General Discussion

General DiscussionIs there a way to increase MMR?

Is there a way to increase MMR? in General Discussion

    Since they introduced RMM, i am in area of 4200-4400. And every time i reach around 4350 i get massive loss streaks.
    And don't start with shit like "you are noob but you don't know it", "your mmr fits your skill" cuz thats bullshit. I can see some players that clearly dont belong in 4000+ games, yet they are there somehow.

    I'm starting to believe that "forced 50%" shit is real, cuz my winrate is dropping from 52%. So i want to know how the fuck to reach at least 4500, up to 5000??? Cuz it doesn't seem like it's possible.


      If you look at my my stats "Real Matches 3,543":
      I dropped 0,62% winrate after 6.81. That's a bounch of considering how many games I have played.

      After around ~0.30% I got so frustrated that I started throwing/stopped playing after games something stupidly happens/bad picks.
      ^I'm still there. I often pick a hero im balls with (Tinker) and go to the jungle not to get abandon because picks are shit.

      This is something that will go over eventaully as I calm down, but you have your mmr cause it's where you should be (considering your skill-level)

      The reasoning behind losing (in the long run) is because you climb mmr, meet better people and thus you're actually worse then them.

      The pathing in your mmr is very normal, was same for me, but I always managed to get a little bit more mmr than I had earlier, before I dropped again a bit. Then I was stuck around 4600-4800 until I dropped and started as I statet earlier, throwing.

      I just wanted to write something, dunno if this actually was very "viable" for your topic.

      All I can say is dota is very frustrating at times (especially if you play a lot). JUST GET UP AND WE CAN DO IT TOGETHER; doys. yh doys

      Dire Wolf

        Uh your mmr fits your skill? Seriously unless you are drastically better than everyone you play with you won't rank up much. It might seem like some players aren't worthy to carry water for you but that's the nature of dota, one mistake early can lead to a snowball and things get out of hand quickly and it can look like X player is way worse than he is, or like Y player is far better than he is.


          your mmr fits your skill.


            At least you wrote someting :)lol
            I'm looking for comments on which gay hero to play, which strategies to use in these low games etc... But yeah, Dota2 (when playing solo) is too frustrating sometimes.

            Bad players can be recognized on how they play in general, not just by one early mistake...


              iCoiL, I'd say Storm. Storm has high impact, scales well, PUNISHES people "out of position; there is no position vs Storm". If a cheeky guy want to be greedy and go farm alone, you can punish it very hard if you have an advantage.

              Also I doubt you'll be ganked in those so-called "low-level games".

              Had some funny comments in games where people bashes on Storm "pickers"; "I usually pick storm to inflate my mmr, and you're failing."

              Hero is strong mate.


                Play your highest winrate heroes, should win some mmr with them. If you drop again, you're where you are supposed to be.


                  pay me and i boost ur mmr, from 4200 to 5k in one week.

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                    Win games = MMR increase


                      you are noob but you don't know it

                      Dire Wolf

                        Well they must not be that bad if you can't consistently beat them and rank up. First reaction of everyone in denial is wow there's no way that guy should be in my bracket. But everyone has shit games from time to time.


                          Yeah slark mid is the only option.
                          Forget about this thread on this useless forum.

                          King of Low Prio

                            you ask for advice yet you tell people 'NO NEGATIVE ADVICE ALLOWED'

                            typical egotistical trash who will never get better.

                            Dire Wolf

                              Why do you think people don't belong in your bracket? If they are so bad you should stomp them all the time. But you don't cus you are just as bad. Trust me I think lots of players are bad but I'm bad too, if I were better we'd win those games, but we don't cus mmr works pretty well.


                                Goes up mmr...... games get harder starts to lose...... falls back down to same mmr..... must be forced 50% ......not that mmr works >.>

                                King of Low Prio

                                  That is what I stated months before visible MM was introduced, alot of people can not accept that they will eventually plateau.

                                  Vanity  ツ

                                    Take a couple of days off and do something else than Dota if you feel that you're going on a bad streak. Everyone needs some recovery at one time or another.

                                    Quick maffs

                                      Well if you see me playing lifestealer you would think that i am 2k mmr or less but that doesnt mean that i dont deserve my current MMR

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                                      casual gamer

                                        to increase your mmr, you must win >50% of ranked matches

                                        shocking i know

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                                          dude it has been proven that if you do not raise your MMR is because you belong there
                                          in the long way you'll have around 50% wr cuz if you play 100 time x1 vs a guy that is on your level, your are supposed to win 50

                                          if you get to 4350 is because you had a win streak, then you'll have a loss streak because you are not that better than the players you play with, either way you'd carry no matter what


                                            Ok i'm deleting this game for third and final time. I'm really glad i never spent money on this worthless broken game called dota2, i only regret 1100 hrs playing it. I just feel sorry for geeks who throw money at shitty Valve

                                            Negative advice? Really?
                                            You are retarded nigga, aren't you


                                              Lol inb4 he joins Hael


                                                How can I earn more drops?
                                                Card drops in free to play games are rewards for spending money in game.
                                                You have spent approximately $536.36 USD in the game after this card set was released.

                                                It's fine.


                                                  dude its pretty easy, think

                                                  lets say you have a friend which is really bad at a game, then you play vs him 100 times
                                                  if you are WAY better you are going to win like 97~98 games

                                                  now you play vs a guy who is better than your friend but still you are better than him
                                                  you play 100 times and you win like 60 or 70 of the times, but it actually got a bit harder

                                                  now you play with a third guy who is as skilled as you
                                                  you play 100 times now you win ABOUT 50 times, it may go for 48 or 52~55, but it will be pretty much even

                                                  THATS EXACTLY WHY you dont raise your mmr.. there are games that you stomp and others you are stomped, in the long run it means that you are where you should be at

                                                  no reasons to complain.. if you doubt me search for Juice on JoinDota, he is a 6k guy who took a 2500MMR account. even in your bracket (4k~5k) he managed to win more than 90% of his games, because he is way better than the players that he is playing with

                                                  its clearly not your case cuz if it was you would have a higher mmr

                                                  you may say that your mates are noob, so are your opponents.. the thing is that they exploit your partners weakness and you don't do the same for them, which is YOUR fault.

                                                  Juice was able to punish their opps as hard as the other team punished his team, so the better player would carry the game, in 88% of the times he managed to do it

                                                  now you may stop whining like a child and really improve or keep feeding the illusion that valve is against you

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                                                      In SEA
                                                      I've experiment this theories
                                                      If your overall stats or skills,whatever is higher than other in your bracket and you finding match at low population time
                                                      Lord Gaben will send 4 stupid tards to ruin your game

                                                      So, to minimize your risk to losing cause retard don't play mmr in daytime

                                                      you can see my skyrocket to drop mmr since play in daytime Singapore time

                                                      PS. 4500+mmr in SEA divided in 2 types tryhard and retard

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        dont bother trying to help him it looks like he is throwing a fit and ruining games. These kids need to grow up before their parents let them on the internet.


                                                          Your statement approved
                                                          Vote Sampson for president


                                                            ^ bullshitting, 5.6k mmr singapore and I dont get that, even pinoys are ok to play with. only problem is when 5k players call mid and play like 5k players, easiest lanes of my life (or opponents life).

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