General Discussion

General DiscussionSwiftendings experiment ( With prove that elo-hell doesn't exist)

Swiftendings experiment ( With prove that elo-hell doesn't exist) in General Discussion

    Swift apparenlty makes his own experiment at the moment to prove that elo hell doesnt exist.
    Here is the link for the playdota forums:


      its pretty old already


        He already reached 5k mmr

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          He reached it yesterday or so


            well fuck this shit image system sux too much piece of shit lOL

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              ye cause youre dumb nova :D


                image was cool tho wasnt it ? its a panther


                  Was he playing mid only? Otherwise i find it kinda hard to have such a huge impact over each game even if his teammates were dying all the time. By the way, i don't know if it would be that easy to do this with an account that has, for example 2k games, and 3000 rating as well since you would face more experienced opponents throughout your games. Right? Still, decent achievement.

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                      he was just lucky with the matchmaking system..

                      but elohell isnt bad players thinking they are better than their team mates. Elo hell is good players feeding intentionally and getting in a lower bracket which makes games harder for those who thinks they are in elo hell lolz

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                        how did u do it ;3

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Cute panther :3


                            its mine!! i found it !


                              God. God! Stop it already. It's there, he did it. ELO hell doesn't exist.

                              If you are good, your MMR will go up. Period. There is no question. Are you CRUSHING your lane everytime? Are you playing with 9 noobs? No? Then be ready to stay at the current MMR or climb slowly.

                              Lately I've been unhappy about myself because I know where I should get better yet I keep making the same mistakes, over and over. One particular thing I realized is my patience is not the biggest. My teammates ask me to do those mistakes, they insist, they call me garbage if I don't do it... and I end up doing it. I shouldn't, they have that MMR for a reason. If I want to standout, I've got to do different... But damn, that's hard (I don't like muting everyone, it's fun to have some coordination).


                                MMR is the ez way to go up for solo good microskill players. Dota is not only microskill, but other things. So there are some players who cant grow up because of their role playing (good support can hardly grow). But mainly it is true. Ur MMR is ur level.


                                  @xbosta u retard and u should feel bad


                                    Probably doesn`t exist after many many games,but the main problem is if you are for example like I were 5000 and thandrop to 4600 and than to 4300, smth like 40% cus of feeder teams 10% cus of 4v5 dc 20% cus of your throw cus you mad what happended and 30%% cus of picks than you are really demotivated to play at lower bracket where you think you dont belong and where you see what ppl doing.


                                      ^^ cus you're shit?

                                      You kinda missed the most relevant and most true statistic there.

                                      EDIT - 31% terrorblade op.

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                                        This 'experiment' is just a huge waste of time, everyone already knows you can rise in mmr if you play high impact mid heroes.

                                        Someone do this playing support only. That would be something interesting.


                                          @vaikiss You make such a great, insightful post and I'm retard?


                                            True supports will sacrifice everything for their team, even rating. =)

                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!