General Discussion

General Discussionwhich heroes need a buff?

which heroes need a buff? in General Discussion

    i.e. i think silencer needs one... maybe aghs should also silence items :/

    i feel like his DPS/magic damage is completely nullified with BKB in every single way.


      Broodcyka. A hero who's bad in pubs, bad when tryharding, bad with pros and who's definitely not going to be picked in competitive games any time soon is a hero that needs some serious buff.


        I think we were a little hard on Earth Spirit last time we changed him up. He's still somewhat useful, but...

        Miku Plays

          buff venos hp regen !!!!!!!!!!!

          King of Low Prio

            buff drow plz


              uhh zano, bloodseeker or broodmother?

              eh... yeah i guess veno could use a lil buff

              i dont think drow needs a buff... but if she did get one i wouldn't mind since she's an underrated hero

              maybe she should get more than a 1.9 agi stat gain... like 3.0 :D


                Blunts brain probably

                Veno is fine as he is, picked somewhat occasionally competitively.


                  Buff Riki plz invis when attacking.

                  Naw but I feel like PA (slightly increase the chance of her ult), and/or Juggernaut (give him something for when he doesn't have Omnislash other than Bladefury).

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                    AM needs a buff

                    Miku Plays

                      buff legion commander. press the attack cd should be 7s duel cd should be 3s

                      Quick maffs

                        AM, Silencer ( maybe ), Broodmother.

                        and if posible another buff to necrophos :P

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                          Clearly Ursa

                          Quick maffs

                            " Ursa comes with a free IO everygame now "


                              rofl invis when atking ya ok

                              riki is one of my favourites too

                              im hopin they do some sort of rework on magic shield and include somethin like zeal that was used temporarily on TB in dota 1


                                buff storm only 285 ms wtf




                                    buff troll warlord, his whirling axe need more animation.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      Beastmaster, Brewmaster, QoP and maybe reduce that Vacuum CD back to 24 already.


                                        Do something about abaddons gay animation....FURREAL

                                        and maybe imba spirit's sleight of fist needs a cd and aoe buff, whole map? 1 sec cd?

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...
                                          Этот комментарий был удален

                                            maybe buff the response time of admins on deleting a message


                                              He deleted that himself as all users are free to do.

                                              I feel Antimage could use a little help up but I kind of also feel that buffing him will make him just as scary late but with a much better start. Silencer could do with a little bit of buff as well Doom IMO...

                                              DO NOT BUFF BROOD AGAIN LEAVE THAT HERO IN THE SHITHOLE SHE BELONGS!


                                                ^ all heroes deserve equality

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                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  I just deleted because it was the wrong thread. Also no, Doom doesn't need a buff. He is already too strong. And Silencer has his uses, just not fitting the current meta.

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                                                      Broodmother obviously, which of those 2 heroes have a 38% global winrate?

                                                      Also, yes buff Rubick, he didn't deserve most of the nerfs he received and I kind of see his Aghanim's upgrade as a nerf because I'm in a bracket where people seriously try to get that as his first big item...

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        Actually it's a nerf because you can't steal aghs version without aghs anymore. And most of the time you won't even get an aghs. But 5 sec CD is pretty good though.


                                                          Yeah, I'm aware of that, tried it myself in a game where I was fooling around after we had already won and could see the potential of that CD reduction plus increased range. Problem is your bracket is 2k higher than mine, down here Rubick's that try to "rush" it are far too often people trying and failing to get stuff to show off their "mad skillz" or people who wanted Pudge but it got picked first by the other team and end up being deadweight for us and moving sacks of gold for the enemy.

                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                            Even if you don't rush it, I would rather get a ghost scepter + force staff over aghs most of the time. You gotta stay alive to make use of that 5 sec CD.

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              Buff dragon knights movement speed give him +10. He is so freakin slow without ult.

                                                              Brew needs something, I think reducing his ult cooldown by 40 seconds per level would be effective.


                                                                Buff bloodseeker's cast point. Ridiculous shit.

                                                                Buff heroes with slow turn rate, i think it's unbareable to play those. Like, the lowest should be 0.6 or 0.7. Fucken awful.

                                                                Also, i think movement speed is too low on some heroes, like luna has 330 and CM has 280. So a bootless luna is just as fast as a CM with boots. That's unacceptable imo. Heroes should be different and have advantages over the other ones, but being that slow is just. awful.


                                                                  Brew barely needs any buff. He is in a perfect spot between being good and bad and i would consider it one of the most balanced heroes.

                                                                  Brood does need a slight buff but even slight changes can make her dominate again.

                                                                  Me personally, i wrote to icefrog and told him how i felt about my most played heroes and my experience with them and what changes i would consider

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Brew's win rate is decent enough, but he is hardly ever played and everything he can do someone else seems to do better. If he had more ult up time then I'd prefer him over other heroes.


                                                                      Remember the ultimate is a 2edged sword, sometimes it makes u accomplish less sometimes more, the more even the game is and therefor the more shuishier the storm and fire panda are the more ots the case. I wouldnt say that panda is better or worse at certain scenarios than other heroes but u should keep in mind that each hero is played different. Imo panda is versatile and almost suits in (almost)every lineup and role. I wouldnt really change the hero except that either a flat +1armor on the summons (literall takng no dmg) or maybe they scale with heroes base armor. He is perfect in this meta.

                                                                      It does not matter how much a hero is played, its a very complex hero and takes effort to be played well and therefor in public environment people are rather scared to use him. And he does not seem to give tht much satisfaction anf it has great influencr of the enjoyment of a hero


                                                                        Buff Broodmother, Brewmaster, Earth Spirit, Shadow Demon.


                                                                          Brood, AM, Morph, Naga, DK, Medusa.

                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                            Naga ? Seriously ?


                                                                              The only buff Silencer "needs" is that his glaives should go through magic immunity like Searing Arrows do. You people on the forums here seriously surprise me at the average opinion of him around here. He's one of the most powerful snowball heroes, and you don't even need items, you just need to survive long enough to get the int steal.

                                                                              The only hero I think needs any form of buff is Shadow Demon, just his solo power so he isn't just a team amplifier, but whatever.


                                                                                your diaack needs a buff heheeh :3

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  Silencer is sick, he just has very hard counters and no escapes, hence why people think he is bad. A decent pudge will rape a bad silencer, a good bounty will kill even a good silencer unless he is literally never alone, stuff like that. I do not think silencer needs buffs.

                                                                                  I'd probably give viper +5 movement speed too.

                                                                                  And maybe chaos knight. I don't play him much, but he seems to have a lot of issues. One is just the randomness of the hero, but that's his flavor and you don't change that. Although his chaos strike should maybe be buffed to 15%. I think his main issue is his pitiful mana pool and his relatively expensive spells. Maybe reduce his stun to 100 mana and reduce his ult mana quite a bit. Then maybe he can go manta, actually be able to use that and his ult and a stun in a fight at once.


                                                                                    Shadow demon. Hes kind of a turd after early game is over. IDK what I would do with him except blow fart breath on people mid/late game which does nothing.


                                                                                      Also Keeper of the light. He is a turd support now, and his damn only nuke takes 10 years to land. Needs shortened. Maybe a buff on his wave of light on CD or when he uses his ult, and hitting "D" to shock wave people it would IDK stop a town portal scroll being used at a minimum? So dumb it doesn't cancel a channel spell.


                                                                                        i mean... silencer hits hard on ppl who have relatively expensive spells with longer cds and low mana pools

                                                                                        just gets countered so hard by any hero that usually builds bkb

                                                                                        i think they should actually buff his agi gain so he builds more into DPS like before, and then make his orb go through bkb


                                                                                          See Silencer's kind of fine. If his day is going great, his lead is so powerful that it's really hard to overcome and if he's behind, as long as he can survive nearby while enemy heroes die, it will start to add up. Nothing makes a nuker cry more than watching their base int slowly approach 2(and every team wipe is a staff of wizardry man!). I think in the current fast play meta, his role is sort of lost. He has really big impact on high kill count games that run long.

                                                                                          And yea, like I said with Shadow Demon, he needs a way to remain relevant after the laning phase. The laning phase is the only time his poison has a real effect and it's over pretty quick. It takes way too damned long to apply stacks. If they applied 1/1/2/3 stacks at a time, it'd be...ok if not too powerful, but 1 stack at a time with a pause between them? May as well not even bother, it's wasted skill points after the laning phase, better served in stats. His other skills are all fine, but the poison just sucks.

                                                                                          As for KOTL, I think people forget they can release the Q early and there's not much point in leveling it past 2(it's still a powerful nuke!) if there's not a powerful aoe control on your team(tide/void/magnus/etc).

                                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён


                                                                                            Orb should go through BKB agreed.

                                                                                            No love for shadow demon or Keeper buff?

                                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                              do u think they should increase his BAT too?

                                                                                              i remember the good days where u'd max poison on SD and just get the counter to like 7-10
                                                                                              but i dont think it worked that well...

                                                                                              ive always thought about kotl stacking jungle... technically he can do 2 stacks at a time
                                                                                              then he can just wave 2 camps full of 2 - 3 stacks fairly easily, no?

                                                                                              idk, aghs buff makes all his cooldowns shorter? not sure how to balance it tho, maybe also increase blind to 100% for the heck of it, and allow allies to be relocated even if they take damage!



                                                                                                Need more keeper stack action radiant side some year.

                                                                                                Keep trying to get my friend to do it but smokes the neutrals instead and goes "carry keeper" finally convinced him last night to not play KOTL and do a real carry...... so silly.


                                                                                                  No, I don't think a BAT increase is the way to go on Silencer. He scales really poorly with attack speed.

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                                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                                    Silencer doesn't need buffs. It's like saying buff anti mage. situational picks that don't fit the meta. Doesn't mean they are bad heroes.


                                                                                                      The only buff I could conceive for Silencer is a little bit more armor.

                                                                                                      i left her

                                                                                                        Wait what, sorry if i skipped anyone that said this im just too lazy to read, if silencer can silence items too that is like a 5man doom .-. I mean disrupter has it too with agh but landing a 5man doom is pretty hard

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