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General DiscussionHelp playing ranked

Help playing ranked in General Discussion

    Hello, i come to dotabuff for help (especially players from South America). Im playing dota about 4 years and the past year start with dota2, I consider myself a good player, usually watch streams, play dota and learn the updates. sincerely im muted for start to rage (7 continuous lost games, my mmr decrease 100 points in 1 day)

    my problem is that, the south america player are so bad. I first try play how support (always player pick carrys or similar) and always is a bad idea (the carrys dont know he rol or simply feed)

    i pick carry or middlaner and the support dont support or my team fail picking and etc pl vs gorgon+useless slark.

    My question is the next:
    *how the south american player can have a good mmr or win some game?
    *why i always have the worst teams?
    *there any way to play on usa servers?

    i play in south america for the ping (80 ping usually) the us server give me 200 ping or more

    Regards! :)

    Эта тема была изменена
    King of Low Prio

      if your teammates are fucking awful then your opponents are fucking awful.


        lets assume you're a good player

        game has 10 players

        everyone else is shit

        therefore your team = 1 good player 4 shit
        enemy team = 5 shit

        if u no win it means this:

        you + 4 shit = worse than 5 shit



          i'll be nice and tell the key to success.

          pick an early impact offlane, doesn't matter if you lane 2v2 or 1v2, crush enemy carry, win game.

          pick an early impact mid, crush enemy, get 70 CS by 10min, win game.

          lol really i've played at MMR's lower than mine due to party deflation when i play with friends lower mmr than me. if you're better than the stated MMR it should be easy stomp.


            Looks like you feed a lot... You've got either the most or second most deaths in all 5 games you posted (and without the kills and assists to warrant all those deaths).

            Work on your positioning and being active in the early game as a support. Don't just sit in lane and soak up XP. Go stack, pull, roam, etc. Supports are only low-impact if you make them so. Carries would be just as low impact if you didn't do anything during the times when they are at their strongest.

            Edit: You did alright in the last game, but you should have way more lasthits than 195 at 45 minutes as a Shadow Fiend. Especially considering that you didn't have very many deaths.

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              @blablabla | Wizard

              thanks for your suggestion, i know it's impossible win the all games but finally can get a win. regular start, but we won the teamfights

              yes, I will try to improve my skills but not in pubs, is totally unpleasant lugging four players.

              About the sf game, watch the replay if u want. we lose the controll of the map and the player leave the oportunity of win(puck did bad initiations and stop of play with the team). The radiant only lengthened the game.


                SA is suffering
                even at higher levels you still suffer with bad players

                get used on playing snowballing heroes or have a good friend to support you.


                  My point is that in none of the five games you posted you looked nowhere close to "lugging 4 players" most of the time it was the opposite.

                  Like Wizard said above, obviously you will not win every game, but if:

                  You + 4 Scrubs < 5 Scrubs

                  Then you must not be all that much better than the people you're playing against. Obviously you don't play the exact same every game, but if you're really that much better than your opponents then you should move up after a decent sample size of games. Yes you will get "uncarriable" games where your entire team feeds, but you'll also get games where the other team feeds.


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