General Discussion

General DiscussionEarth Shaker Player on the Rise

Earth Shaker Player on the Rise in General Discussion
Maximun Brain Damage

    My Specialty is Nuclear ES. Mana Boot, Soulring, Aghanim, Refresher, Shivas. See My previous few games :)

    Maximun Brain Damage

      One year ago ==
      somemore is abandoned


        40% win rate ES! Your build must be so good.


          39.66% and wats the point of this thread lol ES clearly not ur specialty and u just listed items 90% of people get on him and act like its some crazy new meta lol


            39% winrate es...


              Im dying from this.


                i built brown boots on ES once was so NUCLEAR new meta


                  What a thread this is.

                  Maximun Brain Damage

                    come on man. you don't understand the meaning of rising? when the fuck did I say I am pro?


                      OP you owe me a new pair of sides.


                        you arent rising until you actually start doing well


                          I just want to make a point about refresher on ES. You will kill all the units except for the heros, so then you use the orb and pop your ult again you will be hitting heros only. That is the exact same effect as an agh's.


                            It is not, you double the initialdamage too. do not forget about refreshing the other spells too!

                            In general aghs is weak though, rather arcane blink force (ghost) hex/shiva


                              If you are a good es you won't need more than mana boots and a blink dagger.

                              casual gamer

                                I think every game you get those items you will win OP, good build!


                                  idk, soul ring + mana butts?

                                  you should go mana butts -> dagger -> veil of discord


                                    MIRANA PLAYER ON THE RISE

                                    My Specialty is Aimbot Mirana. Travel Boot, MKB, Satanic, Daedalus, Mjollnir, Aegis. See My previous game :)

                                    EDIT: Jk I actually played really shitty last game and idk how I did so well.

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                                      you dont need soul ring and mana boots, just one will do for your mana issues.
                                      - soul ring is cheaper than arcanes, gives more mana regen, and also some HP regen
                                      - arcanes are more expensive but help the team and only use one item slot
                                      only pick one because you need blink asap and you can't farm as fast as say, a sand king.

                                      also not once have you gotten veil on ES, a far better item on ES than aghs if playing support because it's easier to build as a piss-poor support, cheaper and provides literally the same purpose - more magic damage, but comes online faster, and also benefits your team.

                                      in only 54 games have you ever carried a TP scroll, even travels which a luxury item are gotten more often on you than tp scrolls. teleport scrolls are the third most common items in the game, behind phase and treads. there's no reason they shouldn't be in your top 5 common items, look at everyone else's stats.

                                      so not only are you crap with earthshaker, you're just crap in general at the game.


                                        ^actually that's not true, the item page only covers items that you finish the game with, because mine says i've only ever finished with 25 TP scrolls, and i know i've bought a hell of a lot more than that


                                          getting harsh in here.


                                            yeah, and you probably only use them to tp into lane again after you die, instead of walking back to lane and saving the tp to help another lane if needed.

                                            ending the game without one is irrelevant, because the majority of people on here have a tp scrolls as their most common items, and they still have tps at the ends of their games, do they not?

                                            I have a similar amount of games as OP yet I have tps or travels in about 80% of them. unless your games are stomps and you're fountain camping them so that there's no need to go back to base, which are not the majority of them, then you should be carrying tps.

                                            the item page on dotabuff also only tracks items people end the game with, so why are tp scrolls still the third most popular item across every single game that dotabuff has recorded? just going back through your last 2 pages, only 1 game could you be considered 6 slotted. many had only 5 slots filled and the ones where all 6 were filled without tps, you could've replaced one item with a tp instead (magic wand on doom and null talis on storm spirit)

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                                              ^agreed completely, my stats and a lot of my friends' have treads > phase > tp in their top items

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                                                I wasn't suggesting carrying to scrolls was irrelevant or anything like that, I was just saying it was wrong when you said he's only ever carried a tp scroll in 54 games


                                                  you should be carrying multiple tp scrolls anyways to the point that even if you do TP, you always have one. regardless of my incorrect statement, he doesn't have a tp scroll when he needs one, and they're one of the most common items in their game for obvious reasons.

                                                  the only reason you wouldn't carry a teleport is if you're stuck in your base / just teleported to base, and the enemy are at your front doors AND they have a gem that you may want to pick up pronto without having to double tap your TP to make room for the gem, which doesn't happen that often.

                                                  either way you both have sub-50 winrates and some of it may be due to the limited potential you have by not carrying teleport scrolls.

                                                  edit: not saying carrying tps will magically make you better - bad players form bad habits (like not carrying tps) that contributes to their overall crappiness over time and can be easily fixed.

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                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                    sub 5k players never carry tps and/or understand that walking is better than tping unless a fight is happening


                                                      ~**~88% TP Base~**~


                                                        invoker player on the rise huehuehue :P


                                                          I had a great run with ES recently.
                                                          nice winning streak. Each game was a stomp

                                                          but then volvo took awaythe exploit I used to get those wins. Now i will never pick him again unless the other team has >=2 micro heroes

                                                          Maximun Brain Damage

                                                            Soulring and mana boot is a must for me during early and mid game. Soulring allow me to farm creep faster for my blink dagger while mana boot help me to maintain my mana pool. So if there is a fight while i am farming, i can tp over to help with more than 3/4 of my mana pool.

                                                            Refresher is good as I can stunlock my opponents for more than 5 seconds and maybe even kill them with this combo




                                                                apperently soul ring is now a farming tool...


                                                                  Well, last time the farming earthshaker was quite good in my game:



                                                                    Just funny that we have met one years ago hahah

                                                                    Maximun Brain Damage

                                                                      i use aftershock to farm creep. about 12-15 mins dagger will be out. so i need hell lot of mana.

                                                                      Oh Shit Waddup

                                                                        i was going to say hey lay off him for the tp thing, and then i was in a different place


                                                                          uses aftershock to farm... srsly...doesnt op know what LAST HITTING is?


                                                                            flop how tf did you find that match

                                                                            Maximun Brain Damage

                                                                              Well, when your fissure and aftershock is maxed out around lvl 10, you almost kill creep instantly and this make farming and pushing faster too


                                                                                people wonder why i mute everyone at start of game -.-"


                                                                                  yeah, and then the wave pushes and you lose creep equilibrium and thus miss a LOT of farm


                                                                                    earthshaker should not be farming that much. get gold via kills and towers. unless your team can specifically draw attention or make something happen else where, es should not be farming lanes. this can happen if your team coordinates it, but it's rarely seen in pubs.

                                                                                    sure, farm 1-2 waves here and there, but not full time.

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                                                                                    Maximun Brain Damage

                                                                                      Well i did not say all the time. I say farm until i have arcane and blonk dagger


                                                                                        Dude, you shouldn't really be farming a support, your carry should be farming the lane, I have gone quite a few games playing ES as the ward bitch, getting ~10 min mana boots Then using towers and kills to get me a ~15-16 min blink dagger.


                                                                                          nuclear es is when you go carry es and you 1 hit everyone after 30 min with your lothar daedalus battle fury they never see that coming


                                                                                            aghs, really? Get fucking good kid.

                                                                                            .  .

                                                                                              deniz, you forgot rapier. 3k splash crits, yo

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