General Discussion

General DiscussionFarm question

Farm question in General Discussion

    I'm just wondering, what do you do as SF, or in fact any carry hero, when all the farm in the map is taken. Like, bot top and mid are pushed and the jungle is taken by two people. Ancients being farmed by someone too.

    I'm referring to my last game, where i went against lich mid, killed him twice but he managed to deny a lot of farm irregardless and annoy the crap out of me. I decided to rush BKB since disruptor and shadow shaman would be too much of a nuisance to deal with. I had decent farm in the mid game, finished BKB at 15 mins more or less, and went to push top. I managed to bait two people and kill them with ursa, we pushed the tower and managed to get top racks after showing my BKB.

    Now here's where it goes downhill. We get a bad teamfight where two of our members die instantly, and i get bashed three times in a row by slark. We lost that teamfight, and after that we couldn't win anything. Now this is where the problem comes into play:
    Lone druid and tinker are both pushing out all the lanes and getting ancients, while ursa gets jungle. I can't farm anywhere.
    Slowly but surely slark and legion start to get stronger, with their teamfight heroes being better. Ursa farms at an equal rate she dies, meaning she gains nothing. Tinker builds Necronomicon. Lone Druid has 1000 ping. How do you win a game like this?

    I don't have any answers. Like, farm the woods? Smoke gank? We did that. Didn't work because of poor execution.

    So that's my question, what do you do to win the game in that scenario? If it's impossible to win in THAT scenario, then i ask in the scenario where you can't farm anywhere as a carry.


      Your carries are starving because of a greedy draft. There is nothing you can do if your team demands more gold than there is on the map.


        You cant ourfarming tinker, but with 4 core on your line up,someone must decide who going to have the farm.

        King of Low Prio

          farm their jungle then

          King of Low Prio

            you could have also gotten a hand of midas to help put more money into the game


              Yeah farming their jungle wasn't going to work. Midas would have been decent hwoever i thought it would be too greedy with 4 cores.


                I fucking hate when somebody who's not supposed to farm a lot takes a lot of farm - dem kotls, timbers, sand kings - and then they ask "why carry has no items".

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