General Discussion

General DiscussionAre pros not taking starladder seriously?

Are pros not taking starladder seriously? in General Discussion

    XBOCT just bought blademail and lost to RoX and bought back randomly. Funn1k missed several searing chains. kky walked into an Eclipse. Puppey and Dendi were good but they weren't enough.



      Missing searing chains is a normal thing, the timing window is 0.2 seconds and even Singx2 will miss it occasionally. Throw in the chaoticness of playing at LAN and it becomes even harder to land.

      Blademail was decent for mid-game against Rox tbh, with Viper and Luna they needed something earlier on Spectre so that xboct could actually take fights.

      It felt like they were outplayed, mostly.


        Nop, XBoct just failed it big time. The BM was just a waste. Navi was not forced to make plays in the midgame. He also did not manage to splitpush. Funnik failed it, too. He just did not put up his ult before crossing the river or doing something risky.


          You don't get more magic damage when you have Na'Vi's lineup of Ember, Puck, Rubick, AA, and Spectre. (You get radiance for the blink disable and creep farming, but blademail is solely hero magic damage.) This is because the import enemy heroes are going to get a bkb anyway.

          Blademail's just not a very good item on Spectre. She is a LATE game hero, better pick an item that scales better (blademail scales well with your health – until the enemy gets a bkb). If she (he, idk) built radiance before blademail, or haunted to the mid lane/dire jungle fight quicker, Luna would be dead a lot faster and the game would be over. A much better pick would be physical damage. Her items literally gave no physical damage other than the Sacred Relic (and phase+blademail which is tiny) which isn't enough because Spectre needs attack speed to make Desolate happen. Ember was literally the only physical damage that did anything.

          Another reason was that Puck was pretty much always first in terms of farm (in Na'Vi), except a farmed Puck does lot less than a farmed Storm or QoP.


            I felt that Navi were under pressure to take fights early - Rox.Kis had the better late game and were playing greedy - Viper rushing Butterfly after Mek+Agha, Luna going for Mask of Madness - Navi had to punish that or they would lose out late game anyway. Rox.Kis had a lineup that could easily survive Haunt (Tanky Cores + Abbadon), and Viper Strike basically ensures Xboct doesn't do much when Haunt is down.

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              I do agree with that, but they didn't fight early. That was the problem – Spectre built for early fights but DIDN'T fight that much, and by the time she did the BKBs were already up and she haunted at bad times.


                Someone's pissed at losing his 4 rares


                  I do not agree on the better Rox.Kis lategame. With a early radiance spectre can catch up really fast in farming. And spectre/Ember > Viper/Luna. With radi spectre can just solopush and force the other team to split.

                  For the prioblems after Haunt: Just get a refresher orb (curious when we will see this in a progame). Nobody can survive 2 haunts.
                  On top played very sloppy: he jumped solo on a luna with bkb, died, made instabuyback for nothing. The death, buyback and shitblademail where just like a 6-7k gold throw. He also joined their fight at mid t2 waaay too late.

                  And funnik is not the best ember on this planet. He died several times without a good reason. A well placed remnant might have saved him 2-3 times.

                  Blademail after Vang ist just 100% bullshit. Getting one item to block damage and the other item to reflect? Xboct ist just playing as shitty as in his worst times. Overextending, building shit etc. He was just a burden.

                  King of Low Prio

                    back seat coaching

                    Jorges Sanz


                      There was one game on the BTS channel where a spec went refresher. Think it was one of the derpy 1hr+ chinese games, from what i remember refresher didnt do shit.


                        Normally I'm a Na'Vi fan all the way but my god they're playing terribly