General Discussion

General DiscussionELO HELL

ELO HELL in General Discussion
Quick maffs



      aaaaahahhahaha. Played 13 games, proved "elo hell" exists. Legit!


        Lets discuss this for a moment. Elo hell does exist for those who are unable to get what they need to get out of it. You can't just automatically get good at the game and you will never know how bad you are until you play with someone better than you. If you are a 3k player it will be hard to get you to a 5k rank cause you just do not have what it takes to get there (noob players or not)

        The whole 2K to 5K experiment swiftending did (while impressive) was total bullshit as he already plays at that level so getting back there isn't a problem cause he is already better than his opponents till he nears his previous MMR. It is harder to excel when you don't know what excelling means.

        Quick maffs

          I mean i totally agree, the thing is what you actually need to go up is time.

          If you play a lot of ranked games everyday and you focus on every game you are going to go up pretty fast.

          Like even if you win all your games but you can only play like 6 games per week you will still need a good amount of time to go up in ranked


            Well Havoc most people who claim to be stuck in "Elo hell" claim to be much better than the people they are matched with but can never increase their rating because somehow they always get pulled down by shitty teammates.

            What you talk about, plateauing at a skill level, isn't the same "Elo hell" these complainers are talking about. They don't get that they have stopped improving, all they see is four scrubs on their team every game they play.

            "Elo hell" is not about being unable to get better at the game. These people think they ALREADY are so damn good at the game.

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              When I hear the word "Elo-hell" I start thinking on players like Arteezy who has to play with players who's worse than himself.


                Lmao thats just sad. And badger, elo hell is when you are better than your mmr but bad teammates bring you down, which doesnt exist



                  Quick maffs

                    In my opinion, being able to see that even with a good score you might be the reason that your team lost is already a advanced thing in dota.

                    In another words, if you pick someone who never played a moba before and you show him a game where someone had a score of, lets say 10-2, he is going to say that that person did a good job, even if that person only ks and run from fights.

                    The sad thing is, people is going to flame this guy instead of trying to explain to him why he sucks and why he doesnt deserve a higher rating, i understand that most of you are tired of reading this kind of shitty complains, but its really nice when someone helps you understand why you suck.


                      Im pretty sure lack of boots was mentioned a few times


                        and he even knows riki sucks but he still thnks he's good with it and his 54% win on permainvis hero at 2kmmr


                          hey no hate for riki

                          Quick maffs

                              @Zenoth that is exactly what I mean. To coin a phrase "in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king" - Lovecraft

                              They don't know any better, they think they are good (which for their bracket they are as good as it gets) but because they have never experienced better it comes as a shock. I occasionally play with some low ranked people for a game or two just to give them a taste of what it's like and they're shocked and usually get stomped and their previous disillusion of good play are reset.

                              That is why elo hell exists for those who don't know any better. To them they perform ok (7/10 dotabuff posts) and are let down by their team but by simply observing their game as a slightly higher skilled player I am able to pick out a lot of their mistakes in the same way some one over me is able to find mine and point them out. In short unless someone of a higher rank sort of takes you under their wing and you get a taste for higher level gaming it isn't really going to end well for you.

                              Elo hell is where the blind reside who aren't, whether by choice or by exclusion, able to see that they are bad/average players and will continue to stay this way until told or shown otherwise.

                              ........this all made sense in my mind at least sorry if long and drawn out.


                                Well, the way you define it is all fine and good. The problem lies with 90% of these complainers having a very arrogant attitude.

                                Without some introspection and reflection, nobody gets better at anything. People who keep getting better will always think about what they could have done better. If it's conscious incompetence, then they work on preventing it next time. If it's unconscious incompetence, they get someone better than them to tell them what they could have done better.

                                I think the people liable to complaining about these generally have a mindset which causes them to be stuck there in the first place.

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                                  Quick maffs

                                    Zenoth, i highly believe that if you make someone who believes in elo hell play a high skilled game they will realize how bad they are.

                                    Except that guy in playdota, i dont rembener his name.


                                      z3rrax, perhaps? The 3k player who bought a 4.7k account and talked shit in all chat all the time about how he "shat all over monkeys-forever" and "terrible teammates" while picking Treant practically every game. I remember he lost a game to vandal once.

                                      Someone like him is more of someone who recognizes his incompetence but is too conceited to accept it, then puts up some kind of arrogant front and start finding things to blame when he is unable to walk the talk.

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                                      Quick maffs

                                        Yes z3rrax, like i dont have nothing agaisnt him for playing in a 4,7 k account, i just dont like how he flames his teammates and sometimes even the enemy.


                                          I'm pretty sure anyone can carry the game if they play on an account with 1k+ lower mmr then their main.

                                          When watching some friends playing, I see all kind of weird stuff, like 5 man guarding mid tower for 10 minutes waiting for enemy to initiate (none farming, of course), people retreating when enemy using glyph, even if all enemies are visible on another lane, none with tp, etc. They think they lose because of "no wards, too many carries, etc", but that's the least of their problems.


                                            Elo hell is a stupid concept, but i for one can say that i play better when i am up against someone that knows how to play.

                                            Like, if i'm going mid and i see a pudge that doesn't block and has no items because he wants to rush rush bottle i think to myself fuck this game and proceed to play like shit. But if i know i'm playing against decent players, i'll try hard the shit out of the game. I guess my competitive nature doesn't kick in unless i sense real challenge.


                                              those item builds and that guy has 1400+ games, he should read a guide or watch a 4K match at some point.

                                              Low Expectations

                                                I think a good nights sleep can be the 500MMR diffrence


                                                  guys i'm getting feeders every game wut tew dew


                                                    my mmr is 2k why is everyone so trash


                                                      i play with 6k players all the time, didn't notice any skill difference


                                                        my account is level 108 and i'm getting matched with level 12 players, wtf volvo


                                                          "i play with 6k players all the time, didn't notice any skill difference "

                                                          Epic! :D


                                                            i mean when i hear statements like that i don't know whether to laugh because the person stating it is so clueless he doesn't know how clueless he is, or whether to cry because i realize there are probably millions of dota players just like him

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