General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play ember spirit to the next level.

How to play ember spirit to the next level. in General Discussion

    This is probably the best ember spirit game I've played by far, not because I won or had a good score etc.

    This is a relatively high MMR game with guanzo being at 6400, and with 4 players 5k+ within the game.

    Early game practically all lanes were lost, guanzo(Luna bot) had free farm, slark on our team had no farm top. Earth spirit was random'ed and was his first game, had no clue of how the hero works. We had a 8k gold deficit by 12mins.

    Anyways, the purpose of this replay is to show players that want to learn ember on exactly WHEN to initiate and WHEN to back during team fights. Ember is a hero that is extremely squishy; but still very difficult to die being played in the right hands.

    At the same time, show players on how to play ember when you are not winning/snow balling. Every players know how to continuing playing when they are having the lead, but most players do not know what to do when they're behind.


      crickets :D


        > Pick Ember spirit for the 1st time
        > Know theory and all (never played ES before)
        > Go mid
        > Lose mid
        > Never play ES again

        casual gamer

          Demon does not need boots.


            2 Desos what.


              where's murs

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                2 deso and flame guard maxed first. nothing to see here, more on

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                    2 desos were bought last 30secs of the game

                    another main reason is to let players understand that you can NEVER do what i did with 4 4 0 build/without mana boots, I was invovled in so much team fight that base mana pool was a must

                    4 4 0 are viable when you're safe lane farming, since usually you can farm a 12min bfury easily

                    and, murs retired =P


                      I know this kind of games. Sometimes I have that feeling too. After one game I think: "Wow, I played at my best!" And then I watch replay and understand that this is not my supreme skills, but opponents who suck...


                        Yeah, top 5 in the leaderboards with 5 players 5000 and 5500+ mmr sucks, clearly. I've stomped countless ember games and had way superior scores and this one was different.