General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy should i play ranked?

Why should i play ranked? in General Discussion

    At least i got meself a visible solo rating - 3650

    Ten cablibrating matches were by far the worst experience i had in Dota 2 so far. Either it was because i had become used to play with a team or because i played most of matches during weekend but it does not change the fact that all the matches without exception were horrendous. Wins were as bad as loses because despite the outcome of a match you always had a feeling like you have been dipped into shit.

    So now i have a question - why should i proceed playing ranked matches instead of normal matchmaking? Apparently a lot of people find ranked matchmaking appealing for some reason and i simply can not see it. People are abusing the system in every possible way just to get higher MMR...and the reason is?!

    Will you get money for showing up on leaderboards? Will you get any prize for reaching certain mmr? Because according to streams 6k mmr is as shitty as 3k mmr - everyone is complaining and i do not see the end of this. Somebody told me that some teams are using matchmaking rating to determine if they are going to accept players in or not...well i do not want to be in a team with these people, that's for sure. In fact i want to be as far away from them as i can.

    So all in all - why should I or ANYONE play ranked instead of normal games?

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      If it wasn't fun then don't, no-one is forcing anyone to play ranked. Some people like to improve their rating, some don't give a rat's ass. It matters not, just enjoy the game anyway you like.

      Personally I've found people do tend to at least try to win most of the time in ranked games, but whatever you like is fine.


        because in normal games you get more retarded teammates


          Because in ranked you play with better teammates against better opponents thus you have better games in general.


            ^ really?


              I spent a few hours watching Arteezy and Dendy's stream. It seems people are doing their best to make their games unenjoyable in every possible way.

              When i just came to DotA, one friend of mine told me a thing: "If you want to improve - find a team and play against other teams. Playing ten matches in the shittiest of teams will still give you more experience than one hundred of pub games". He was absolutely right, the only thing i have learned from playing with four random people against five other random people is you better mute everyone at the start, because most of them are muted already and others are not muted yet, but surely will be muted soon.

              In general - allowing people to play alone in a team based game is a pure commercial move, all non tournament matches and especially soloqueue should not be taken seriously in any way. Instead everyone is jerking off on their rating while playing same hero again and again and again and again, even if they forgot when was the last time they had fun playing it.

              I guess i'll just stick to party Ability Draft (God bless the developer who decided to add meepo in the hero pool /sarcasm).


                Because playing in pub is bored, ez win


                  Bro if you dont wanna game seriously then dont ranked. Simple :)

                  Do what makes you happy/sexually excited


                    the reason MMR is better than normal matchmaking is because after a while WINRATE & KDA and many other thing loses value and starts to get reversed meaning you can have very high winrate and low mmr and very low winrate and high mmr.

                    and winrate is the main thing in normal matchmaking

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                      Ranked matches are way better than normal. They still suck sometimes, but its just the way dota works, there are bad, and worse players.
                      Also by playing ranked u get much more competitive and willing to win, instead of joking around.

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                        are you kidding me a 3650 player complaining of mmr abusers that shit only happens at the top tiers.


                          Interesting topic, I was wondering it myself.
                          I think both normal and ranked have the same variance of people.
                          I had shit games and very good games in both normal and ranked.
                          In theory in ranked games the higher the rating the better people you should meet, but it's quite obvious it is not the same playing with 4 random people as it is with the team...DUH

                          So yeah, you can play any mode as long as you have fun.

                          Dire Wolf

                            It's just mentality and you are right, it's completely arbitrary. But it's a way to separate players who are actively trying to win a match from those who are "just playing for fun." Because you will literally get people who make retarded picks are stupid decisions and their defense is "I'm just playing for fun." You explain winning is fun, but it doesn't matter to them. So now they get their own match pool called normal and those trying more seriously can play in ranked.

                            King of Low Prio

                              I was watching Dendi stream last night and I was like 'shit I could do that' so now I am a professional dota player


                                The problem I find with ranked is that there are hardly any close games. Its either a stomp win or a stomp loss. Non ranked matches are usually closer.

                                Sugar Show

                                  Never played with so many peruvians since Im on ranked mode.

                                  +1 +5 -45

                                    IMO - ranked stat needs if "IHaveLittleP****".. but also, ranked is greatfull and usefull tool to improve your gamestyle

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                                      Experience is the same its either a rofl stomp me or a rofl stomp them normal or ranked. It just don't matter, the match making system still matches you with = people on either one so who cares.


                                        I used to play a lot of unranked games, but from some time unrakned has been unplayable, for me its like low prio.

                                        so i just play ranked now because unranked means really bad games and teammates :/


                                          Unranked - People who doesn't try as hard to win.
                                          Ranked - People who usually wants to improve on the game.

                                          Your decision.

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            people throw and give up in unranked because there is no consequence to losing


                                              True, But I wish It would go back to where you didn't know your rating or what skill pool you were in and you tried to win every time. I think ranked is pretty dumb. I'm actually waiting for the dotacinema arena inhouses. Not because I have faith in dotacinema but because, if you act up you will get banned, there is a GG (concede) feature, there is no automated mute system, and majority of the time in those environments people don't argue over mid and bitch about not getting their hero (in captains mode). I hope their is also a feature for that, that will ban facetious captains in captains mode and people on the team who are insubordinate.

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                I wish the dotabuff admins would ban account buyers.....

                                                Quick maffs

                                                  Its the same shit, if you dont want to play ranked dont do it, i dont play ranked and whatever man


                                                    If they don't ban belligerent people, why would they ban account buyers?

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      So that you can rage even harder for losing because this time you will be losing something real.



                                                        The amount of dead nerves after just one lost ranked game is tremendous. I can almost see people pulling their hairs off and waking up gray haired after playing Dota 2 soloqueue all night xd

                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!