General Discussion

General DiscussionStacking

Stacking in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    I am going to resume playin ranked soon and i wondered if all else fails should i start stacking? Usually i dont like playing a role with huge game impact(i play mainly supports/nukers/pushers/sometimes initiators) and i remember everytime i stacked i played great because i could count on my team(everyone was doing his job)

    i also heard people which say that only the soloq rating matters. IMO in the end dota is a team game and as much as we do/dont want we depend on our team(more or less)


      solo q means you're good enough to win by yourself or you can command retards to victory.
      party q means you have to play with people you're familiar with just to win

      Hex Sigma

        well even if i lose at least im content that i had a great match with a coordinated team. Commanding randoms is not that easy because most of the time theyre stubborn.


          i dislike playing support for pubs because they dont make good use of the space or they end up having the same farm as i do... .__.

          Hex Sigma

            i know that feel bro

            bum farto

              Actually I am the opposite. I am so used to solo supporting both good and trash players it doesn't even bother me.

              Hex Sigma

                right now i am in a big pile of crap. After the most recent lose streak i see that i have 2 posibilities :

                1. i start stacking until i get 50% wr
                2. i quit(i really dont want to do this)

                im not saying that i am godlike but i am getting matched with ppl that are not playing at my level. Last game i had a prophet that missed all the sprouts. 2 games b4 i had a chen that got out of the jungle at 13 mins. Itsok those were normal matches but it thr same on ranked. Besides the fact that they cant coordinate at all they also have the weird habit of going alone vs 2 or 3 in the early game. Again i also make mistakes but at least i know the basics ffs.
                I feel powerless. I tried being nice, i tried flaming, i tried voice chat i tried carring, but heck they are so stubborn.
                sry for the rant but i am really angry

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                Hex Sigma

                  that was a 4k game, do i look like a 4k player? i dont want to play with pros. I want to play with equal teammates. As far as that match goes you can ask guiri, and he can tell you that i didnt want to play with em , because i knew they were far above me. I hope youre happy with my explanation.


                    Rasp is right he was out of his depth in that game but it wasn't just his fault, we ran a tri lane that really failed hard, the spectre and the AA had terrible games too. I spanked my mid lane but it wasn't enough to carry through the team on that occasion.

                    And Rasp you can play more with us, we just won't queue ranked. Even if the level is above you it's good for you to experience.

                    King of Low Prio

                      when you play with higher MM players it avg out, so your explanation is wrong sorry :(

                      Hex Sigma

                        ok sampson then what do you propose(regarding my teammates and myslef)

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                        King of Low Prio

                          practice more. Too many people neglect this and want instant results. If you look at my stats alot of my top played heroes I am awful at but I take the time to practice it and learn.


                            Sampsom, its not completly true... i almost always stack with higher mmr players and there are those games when enemy`s best player who happens to be a ganker notices ot and starts to hunt me. Wtf can i do when a 2k higher players is after me all the fucking time? Hes simply far better. My team can help me but it doesnt cjange the fact im powerless... completly rely on my team... its fun for some ppl but i can understand if its not fun for op. Also, alwaya having worst stats in the game cousw all your teammates are far better stops being fun fast...

                            Im not against stacking, people who claim only solo mmr matters are usually the ones with so bad personalities noone wants to stack with them. As long as you arent playing abusing 5stacks, its fine. You can be not tryhard at all if 1 person always randoms. It lowers your chance to win ofc, but keeps the games fun, you can alwaya build your picks around that hero (and enemy ofc), so its not gonna ger boring.

                            King of Low Prio

                              why exactly can your teammates not do the same thing?

                              King of Low Prio

                                and you are always powerless alone on any hero, that is the sign of a team game


                                  My teammates can do the same ofc, but still, its what my TEAMMATES are doing, im not more than a courier... Not always fun... If someone doesnt enjoy it, i can understand that.