General Discussion

General DiscussionNew EMP Concept

New EMP Concept in General Discussion

    EDITED: 4/11/ 9:32pm PST
    Old EMP is considered Overpowered and boring.

    New EMP can be more fun, unpredictable, and interesting

    Solution #1
    New EMP:
    Mana Burn reduced to 300 at max level
    Mana Steal/Damage Increased to 80%
    Casting range reduced by 100
    EMP will be partially invisible like Blur

    First hero closest to EMP center will be silenced for
    1.6/1.9/2.2/2.5/2.8/3.1/3.3 seconds.
    Second hero closet to EMP center will be silenced for
    0.5/0.8/1.1/1.4/1.7/2.0/2.3 seconds

    Post your recommendation for tweaks.

    Solution #2
    I saw an interesting advice. Make EMP less effective if targets are further away from the center. Just don't overdo the nerf or EMP will be useless again.

    heroes on the far edge of EMP will take 15% less damage/mana burn
    heroes between the edge and center will take 1-14% less damage/mana burn

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    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Partially invisible? Like what?

      King of Low Prio

        EMP is broken as hell atm it should be a % based mana burn


          Leaving its cast time at 3.2 would be more than enough.


            I think it should be completely changed to a 3 second silence and thats it

            Real EMP's turn off electronics, dota EMP's should turn off spells.


              I like the reduce to 300 but increase the mana/damage steal part, however one thing i must say is ridiculous in EMP is the radius. It feels like no matter how far you run it will catch you. Reducing the radius would be a good start. Not to mention it requires no skill to land, herp tornado derp emp.

              Also, make it scale from the distance you are to the amount of effectiveness it has.

              PS: EMP should disable tinker, timbersaw, clockwerk, gyrocopter for 1 minute.

              Этот комментарий был изменён

                ^the thing about the range is that it has a long cast time. and the whole "herp derp tornado emp" thing is that you could say the same thing about meatball and DB "herp derp tornado meteor ulti deafening blast derp herp". its a combo, thats all it is and all it has been.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  They work with steam though, not electronics.


                    just make it burn more mana the closer u are to the middle and its fixed wtf


                      It should do more mana drain at the center and less at the rim.

                      Quick maffs

                        ^^Yeah i saw that somewhere and its seems like a good idea

                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                          It's not fixed by simply doing that. When invoker is like lv 12 or more he'll manage to land emp's full damage and the amount of mana drained is still too high. It counters pretty much any hero that isn't int and annoys the hell out of heroes that are int.

                          It does too much for a spell that can be used casually without risk.

                          IMO, >Reduce radius and cast range >do the 300 mana thing that grim suggested > scale from how close you are to the center


                            I like the mana burn more in the middle and less on the rim. I hate having the very lip of the EMP touch me then all my mana is gone. Let alone the spell should resemble the real AOE, and not this fake little portion that is grabbing me on the lip so fucking stupid.

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              The thing is, you cast the spell, and you get more mana back. That's just retarded. Also even at level 2 wex it burns like 175 mana which is still a lot. Just make the explosion scaling with wex again, so people will have to be more careful about tornado-emp, while it will also be easier to dodge in the early levels.


                                I saw an interesting advice. Make EMP less effective if targets are further away from the center. Just don't overdo the nerf or EMP will be useless again.

                                heroes on the far edge of EMP will take 15% less damage/mana burn
                                heroes between the edge and center will take 1-14% less damage/mana burn


                                  So you're saying the EMP would be a little bit harder to see?
                                  Isn't a pink ball covering half your screen pretty damn obvious?


                                    hey guys the rim is just as important and invoker shows that clearly


                                      - reduce the aoe
                                      - units hit by emp no longer take damage


                                        hey no ur ideas awful


                                          i agree with the closer to the center thing cause i like watching qw vokers in pro games


                                            hahaha :D YEAH LETS ADD SILENCE


                                              just make it burn more mana the closer u are to the middle and its fixed wtf


                                                My 2 cents:

                                                Have the aoe scale with Wex level (currently 675 radius, change to 300,350,400,450,500,550,600)
                                                Max mana burn from 100,175,250,325,400,475,550 to 150,200,250,300,350,400,450
                                                Maximum mana burn remains in 50% radius of centre of spell, for outer 50% of radius mana burn is 75%
                                                Damage increased to 60% of mana burned
                                                Mana restored remain at 50% mana burned
