General Discussion

General DiscussionTips on How To Play Templar Assasin please :3

Tips on How To Play Templar Assasin please :3 in General Discussion

    - Relax You're Doing Fine.


      First blink is a situational item on Lanaya rather than core.

      Phase is always better than treads with animation cancelling.

      Having 0 denies is very telling... TA should be having more denies than SF. I average at least 20 denies a game with TA, sometimes it goes up to 50-60... denies lets you preserve your Refract charges while simultaneously last hitting/harassing.

      Please add more Refract early too... 2 levels of Psi Blades early is a waste of skill points.

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        i always get these fricking dipshits who dont know anything about the game.


          noted :D the thing is most of the games im not allowed to go mid(believe it or not)
          I have started denying now.
          one question:does denying proc psi blades?

          one and half gun

            phase is better than treads on ta? ok


              yes, deny does proc psi blades
              you should practice denying and last hitting with psi blades
              and positioning for harass


                - Why do you have Vlads on TA?
                - Keep Psi-Blades at 1, max Refraction by 7 and then max Meld next for maximum damage
                - Probably get Refraction at 1 for better last hitting
                - Why did you get stats over maxing Meld, which was finally maxed by level 18.
                - 3 people on your team had Desolator, you don't get -21 armour if 3 people with Desolator hit one person.
                - Your team also probably sucked, SB maxed Charge over Bash first, ET had some weird as hell balanced build with stats, and SK maxed Lifesteal with Crit first.

                I also saw in your most recent Tinker game you didn't even get Rearm until level 12, and it looks like you're either going Orchid or Refresher, both bad items on Tinker, so it's probably that you're not very good and your teammates you're getting matched with are of the same or similar skill as you.

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                  Yes, phase is better because the raw damage helps a lot more with lane controls and kills while early game cancelling the attack animation backswing negates most of the advantages granted by attack speed. TA does not need stats in particular early.

                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                    noted :D
                    i got vlads because wraith king was a prick and was trying to push solo.
                    i got the deso first.i told them not to but..well..
                    i can last hit without refraction pretty well.
                    i knew we had won the tinker game so i was making whatever :P


                      Refraction is not just for last hitting. It is used for harassing, forcing the lane to push out, defensively, and assuming you can land more than 3 hits on your opponents every level of Refract gives you more damage than Meld. Last hitting well is not an excuse to forgo maxing one of your best skills early. Denying creeps that are diving the tower and at red hp is also an excellent way to take potshots at your enemy laner.

                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                        since i am new i'm not going to argue and max refraction first.


                          This is just from my experience of over 300 games with TA at 5k+ mmr and over 600 gpm average and 73% win rate. My comments are not necessarily the best but this is what I found to work for me. Including dota 1 I have over 1k games of TA played. You are free to experiment and think about what is better, but you need to consider every possible mechanical aspect of each skill.

                          one and half gun

                            when you crit on a meld


                              Phase can be chosen over Treads for the chasing power, and Yasha is a similar cost to Blink and also gives you reliable chasing power, same with Drum of Endurance, whereas Blink can only be used once every 14 seconds.

                              If you are going to get Treads, I would probably get a Yasha with it for the reliable move speed, plus the extra 31 attack speed which goes well with Treads +30.


                                I personally like Treads/Aquila/Drums/Yasha on her for the early to midgame. Then Deso or Crit depending on the game.


                                  Yes, I agree that refract > meld in most scenarios. The pros/cons of refract beat meld in terms of overall damage and protection.
                                  If it's a lane that makes refract null or only half as useful, then RE-EVALUATE AND SKILL ACCORDING TO WHAT IS NEEDED MOST.

                                  Some idiot told me to max starfall on Mirana ALWAYS, even though they put me safelane vs Void/EarthShaker/Rubick.
                                  Almost every Mirana who has raised starfall higher than leap in a tough lane has fed.
                                  People don't realize that the range needed for the second starfall to hit is actually LESS RANGE than a melee hit. 175 I believe. Melee is 180?
                                  You'd have to be extremely lucky or have an extremely moronic opposing team (still luck), to escape without putting at least 2/3 points into leap.

                                  Also, phase > treads, because yes, phase works better with the animation attack cancel.

                                  one and half gun

                                    lol meld is never better than refract wtf


                                      Meh, -2 armor and 50dmg per level

                                      I'm an avid fan of -armor
                                      - armor - armor

                                      I'll get a freaken medallion deso a/c on SF with slardar and dazzle

                                      or is there a cap on that


                                        @JUUMAD Melee hits are 128, Doom's is 150(?).

                                        I think the cap on - armour is -20, past that it doesn't have much effect.

                                        Even if you're against an enemy hero who just destroys refraction charges very quickly, where is the benefit of getting points into Meld or Psi Blades? They won't make you more survivable, whereas refraction will, albeit if only slightly, and still boost your damage. Meld's damage change is linear, whereas refractions is exponential too.

                                        And there's 4 other people on the enemy team that you'd kill quicker with 4-1-1-1 than any other skill build.


                                          Ah, 128. Still... I literally have to touch my nose with the other unit to get a second starfall.

                                          Perhaps you aren't the main carry or your refraction does really nothing for you at all then might as well go medallion/meld.

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