General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 issues

Dota 2 issues in General Discussion

    So i have been having some weird issues lately with my game.

    When you use blink somewhere on the map, it doesn't really matter where you blink, it will blink independent of your location right?
    Well, my character sometimes walks when i blink somewhere, and it has resulted in me getting killed a lot.

    Second issue is character going back for some reason even though i didn't tell him to go back. And no, i didn't accidentally click the mini-map and the path wasn't blocked by anything. Not only that, the pathing feels really weird and bugged.

    Third issue is spells not being used, like with puck it's very frequent for ethereal jaunt to fail. I checked the debuffs, no silence or stun was applied, but i had to press D like four times before it worked. Does ethereal jaunt work like blink dagger where you have to be facing the orb to jaunt to it or something? I don't think so but that might be an explanation. Also when using spells in a quick succession, sometimes one will fail to be cast. Like with skywrath mage, i press W E 1 and R quickly and sometimes E won't go off.

    Aside from these specific issues, dota 2 feels really laggy to me even though the ping is ok. As if every hero in the game had a low turn rate and i can really feel the delay between issuing a command and the hero following it.

    Anyone else has been having these issues?


      1. The blink on map rule only applies to the item, not the spell
      2. Sounds like lag if you're telling the truth
      3. Definitely sounds like lag
      4. Lag


        1 - I am talking about the item, i haven't noticed this problem with blink abilities. Also, i didn't mean using the blink on the mini-map, i meant the terrain.
        2~4 - Can it really be lag? I check the ping the moment it feels laggy and it shows something like 100 ping, when it's normally 80-90. But that's not really a lot is it?


          ive never had that issue with the item, but yeah the 2-4 sounds like lag, maybe not ping, but lag of some sort (maybe on your end or server's end)


            Ethereal jaunt thing has to be lag

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