General Discussion

General Discussion[SEA] LF members for Team MM

[SEA] LF members for Team MM in General Discussion

    2 players are needed

    Requirement :
    Prefer Singaporean and Malaysian
    Able to commit for daily training
    We're not going for tournament, just to play for fun and improve together as a team
    Have a basic idea of CM mode
    Know your role
    Willing to improve

    Role prefer
    1 Mid / Support
    1 Offlane

    Add me to discuss =D

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      You can add me up.


        I can play mid.


          both added


            The player pool for TMM is less dense, and you'll almost always receive poor matches as a result. Better to queue for ranked as 5 if your aim is to improve.





                We're still new and my drafting was kinda poor right now lol, and some player's hero pool is kinda small ~
                Team MM is just for some line up testing and see which role fit the team better.
                We failed a lot so far, still unable to find our comfortable line up yet =(


                  Failing is good. You learn a lot more from losses than you do from wins.

                  When I was preparing for a local LAN tourney, my team and I would frequent the nearest cybercafe and play with other local teams. We had only one rule - other than a courtesy rematch, we'd never play a team we beat more than once. We'd go through replays of games we lost, and point out what we did wrong so that we could work on it before requesting a rematch. Two weeks of this 8-hour-a-day routine, and we won first place.

                  My point (and I apologize for the trip down memory lane to get here) is this - you're not going anywhere if you're afraid to lose. Most players need a good beating before they realize their standard, and recognizing where you stand is important before deciding how to go forward. For most new teams queuing in SEA, I recommend deciding on a lineup pre-game, and going for ranked AP. Other modes are less populated on this server, resulting in less balanced matches.

                  P.S. In a recent stream, Waga was asked "If I want to play TA, how do I decide when to play her in pubs?" His response was simple, "Just pick her. If you get counterpicked, so be it. The aim is to learn to elevate your level of play such that you can outplay your opponents, even if they've counterpicked you."

                  mr dee

                    @cartographer Thumbs up to Waga's quote.

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!