General Discussion

General Discussionnewb question

newb question in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    how do u split wards? too lazy to read change log etc.. no one is telling me in game, been planting them all over base.


      Ctrl + left click.


        Ask Purge Kappa


          too lazy to read change log etc

          that's your problem then. it even says on the ward's description how to share them, and the description is only like 3 lines long. or are you too lazy to read that.


            ^The obvious answer is that he didn't see the description. I feel like that response was just to make him feel bad. You didn't actually give an answer.

            On Topic: Well it's already been said, but Control and left-click will do it. Don't worry, many people weren't aware of this change until they were told as well.

            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

              Ctrl + click


                the answer had already been said, hence why I didn't bother giving one.

                anyways, he knew how to solve his problem, and chose not to. considering how easy it'd be just to ctrl+f the word 'ward' or 'observer', or just google it, the degree of laziness is what pisses me off.


                "feel like that response was just to make him feel bad"
                should people not feel bad about being lazy? should they feel good about it then?

                if you're lazy then you pay the price for it - and rightfully so. in this case, you don't know what changes there are to certain skills or items, and deserve the punishment for it. it's not like sharing wards was changed and no one was informed of the change - then people wouldn't be deserving of the punishment of having one less ward.


                  ^His ignorance costs him a ward, and he likely got flamed for it in the match. What reason do you have for flaming him?


                    he has the knowledge to find the solution to his problem - he knows the game's been updated (others may not) and yet he still chooses to be ignorant. it's not like he hasn't played the game in a while and doesn't know there's been a major balance change.

                    he knows there's a major balance change -> runs into a problem from said change -> knows what the problem is -> chooses not to solve it.

                    as opposed to someone who was completely unaware of the change to sharing wards which would be acceptable.

                    Low Expectations

                      Good to know I was not the only one who wasted two wards directly after update xD


                        well, people like that exist bro.


                          I didn't feel like being a dick but why the fuck does this guy shit talk a lot on the forums and then goes to ask a trivial question like this that has a simple way of finding out?

                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                            ^^^^ You're right that he could have found out himself, the minor problem is that simply you sounded a bit like a jerk when you replied. Whenever someone says "Or are you too" ("Are you too stupid", "Are you too lazy", etc), it tends to lead itself to such impressions.


                              So whats harder? Researching and finding it out yourself? Or going to a forum, posting a question, and then waiting for a reply?


                                ^ classic sarcasm


                                  Lol I did this once or twice because I forgot about the ctrl + click :( Twas both a sad and funny time

                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                    @ Hael & Androgyny gril
                                    At least I don't do QQ every fawken day like Hael and at least I dont write a whole TLDR paragraph and biatch and don't even tell what it is when it's already answered.

                                    God these forum tards 2 stronk!

                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                      lazy to read, lol
                                      kids these days..

                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!