General Discussion

General DiscussionGlass Cannon Riki build!

Glass Cannon Riki build! in General Discussion
the winds of change

    Just check it out, see if it works for you. I can go into depth to explain my reasoning (I come from trash tier 3.6k).

    edit: whoops. Sorry guys :)

    More information about the item choices is down the bottom of the guide, past skill build.

    Here is my riki match history:

    Эта тема была изменена

      and the build is?


        the build is a secret for now!


          MoM + basher + dagon?

          the winds of change

            Oh god.


              Invisible rays of death incoming.


                What's so special about this build?
                Why quelling blade when you can backstab unless you're a frontstabber.

                the winds of change

                  I chose quelling blade because it helps you last hit early on, especially when you're having hard time in the lane. Sometimes if you sacrifice your position to get a backstab, you take extra harass damage. The quelling blade effectively reduces the amount of time you need to dance around a creep and also provides some nice juking opportunities and an easier time last hitting to farm up your core items.

                  waku waku

                    you dropped mask of madness from a glass cannon build? just what the hell is wrong with you?

                    the winds of change

                      Alot of the time, you sacrifice another item to get the MoM first and whilst you activate it, you take extra damage from ALL incoming sources which makes it harder to tower dive, fight under creeps/neutrals. This build relies specifically on taking advantage of item timing and the window in which Rikimaru is a monster. If you buy a MoM, it only slows you down and makes you die more. Of course, it's all subjective, I just believe that MoM doesn't give you straight agility which synergises with your backstab and base damage.

                      Jorges Sanz

                        No. Qb is unnecessary. High armor+ good regen, good attack animation allows you to last hit easily, qb is only marginally useful. Personally, i take backstab or blink strike(if i opt to take the safe route) at lvl 1 and get 1 1 1 by 3.

                        With proper positioning and care not to trigger creep aggro unnecessarily , you can zone out most heroes in any lane. Instead of spending 225g on a QB, consider getting more tangoes/orb of venom to manfight in laning phase.

                        Max Backstab by 7/8, leave perm invis and smoke at lvl 1 since they are marginally useful.


                          i only like going MoM if i follow it up with skadi...


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