General Discussion

General DiscussionDotaBuff Guild

DotaBuff Guild in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    If you suck off fancy socks you are automatically put as a officer


      Knee pads ready... wait i wore them out already getting a raise last year. Note to self. Buy more kneepads.


        Do you guys are disgusting hahaha. I guess wherever you go there is some cult like mentality with a handful of people. I wish for you to break free.


          Before someone says something stupid. ^

          Duck Commander

            can i join?


              invite plox

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              King of Low Prio


                ...............................but it looks soooo gooood


                  Hooked line and sinker....


                    Add me and I'll add you guys to the guild


                      dont add sano, its a bait


                        shh chris don't ruin it


                          add me instead


                            Oh shit! I added both, whatever will happen to my account?! D:

                            King of Low Prio

                              usually what happens is Satellizer sits on his computer all day jerking off waiting for people to log off just to bitch about how we didnt invite him.


                                I have my SA bros fgt

                                King of Low Prio

                                  join those sub human creatures that lurk in SA


                                    SA = South Africa?


                                      south america bro pls respect the best dota region



                                        bum farto

                                          Report can't play CM for shit..


                                            he's gonna say he was drunk, that's his excuse for feeding


                                              ^I dont get the heavens halberd on that CM game or how he could afford it after 16 deaths.

                                              I'll invite you satellizer if you promise to stop beating that meat all day. I might have to call the cops for animal abuse for flogging the dolphin too much. ;)


                                                u wot m8


                                                  ^ Just reading sampsons text about ya so i was trying to be funny. Lost in translation sorry! :O


                                                    yo how do i add people on steam from dotabuff?

                                                    upd: got it

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                                                      sampson loves me


                                                        Everytime I see him post I always think of the movie half baked and I sing

                                                        "I wanna talk to sampson, fly me to the moon with the 10G's, its hard being black and gifted. Thats why Sampson gets me lifted"

                                                        King of Low Prio


                                                          welcome to the dota trenches


                                                            ^ Ugh, curse my current LP + little-time-to-play combo predicament. I would have dragged you down so hard today otherwise.

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              I was dragged thru the trenches last night -_-

                                                              Jay Ashborne

                                                                WAIT WHAT I AM AN OFFICER?

                                                                Edit : Please inform me of shit like this lol, been like two days and I had no clue.

                                                                brb changing name to officer melody lawl.

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                                                                  no mmr restrictions = trash guild

                                                                  Jay Ashborne

                                                                    Because every guild needs Vaikiss' approval to be official.


                                                                      Confirmed: Vaikiss jelly 'cause he wasn't made an officer :v

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                                                                        lol he plays with the fucktard of anacletos (@sampson @sano match linked)
                                                                        if it wasnt because of that tard i wouldve....:@@@@@@@@@@@


                                                                          add me asap... wanna watch the mlg match :@
                                                                          and make me officer :p

                                                                          Jay Ashborne

                                                                            Regardless, anyway.

                                                                            Hi guys, Melody-San here, if you would would like to be added to the guild please Add Me Here or contact me via Steam group, or Here.

                                                                            I would be more than glad to assist you with how Dotabuff works, what it's about, bbcoding on Dotabuff forums, micro and macro help and questions, failing against weaver in lane, or stealing kills from carries with Visage when your carry is Drow with blink dagger.... Oh and adding you to the guild. Just click the green hotlinks for way to message me.


                                                                            Mel ~


                                                                              I was probably late on accepting. Thanks for the invite. Been away from dota2 for quite some time.:D

                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                The guild is just full of wetbacks and russians

                                                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                                                  I do sweat a shit ton when I play, because you know, fat american. I live at mcdonalds etc, and well my father was LEGIT born and raised full blooded Ukrainian. However I don't think that's quite Russian. Lel


                                                                                    oh yey my dream came true


                                                                                      20:20 No one hears you. Your account has been flagged as disruptive and your communication privileges temporarily revoked. Time remaining: 17 hours

                                                                                      Jay Ashborne

                                                                                        =( Stop screaming at rands

                                                                                        King of Low Prio



                                                                                            so, wait, no restrictions, nothing,
                                                                                            what is the meaning of this,
                                                                                            If I'm "looking for players today", I will join, so I can find random players,
                                                                                            or I can just press find match button,
                                                                                            what ?

                                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                                              u can get help from players in guild who are much higher MM than you. When you solo que you get people in a similar MM range.

                                                                                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                                add me

                                                                                                Sup m8

                                                                                                  Sano how are you such a good tinker… teach me

                                                                                                  Jay Ashborne

                                                                                                    Its nice to have people that care about stats I guess. I dunno. Just numbers.


                                                                                                      ^ If it is possible to have a phobia for numbers, then it's possible to also have a fetish for numbers. DB is solid proof.