                Yea no shit, MMR rating is a facade.



                                                                                                  he might've been around 5k at some point since he got in my game :/


                                                                                                    my bad, i thought he meant the screenshot was taken 4 months ago lol.


                                                                                                      the game was indeed 4 months ago :D

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!