General Discussion

General DiscussionThe weirdist game i have ever played... pls report this guy http://do...

The weirdist game i have ever played... pls report this guy in General Discussion

    Okay.. I was out for a Captain's Mode... When this guy was doing captains... He picks decent heroes like batrider, Io, CM.. but than he picks pudge and shadow demon for the last two. So,, we played,, we did good, we opened so much room for pudge to get kills.. so he did,, however when i disconected and reconnected,, my items were all gone.... that happened to me twice, and the other guy on my team was complaining that his boots disappeared from his courrier.. I dont know what the fuck is wrong but my teamate said he saw this pudge throwing out my items... so could u guys do me a favor,,, pls report this player on the link and make me happy for him wasting my 95 minutes of dota 2, as well as him, not trying to finish.. like when we team wiped the opponent like 10 times in the game. you know what he did? he farmed so he could get 300 k gold.... wtf is wrong with him...


      lol that guy has a 38% winrate
      how is that even possible

      Mac_Lilypad [NL]

        Look at his lc winrate, 5% !! Best LC ever


          Is it even dota?
          1.5h game, 38% winrates WTF?
          64 kills on pudge

          Этот комментарий был изменён

            It seems no matter how many kills he gets, he never wants to win



              like it wasnt because he was good at hooks... our opponent even said... "my bad... I fed Pudge" And this guy just helped in teamfights only when we were desperate.. and he just rushed boots of travel.. pushed lanes, and pretty much stayed in the jungle the entire game.. He had like 30000 gold 20 minutes before we lost... and was trolling with the courrrier and items that we were delievering ... and when i dced twice.. he threw my blink+forcestaff+boots somewhere in the map, probably in the woods because batrider can fly..... idk.. but this guy seems to know basics.. imo. hes trolling us really hard.. one point I thought he was like a pro.. trolling......... althogh he misses billions of hooks and never thinks hes going to get outcarried if you are playing pudge and four supports (that he picked in Cap mode) VS Wraithking, DP, and centaur. Would mean alot if u guys can report this person so these players dont do this to us ever again


                seems fake ^^

                Vanity  ツ

                  This guy is probably using that account for trolling lower rated players. I have a hard time believing that a bad player could get almost 900 cs in a 48 minutes game.



                    Here's a more recent instance. 0 tower damage, decent farm. He's a troll.


                      better dodge him when u see him in your team. probably pretty decent at dota, just wanna troll and doesnt give a fuck about winning.


                        IT WASNT 48 MIN GAME IT WAS 1HR AND 30 MIN GAME LOL


                          looks like he intentionally loses games to lower his MMR and have more stomps. He stomps, has a fun time, and sabotages to make it a loss.


                            What is this MMR?


                              yap pro trolling

                              Vanity  ツ

                                ^^^^ I was reffering to his cs per minute record, not that particular game.

                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!