General Discussion



    I dont usually cry about a game, but this one was too much for me.

    1-14 goddamn brainless axe who doesnt know what a blink Q means, fed early game so hard it hurts, Dazzle didnt do 1 fuckin grave on me whole game although i was clearly the one most farmed and highest lvl on our team, LC just fed his bonus dmg away and i dont know if we got any tracked kills at all. Dazzle said he has 3.6k mmr, HOW IN THE HELL IS THIS POSSIBLE WHILE HE'S A COMPLETE TRASH PLAYER. I really dont get this, if those teams were balanced, i'm a fuckin LOL player.


      chill bro, everything like that happened in normal matchmaking.

      King of Low Prio

        bad players in unranked...............shocking


          STFU Slark player

          Vanity  ツ

            I feel bad for you. I just had an axe who said that furion could only be played as a split pusher, and he also claimed that he had 4.4k rating while this obviously wasn't the case. When I said I had almost 4.7k rating, he accused me of lying. Turned out that I spoke the truth, while he lied by telling that he had 400 mmr points more than his real rating.


              ehm... Normal by a 3.6k mmr player I'd say? 3.6 is pretty bad, people does forget to do things like wand etc. at 4500, and it's a normal thing. People does forget sometimes, get over it. He's probably not a very good Dazzle player, so he doesn't really know how do fight or watever.

              better go to your tryhard stack unranked roshan lvl 1 again: :D


                It hurts my feelings when a game cant be won although you do everything in your power to win it, but your team is still way too retarded to even stand a chance.

                "better go to your tryhard stack unranked roshan lvl 1 again: :D"

                Maybe :D But we dont really need it, since 50% of games are as Radiant and we win majority of them too (ranked or unranked).

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                King of Low Prio

                  the fact that you scored alot of kills going shadow blade slark does not mean you are any better than the people on your team it just shows that you went shadow blade on slark in a pub.....That is like me being proud I got less deaths than a CM when I play BH....


                    Sampson - what your saying isnt even an argument. Shadowblade slark is a legit build and what can i possibly buy else if i had Axe going 0-7 in first few minutes. Going everything else is just less chance to win. And secondly - i did most dmg on map till few last minutes, when my team went complete retard feeding them like crazy.

                    I'm not better then them? I know how to do my shit as a hero. If everyone else on my team did the same, we would win easily. But when people cant even use their fuckin spells correctly or at all, you really wonder in what shitty bracket are you at.

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                    Vanity  ツ

                      Why do you really care this much about unranked anyways? I thought the only reason for playing unranked is to grant high kdas, and it seems like you're successful with that.


                        I play to win the game and have fun, but i clearly cant have fun if people dont even know basics (even at 3.5k which isnt great, but you should know basics of every hero till this point). I expect from people only to do their basic shit, i dont expect them to go 10-0 on their lanes in 10 minutes. But those players were complete trash, probably 2.5k material cause my cousin plays like that.

                        King of Low Prio

                          we all know why people play unranked, you can lie to yourself as much as you want.


                            Hurricane, go watch this game, analyse it and tell me if I actually did much better than my team. Stats doesn't mean anything.

                            Also, don't cry about unranked games anyway. There is a reason why there is unranked. Ranked for more tryhards, unranked for the chill, casual, whatever if we lose or not guys.

                            Anyway, I love you=)


                              I will check it out, love ya too =)


                                You complain about noobs, had this game with a friend. Don't know what level he is or his mmr, must be pretty low!
                                That pudge was scary :)


                                  I play unranked when I wanna learn a new hero or try a new (yolo) build. Most people there play for fun and dont give a fuck about winning, so chill out.


                                    Then why not play ranked


                                      I agree, but it is frustrating if your tri-lane top loses while you are soloing hard lane and win your lane and get kills.
                                      Yes it is a pub, BUT you still want to win. I don't mind losing if we lost because we got outplayed, I do mind if we lose because of idiots who don't know how to play their hero etc.

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        play ranked then if you care about winning because unranked is purely people messing around or carrying friends 3k MM lower than them


                                          woow ,

                                          I don't always cry about a game,

                                          but when I do it's fekin random team anonymous normal match


                                            Axe - i dont see any player going 1-14 in your team or giving away free dmg. Pudge still had positive score, although he didnt do much. It's still way better then massive feed.

                                            dandang - Although oponents didnt wait for Lina (she was away for 4 minutes at least) and that weever was just a horrible player (going for dazzle and feed TB, etc) it was still a winnable game. At least way more then in my case. You did your job as a SS, although overextended few times and died. Still very descent game, i feel sorry for you bro =)

                                            Whats the mmr range you play in anyway? They were pretty descent players.


                                              Here is one with them giving away free damage ;)

                                              The only recourse I had was to hide in the Dire Jungle, though I should have picked I different hero. Partly my fault that loss.
                                              I just thought that match with Pudge having Phase AND Mana boots was pretty funny. Not that they fed.


                                                I overextend often, sometimes it win me games I shouldn't win. I rarely throw though.

                                                I'm at 4500 if you didn't read dotabuff chat.

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                                                  Didnt read it but yeah, thought it was something around there from the way people played. Wasnt top notch game, but the players were still very descent. Dont have the luck with teams today, it's one of those retards days i guess =)


                                                    me neither.

                                                    Bloodseeker raged midgame because Nyx and Lina were totally useless. I understand why he rage, but he we still could won the game.
                                                    I got rapier, but game was over either way.


                                                    EASY -25 BOYS

                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                      3.5k is shit tier, now go suck a dick


                                                        maybe if you were good, you would be playing with better teammates


                                                          Teammates are overrated >.>


                                                          Was 3v5 till it was almost over.. (Got a solo rampage.. and an ultra kill that game. iirc)


                                                            Wink, he's 300 mmr lower than you. Are you implying your teammates are good at average?


                                                              ^yes... I calibrated at 3k, I climbed to 3.9k, I know the difference of skill between 3.9k and 3.6k

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                                                                Yep, that is not big.


                                                                  Don't expect to have good teammates in any game, and you'll be happy forever. MMR doesn't do jackshitn

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                                                                    ^ +1


                                                                      ^ This. :D

                                                                      Although, it'd be nice if they dont all go full retard ._. like this


                                                                        I dont expect to have great team every single game, i just expect teams to be balanced. And yesterday's games weren't, since most of my teammates played like 2.5k players (XoD's games are nice example too).

                                                                        Btw Wink - i have 3.8k+ mmr on my other account and still climbing (havent played lots of solo ranked after calibration on my main yet). Everyone from my usual stack can confirm i'm better then my rating shows atm and lots of them are 4k+. Do you think it is coincidence everyone has 90%+ winrate with me?

                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                          "I know the difference of skill between 3.9k and 3.6k"

                                                                          None, sorry but 300 400 or 500 mmr is almost nothing

                                                                          Seriously no difference at all


                                                                            500 mmr does make a difference in almost every bracket. Players mechanics are usually better and it's harder to outlane them. But it's hard to say what a players mmr really means since some of them got calibrated high and are dropping since they dont belong there and oposite. You get different kind of players with same mmr, but the difference in skill is BIG. I played a game on my other account yesterday and Sven in oposite team just played phenomenal. I went to watch a replay and he did almost perfect, havent seen so good carry player at 3.8-4k yet.


                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                              Dorkly, thats wrong. There is a noticeable difference between these mmrs, but 300 isn't very much to boast for.

                                                                              Vanity  ツ

                                                                                You start seeing big skill differences when there's like 700-1000 in mmr difference(s). This game had players ranging from 4k on lowest to 5.2k on the highest player:

                                                                                The differences in terms of skill are prodigious, and that's why the slark crushed both treant and storm spirit single handedly.


                                                                                  Hurricane Hurricane You probably played really bad,no offense but dieing 5 times vs 3600 players is just bad they are all bad there.

                                                                                  What I need to say about this game? 6-1-11 and I lost cus of picks,and noob players I couldnt do anything here in this case of the game and you probably could much better,dont let me watch your replay .

                                                                                  Vanity  ツ

                                                                                    I'm pretty certain that you could've had more than 213 lasthits in a almost 46 minutes long game.


                                                                                      Schnabelfant. You're incorrect.


                                                                                      Juggernaut and doom 5,6k (Juggernaut beyond no game impact)
                                                                                      Me and Invoker (4,5k) We delayed the game for doom to be able to carry, by relocate ganking whenever they were alone.
                                                                                      Weaver was party with doom with 4,3k (No game impact at all, fckin around)

                                                                                      No matter what mmr you are, you'll find people ending up with no game impact. I've had so many games I felt was easy to win, but since we had a guy picking Sniper or something ending up with no game impact is just frustrating :|

                                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                        "You probably played really bad,no offense but dieing 5 times vs 3600 players is just bad they are all bad there."

                                                                                        You know Bogi, its really not that hard to die even as a slark when they all focus you after finally figuring out where the threat lies. They were by any means bad players, but they are still good enough to buy sentries, dust and throw everything on you (silence, bat ulti, etc).

                                                                                        Btw - where is your tower dmg and farm as TB? As a 4.5k+ player as you consider yourself, thats a really poor play for player of your caliber. OR you're finally at your correct skill bracket and thats somewhere around 4k.


                                                                                          Before Bogi made his profile private he was 4,2k. Prob he've climbed dno


                                                                                            dangdang - when you do more hero and tower dmg with Io then a 30k networth Jugger, then you really got to ask yourself whats going on with matchmaking. Nice 5.6k mmr bought account :D

                                                                                            I dont think Bogi climbed up a lot, since he's winning around 50% of the matches. I think he's still around 4.2k.

                                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён


                                                                                              I didn't notice. Rofl, but that explains a lot of his impact at least.

                                                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                                if you don't want dumb teammates, stop playing unranked cos you're scared about your solo ranked mmr falling. you'll get teammates who are generally more competent and more willing to win.

                                                                                                looking at your ranked games you're just paired with the same stack over and over again and from a quick glance from about a page of matches it looks like you're being carried by guiri, and despite your stats looking good, it's probably because your teammates were already stomping and you're just piggybacking off their success, which would also explain why you're unwilling to play ranked solo.


                                                                                                  I like ice cream.


                                                                                                    " it's probably because your teammates were already stomping and you're just piggybacking off their success, which would also explain why you're unwilling to play ranked solo."

                                                                                                    Rofl, you talk crap withouth watching any single game. Do you think it's coincidence they have 90%+ winrate with me? I'm a solid player who always performs up to expectations, ask Guiri or Havoc. Of course Guiri has best stats/farm/dmg since he's main carry and the team does everything for him, yet he's the best player in our stack (no disregards to Havoc, he's great player too).

                                                                                                    I simply dont play solo ranked on this account lately cause i'm fed of stupid players and it's not fun to play like that anymore. I play solo ranked on my other account which is 3.8k (believe it or not, the difference is there) and i enjoy games way more there.

                                                                                                    Btw - before i started playing with those guys i was a lone dog playing 99% games alone and it's nice to have reliable players on your side once for a change.


                                                                                                      And what is ur MMR on this account?
                                                                                                      My win rate is horrible, and my MMR is 4300+.
                                                                                                      I don't play ranked because I play with RL friends, whom r by a big coincidence, r either bad players, or newbies.

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