General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy did they kill the solo queue?

Why did they kill the solo queue? in General Discussion

    Was there a reason? Seems like there are enough people in the game. I know its not meant to be a solo game I shouldn't complain as DOTA is designed for 5v5 communication but still if you stacked with causal friends Vs. try-hards you might as well not bother. At least with the solo Q you it was somewhat fair.

    Did Valve give a reason for this? Would you want to see it back?


      I always play solo queue in ranked match

      and from what i see, all players in my match also solo too, although sometimes i meet 2 stack. But its still understandable


        Well i think it's because they don't want someone with 3 people or 4 people stack get left out?
        Don't get me wrong, i'm also a solo queue player. I'm totally supporting your idea
        But what happen if you have 4 stack and who will fill the 5th person?

        Actually i vs'd quite a lot 5 people stack with 4 people stack on my team + 1 (me solo queue)


          One of best thing what this mm loves to do is to throw me into a stack of 2-3 imbecils. Like if I were a retard I would have thought: well, balacned, at least I had a stack on my side.



            i would have it so you can only play ranked if you are either solo or a 5 man. anything goes in non ranked


              Solo queue must be 1vs1 mid only game.

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                ^ Now thats a q they should add


                  well to me it made much more sense to get solo queue (1 man) or 5 man stack for ranked.
                  Anything else can be played on normal matches, pointless to get a 3 or 4 man stack and be rated as group MM, as its also pointless to queue solo and get a stack.


                    So I can get 5 man stacks that roll over me and ruin my Rubick win rate :(


                      52% winrate? there is nothing to ruin or be proud of.. :(


                        When you solo queue support heroes, every 0.01% is something to be proud of. #supportplayerswisdom.


                          I almost always solo queue and I occasionally get a 3-stack on my team. Usually all solo or a 2-stack. Can't remember ever getting me + 4-stack before though.


                            happened 2 times out of my 5 games today. 4 man stack, one was actually good (the russian one), other that knew how to speak english was retarded to the bone.
                            gaben works in mysterious ways.

                            but then again i only que cd/cm.

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                              I never understood this solo queue shit. Does playing in a stack make you a better player? no. Does queueing with a stack avoid get rid of feeders and noobs on your team? no. everyone has at some point shitty games where they just feed and feed and feed their enemies.

                              For me, solo queue with other solo queues vs solo queue with stacks doesnt make a difference

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