General Discussion

General Discussionalternative to lycan's vlad and necro3

alternative to lycan's vlad and necro3 in General Discussion

    I found a cheap and lesser alternative to lycan's vlad and necro3.

    I am talk pusher/ split pusher lycan. not dps, carry lycan. for those lycan . go bkb and deso and ac.

    Helm of Dominator. (seems not quite popular with lycan :

    now necrobook is so nerf'd and 200+200=400 gold bounty is way too much.
    with HoD you don't need vlad and necro3. you can dominate a cent and give you 2s stun, and attack speed aura.
    one single cent is better than level 1 (or maybe level 2) necro warriors and no duration to expire.

    you can get a cent with stun, (lycan ult, fast charge and stun, like the hero cent ult)
    you can get alpha wolf
    you can get a chain lightning
    you can get a tornado birdie
    you can get a greenie that summon skeletons ( and all these summon will benefit from lycan's 2nd 3rd ult )

    you can save lots money to buy other goodies like basher and bkb .

    if you are insane can buy multiple HoM and basically play Chen/enchant, but with 3 skills that buff your summons.
    for example, with 3 HoM you have (+ 15 armor + 60 dmg.) can have 2 wolves + 3 neutrals. I never tried that but
    will definitely do it on a smurf account lol.

    pros: minion
    2. save gold, can get bkb or basher early
    3. no duration expire like necrobook
    4. can get a cent with stun .
    5. can get a cent with stun .
    6. can get a cent with stun .
    7. can build into satanic (lycan is str hero)
    8. HoM get you +5 armor and +20 dmg (just like vlad's benefit)
    9. HoM takes 1 less item slot than (vlad+necro)

    cons. (compared to vlad and necro3)
    1. mana issue. that will be big.
    2. no + attack aura from vlad. (but alpha wolf)
    3. requires good MICRO CONTROL
    4. HoM lifesteal is a UAM, vlad is aura. that means no desolator.
    5. dominated neutrals are not pokemon.(necro are). means
    you can not tp/travelboots some where and summon 2 wolves + 2 necro warrior and push

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      Most terrible idea I have ever seen. You can't be serious. A wolf/centaur is no where near as effective as a necro 3. Also you buy vlads for the auras, not for your hero. HotD does nothing for your creeps/wolfs.


        of course cent is no where near as effective as a necro 3.
        but cent is early. necro 3 is 5200 gold. if vlad + necro 3 is 7000+ gold
        give me 7000+ gold I will have 3 HoM and 1000 gold
        two wolves + 1 alpha wolf + 1 cent + 1 redbear can rape two wolves + 2 necro warriors. cent can stun non-heroes unit for 3 sec l

        i am talking about early game domination. a 2000 gold lycan with vlad vs a 2000 gold lycan with HoD cent / alpha wlf. who's better ?
        early game good --> mid game good --> late game good.

        vlad aura ? the regen aura is useless on wolves.
        the + attack aura ? i can get alpha wolf.
        the + armor aura ? yes. that sucks. but you don't need that much armor on your wolves/necro either.

        how about cent with + attack speed aura ? can vlad provide that ?

        to be serious, i will definitely get 1 HoM and probably always stick with cent and get the stun and +attack speed aura. and build ac (after bkb/basher maybe)
        the ac + HoD cost similar to vlad+ necro3 but stonger imo.

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          wtf did i just read

          bro bro, if i were your enemies. Ill just midas your centa.

          bro bro, do u know how many cooldown dominator is? 60 second.

          its really so much much better buy travel then shitty dominator for lycan.

          ps : please try first, and then tell ur story.


            yes. midas the cent is a T_T moment.

            dominator 60 sec what is the big deal ? better than necro3 and summon no expiration date.

            your lycan is great. i see you have the medellion every game. did you buy it for roshan ? did you buy it after or before vlad ? after or before the treadboots ? need advice. thanks.

            ps. I tried and found it fun.


              okay, first of all its good if u have tried it because u not just assuming that dominator is good etc.

              if u tried it, give us the link the matched u play lycan

              well first u also should know that lycan is mana dependent hero, he really need mana to do everything, and thats why i always buy medallion in my game.

              and ur idea is really bad, because u dont have any mana regen in your lycan (plus because u made dominator +75 mana). What item will u use for your regen? 145 wolf, 100 ulti, 75 dominator, 50 howl is not a little.

              60 second is too long, one minute centa isnt worth it, because centa attack is slow and he walks really slow like a turtle. And also please count that u have to search usefull neutral creeps. And when u said minion bounty is 200 x 2 = 400. Thats right, but depend on the lycan user can he microing the minion or not.

              the regen aura is bad on wolves, but u as lycan need it so badly. And all of ur team will be happy given the fact vladmir also give 15% bonus damage, + life steal aura on melee hero.

              What lycan need is mobility, if u have 2 centa 3 wolf etc, it will be meaningless if one big fight will make all of them die just by a minute.

              my build for my lycan is : sobi mask, tango, 2 branch, 1 clarity.
              Fast medal, and then go vladmir for fast roshan(8 minute-10 minute).

              your welcome, my pleasure to help you as a lycan user.

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                hom=hand of midas?it doesnt stack..


                  I can't quite understand
                  what does HoM mean?

                  amigo pool

                    Necro3 on Lycan is overrated as fuck. But HotD? meh. Just go for deso. With brown boots you should get it at 14~16 min mark in normal games.

                    la the yeezy

                      dude necro 3 vlads is too strong too pass up. enough with this theorycrafting and go play real games ! :P


                        Nowhere near necro3..
                        If you want cheap alternative you can buy desolator instead of necro3, and increase the damage that the tower will receive
                        Medallion allow you to rosh at 10-12 mins or around 9 mins if you lane

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