General Discussion

General DiscussionCAN U EXPLAIN ME THIS?

CAN U EXPLAIN ME THIS? in General Discussion

    I still think simple games were fucking better than ranked. #THXVOLVO
    So when i went from 4.2k mmr to 3.8k i thought mb the problem is in me. And then i get those 3 games that just made me rage.
    1 game, i'm with qop, i won mid. I'm 3 0, tusk is 0 3. WE gank bottom, i get a mega kill, double kill. We're winning this shit. Since the first minute, morph muted us for no reason screaming u noobs, fuck u. Ok. He afk farms until he gets ethereal. And guess what? He has 1 point in adaptive strike, and for no fucking reason, he uses all his spells, then he ethereals. Oh forgot to mention he never morph when he was attacked. NEVER! Game was lost ofc, and for more fun he yells: REPORT MAGNUS AND CM, THX. Btw, clinckz got orchid 13 min so i was fucked up since then.
    well, not much to say. A luna that goes shadowblade as 1 item and takes my bottle from courrier. And a first pick pudge who wanted to farm bottom until he got in a debate with our carry. At least he lets luna farm, but she made sb. And then leaved.
    So hmmm, Invoker goes hardlane with shaman. 1 minute past, first blood on invoker. Shaman then comes top with a haste. Phoenix runs with 10 hp because veno decided to pull instead of helping us. Nvm he played well later. 5 minutes into the game. 3 ppl rotate top, they kill us. Invoker dies again. Now invoker is 0 4 shaman 0 2. AAAAAAAAND i get a mirana that has <50% winrate and 36.36% winrate on mirana. 15 mins into the game, bottle phase. 0 3. And yeah, she was afk farming on mid for all 15 mins. Those games made me rage and i don't want to play Ranked anymore. #THXVOLVO. And now the question. Why do i get those ppl? Ofc i fail in some games and i admit that i'm bad and i should improve but if i'm bad, why do i get stupid teammates like morph or luna, coz the rest of 2/3 were nice in all games. And i get good people against me, who teleport to save their mider or carry as soon as he is ganked?




        I went to see some of the games and you actually made most game impact from your team. Dont know, bad luck i guess. Trash players tend to find you, if you care about them too much. Bad energy atracts bad and stupid people, so stay positive and do your best.


          Something changed with the ranked algorithm, I'm sure of this. I was having excellent games a month ago, and recently it's been nothing but trash.

          Carry/mid and there's no support.
          Support and carries do jack squat/offlane feeds.

          The quality of ranked games are now much lesser than that of unranked ones.

          C O M A N D A N T E

            ^ THIS. Same here.



              Me (Crystal Maiden) and Nyx started this game with huge mistake. We went mid to gank and both died there. But we had very good mid player. By "good" I mean not his skill. He organized our teamplay, he told us what to do. We started to play as a team and managed to change flow of this game.

              My point is: if you want to win games, try to be this kind of leader. Forgive your teammates for their mistakes, organize them and think about what you can do, not about what you already did and whos fault it was.

              C O M A N D A N T E

                Soultrat, right, but when luna takes ur bottle u can't do much right? And she goes for shadowblade and leaves. How i'm suposed to be a leader? xD

                la the yeezy

                  Nothing changed in valves algorithm. Although, in my opinion the players attitude has changed. When ranked was introduced people cared about winning and getting some points. Now every time I queue up I get frustrated players who are bitter about losing points and easily lose their shit when they're playing from behind (me included). This leads to the blame game and more whining about how stupid mmr without focusing on the real game itself. Just a theory of mine, though


                    Well, there is nothing you can do about leavers. I like to think that they had some major reason to leave: house on fire, incoming tornado or IRL Pudge visit.


                      are they all made up of solo queue players or their are some 2/3 stacks?

                      I find more 2/3 stacks recently and those games are usually unbalanced in terms of player gameplay level

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