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General DiscussionEmber Spirit Help

Ember Spirit Help in General Discussion

    Dear pros of this forum, could you guys recommend a guide/someone's replays that i can follow for the most basic till the more advanced mechanics/gameplay for ember spirit?



      Go watch Arteezy replays or Beesa or matrice


        Thanks man!

        King of Low Prio


          learn how to hit the fist into chains combo and kill every hero mid game with 2 button clicks


            i dont think you need the 2nd and 3rd level on your ult. It gives extra 50 dmg (if my memory serves me correctly) and has no effect on cd or duration. On the other hand, midgame ember has a lot of burst, but at the same time is quite squishy. Maxing out your flame guard getting stats earlier helps a lot more than a 50 dmg nuke. You rarely deal damage with your ult anyways-it's mostly for escape


              Why's Q-W-W better than Q-W-Q at level 3? It probably doesn't make a difference, but 40 extra magic damage = 30 HP removed, while 30 extra physical damage = 30> damage due to armour. Plus Chain's probably gets used more often than SOF early since you can use Chains without SOF if heroes are close, but you generally use SOF only to combo with Chains.

              GG | dudutsai

                I go this build almost every game.
                Q E E W E R E W W W R Q Q Q

                For items I do drums into bfury or deso depending on how the game is looking.

                Keep in mind your build (item and skill-wise) should change depending on your playstyle, but this works well for me

                I read somewhere that ember is a versatile hero and the main thing you need to be good with him is high execution, and I very much believe it to be true


                  what's so hard about the SOF-chains combo or spamming SOF when you have some damage items.

                  King of Low Prio


                    I pref it because you get a larger area of effect the higher the lv of fists which means you can catch them from a farther distance with your combo


                    the dmg can add up when you do a triple remnant nuke but sometimes I do take stats.

                    King of Low Prio


                      flame guard build works when you put him as the safe lane farmer but it really limits what you can do with the hero (disjoint alot of spells and abilities)

                      GG | dudutsai

                        I think of it as the opposite, Sampson. If you go sof chains mid then it's harder to do rune control or solo kills. You may cite pro games, but lets be honest pro games are a closed book for almost all the players in the game. I think you have to rely more on teamplay with sof chains, but in the average pub flame guard is much stronger

                        King of Low Prio

                          no its not harder to rune control, you MIGHT miss the 2min rune but I just ask a support to secure it for me. After that you have more than enough dmg to scare the mid from leaving the creep wave and once u have lv 6 all the runes are yours anyway.


                            When can you kill the enemy mid with a 3-2-0 build? I'm bad at Ember so I don't notice the opportunities when they arise. I just use it to force the opponent out of lane mostly.


                              I can land fist into chains perfectly but I prefer FG early... meh. Shall experiment abit more.

                              King of Low Prio

                                if they are really good you will need lv 6 but if they are mediocre you can just fist into a chain and then just body block for the 2nd chain (by then you are going in deep so you cant be a passive player :P)

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                                King of Low Prio

                                  also what alot of people forget is that you can disjoint spells with your fists and with the lower CD(and the larger radius) you can just straight up immune alot of spells

                                  Quick maffs

                                    Need halp, i played bolas ember for the first time and i have some questions.

                                    Q-W-Q or Q-W-W ?

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      you can go either but I pref Q - W - W for the shorter CD earlier but by 5 you need 3 into Q for the insane dmg boost it gives


                                        actually its better to get W lv1 if there are no ganks because it helps last hitting (arteezy does this)

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                                          How would you know there are no ganks at lvl 1 until you're done being lvl 1? Or are you talking about your own team?

                                          Этот комментарий был изменён
                                          King of Low Prio

                                            ^^ good point I kinda forget about last hitting when I am playing ember (really bad habit of just going for kills)

                                            I believe it was for your own team

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                                              i usually go Q-W-Q-W-Q-R-W-W-Q-E, i add Q 1st cause of the dmg and the CD, FG is good but then u need to go close to the enemy, Q deals 300 dmg to 2 units, and only 8 sec cd, FG got long cd and although FG help u to dodge magic spell but u can just put ur ulti behind and farm safely, get a bottle tp back base heal up come back repeat etc. However FG is easier for u to kill early game, oh well diff players prefer diff builds as long u own is fine.


                                                1 1 4 solo mid
                                                4 4 1 safe lane
                                                items bfury buriza
                                                hes gona get uber nerfed next patch so enjoy him while u can

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